Lord Herbert wrote on Aug 14
th, 2016 at 7:36am:
Some very good posts from you, Valkie. Well done, and don't think you're being ignored.
I just don't understand some of the people in this forum.
they seem to want to bring hatred, fear, disharmony, crime and murder that is this cult.
We live in one of the most accepting societies in the world.
We are a nation of immigrants, and we are much much stronger and better for it.
I know this because I have been all over the world, and I have seen what true racism is.
True racism is an ugly, evil and disgusting practice, what we have in Australia is simply people asking why we, as a society, should have to put up with these same practices and the evil they bring.
Rest assured, racism does exist in Australia.
Not from the majority of or Australians per se.
It exists in those we have mistakenly allowed to enter our country through ILLEGAL means.
The people of this cult, are true racists.
They hate everything not of their world, or the sick world they see.
We have an obligation and the right to defend our culture and our country from worthless scum who would, given the chance, destroy everything we have worked for in pursuit of a vile world or murder, torture, pedophilia and RACISM against everyone not like them.
I do not want to see my Grandchildren subjected to the ravages of a running war with a cult hell bent on destroying everything good in the world, to be replaced by a draconian, brutal, primitive, uncontrolled cult that wants total and absolute control over every person who has the misfortune to be left alive.
Even among themselves, they cannot come to an agreement and as one narcissistic, brutal war lord takes over, another is plotting his demise and further war, hatred and murder.
Other countries have begun to see there is a serious problem, France, Germany, Sweden to name a few.
These countries admit that they have made a serious mistake and that getting their country back from these parasites will be a major problem in the future.
We are not even allowed to discuss the problem, information and news is being withheld from us by PC groups who don't yet realize that they will be the first that will be eliminated once the cult takes over.
These PC groups who are populated with females, homosexuals and liberally minded people, who genuinely believe in what they are fighting for, freedom to be yourself.
And this cult? They hate and murder, Homosexuals and any of the other LGHBTI who they see as an abomination against their cult.
Women, who have unprecedented rights in Australia, are nothing more than possessions in this cult, they are openly abused and children raped as forced wives is an accepted practice.
So much for feminism and children's rights.
These ILLEGAL immigrants have deliberately discarded their passports, they deliberately hide their identity, they lie, insult and abuse our people. They rape their own in these camps and abuse their women and children every day.
We cannot accept this class of people, they are rotten apples who WILL infect the other apples.
There is a very high incidence of crime, rape, sexual attacks by ILLEGAL immigrants, this is a fact.
LEGAL immigrants have been a boon to our country, they have made our country great.
ILLEGALS have dragged us down and want to destroy our culture to make it more like the place they have fled.
Keep them away from our great country or we will see a repeat of France, Germany and Sweden.