Emma wrote on Aug 18
th, 2016 at 10:20pm:
Perhaps you haven't heard that Australian aid overseas has been hugely cut in recent years, that Australia is now considered to be the worst contributor overseas of any so-called developed countries in the world. It is known by many other countries, and it is an embarrassment for our govt.
But I'm sure that can only make YOU lot happy.
But what it does is further diminish us in the eyes of the world. I imagine you are aware that the detention of refugees off-shore is a source of disgust overseas, as well as to many of us here in Australia.
How low do YOU want us to go.??
The US and the UK have a population of over 200 million each.
We barely have 25 million people.
Per capita we give generously, just not at the levels that the UN demands we give.
WE have many homeless people here, who get little or no help, Should we not fix that problem first?
We have many homeless children here, should they not priority?
We have many pensioners who are living well below the poverty line, who have worked and paid taxes all their lives and are now thrown on the scrap heap because they no longer pay tax, should they not be considered?
I personally don't give a flying F$#K what other countries think of me.
I have been all over the world and seen how they treat their people, it aint nuffin to boast about.
Ill also bet France, Germany and Sweden wished they had taken the same line as us.