All Bulls.hit arguments aside what we have is a situation where elected officials with authority and responsibilities have oversaw child abuse. But insist the real issue is something else.
Peter Dutton insists that the reports of sexual assaults, beatings, self harm, attempted suicides, and guards demanding sexual favours of men, women and children are just refugees being selfishly manipulative.
Quote:I have been made aware of some incidents that have been reported - false allegations of sexual assault - because in the end, people have paid money to people smugglers and they want to come to our country
You just can't trust these shifty, greedy asylum seekers, despite the fact that these allegations are not the colourful oral histories of the refugees themselves, but the official reports made by the staff in the centres.
Our international reputation is suffering. CNN, TIME, Al Jazeera, The New York Times have all run stories on this and we are not looking like a plucky band of hero's defending our borders.
No matter what you think about boat people, the fact that
children are being failed by each and every one of us should and must be cause for outrage.
Unfortunately these children are either too much of the wrong complexion or simply a member of the wrong religion