Reply #194 - Today at 12:00pm Emma Peel wrote Yesterday at 8:40pm:
really Cods, you just can't help yourself can you?.
I agree FD is mostly absent, and has his own agenda, but you need to understand that people don't like being lumped into some generalised target.. you know Lefties and righties? Libs and Labor... I have more important issues in life than pollie BS.
I have at times found your posts offensive and indefensible, in many instances.. you can be one-eyed, vacuous and vicious, and this shows in your posts.
So blame yourself if you get suspended for it. Take responsibility for what you post, and stop thinking you are a victim of unfairness.
I don't think I have ever had discussions with Emma so I am not defending her nor anybody else.
But I don't see her comments as abuse,cods, sorry.
I take them as her OPINION OF YOU. You may not like that opinion but that is how I read it.
Do you deny you are one eyed in regard to politics? ( aren't most on here?)Most posters here can be vicious in their defence or attacks, it's human nature to get your back up when confronted.
Please don't take this as being critical of you as it is not meant to be.
Just my two bobs worth.
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I wanted to reply to you.....I hope you dont mind.....
as I cannot post in feedback.....
I just want to say.......
it is just an opinion... still insulting but it is what it is..
if you have taken any notice of anything else in the thread you will see it is a blended thread....and my original posts were in the other thread not the moderator one....
then out fo the blue emma says her OPINION>...why I havent a clue...but there it is...
I do feel exposed as the worlds worst the gmod has explained.. he talked about my awfulness with fd...he has told me to my face several times....he then tells the the new gmod feels about cods....
and yes as you say I have to suck it up sunshine...
even being confirmed as a less..just for saying it how I see it...there was no abuse...
ooops thats right cods doesnt have opinions..she really is nasty.....
its ok... I will live with it...I just like to know where I stand..... now I think I know...
I agree with you most people are not nice on here..
but have they been labeled the WORST I have...???????????.
I have.
By you.