You are attempting to enter Australia as an asylum seeker.
And, it's not illegal to do that.
So, if someone walked into your house and said I'm an asylum seeker,
You had no information of this person, who he was, where he was from and if he was a murderer, criminal, or rapist,
You would say.........."welcome"
Then as he raped your wife, destroyed your property, took all your savings and pood everywhere
you would say.........."You poor oppressed person, take more"
Then he denigrated your religion, forced you to accept his religion and brought his 10 year old wife to live with you,
You would say..........."Its just how he has been brought up, its not his fault"
Finally when he blows up your family as a protest about how his RELIGION is being treated somewhere else in the world.
You would say..........."We have to accept that he is treated badly"
If this is how you see it, I feel for you, honestly I do.
Yeah right, I believe that if he came to my front door and tried to get into my house, I would just have to call an ambulance to take what was left of him away.
Altruism is good if those on the receiving end were thankful.
But when they take, take, and take more and more while insulting and threatening you.
Its time to say, Xenophobia may have a place.