Emma wrote on Aug 15
th, 2016 at 4:26am:
My concern??
You say what you like, that's OK because you aren't involved in the detention of people on Nauru and Manu Island. You are entitled to speak. THEY are NOT.
Nor are the people who are involved with keeping them in detention allowed to speak, thru govt policy. THAT is NOT OK.
Whenever Govt acts to keep their citizens uninformed that smacks of cover-ups, for fear. THAT is NOT OK.
You have had bad experiences.. many of us have had to fight to hold on to our very lives, and your blanket generalisation about the people on Nauru and Manus is NOT OK.
Look to the positive examples. There is a town on the Murray which has welcomed a large number of former refugees, and they have worked hard , and revitalised what was a town with dwindling people and productivity. NOW they are valued members of our society. To say as you do, and as many others have, that they are just more bludgers on our social security system displays your bias and doesn't help anyone.
There are, as you say, exceptions.
Perhaps these on the Murray are that exception.
The majority of these ILLEGAL immigrants live in suburbs which they take over and turn into NO GO zones.
Again I point to the examples of France, Germany and Sweden, where the ILLEGALS have taken over and caused absolute upheaval to once generous societies.
The ones on Nauru are not the nice friendly people you espouse, these people are here because there is some suspicion about the tall tales they tell to get a free ride.
Too many of these ILLEGALS have been caught in sexual abuse, crying that its accepted in their culture.
Do you think this kind of animal will ever fit into our culture? this is the crap we need to be well rid of.
Child brides, (pedophilia in any other term), wife beating, honor killing, genital mutilation, demanding beheading of all and sundry. This is what these people bring.
Yes there are children, but if one child is permitted to come to this country, they bring with them an agenda. They import their family, because we all know once one is in, they start lobbying for their extended family to come to Australia for Compassionate reasons. Aided and abetted by do gooders.
Potentially a single child may bring many unwanted dead beats, We don't want that.
It appears to me that you want even more people to die.
No, I'm serious here.
Should we allow these people to come, do you honestly think it will end there?
Seriously, you don't think that this will open the floodgates yet again?
Then there will be more boats, more deaths at sea, people smugglers are standing by just waiting. These parasites don't care about the people, all they see is the money and once they have it, they couldn't care less.
Personally Id rather see a few people, even children, unhappy, but alive, than hundreds drowned at sea trying to get here ILLEGALLY.
WE have offered them cash to go ho,me, but they are simply holding out for more.
They are parasites who will be of no more benefit to Australian society than a bag of garbage.
Please wake up, or you may find yourself subjected to the filth they bring.
Do you want to be raped, sexually assaulted or treated as a possession?
This is their final agenda and goal, total and complete subjugation of every culture and race into one big cesspit of hate, fear and war.
They have all been at war for centuries and will probably be at war for centuries more.