greggerypeccary wrote on Aug 12
th, 2016 at 8:31pm:
Emma wrote on Aug 12
th, 2016 at 8:26pm:
I commend you GP. Facing down this wall of ignorance and hate is not a pleasant task.
None of them speak for me, I am ashamed at these people.. the fact is they are AFRAID, and their ignorance is a sad indictment on Australian people and governments.
It saddens me to know that there are fellow Australians who are so ignorant, and so immoral, living in this country.
What's caused this problem?
Lack of education? Sure.
The media? Absolutely.
Corrupt, conservative governments? No doubt.
These bigots are slowly destroying our wonderful country.
What a total load of steaming codswallop.
Any thinking person sees this infiltration, this infestation, this plague of parasitical no hopers for what they are.
Have you not see the problems in France, or Germany, or England?
Do you think that by hiding behind your false acceptance of this disgusting religion, that you will be safe from them?
They have no morals, they have no compassion.
Just look at what they do to their own people, and you actually want that to come here??????????
What is wrong with you?
Are you aware that they hate you?
Are you aware that homosexuals are murdered daily by these creatures?
Are you aware that women have no place other than as possessions to these vegetables????
Are you aware that they believe in the deepest depths of their black hearts that when they kill you, that they will achieve heaven??????????
There is obviously no hope in talking to you.