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Nauru disgrace. (Read 16962 times)
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Re: Nauru disgrace.
Reply #90 - Aug 12th, 2016 at 6:57am
greggerypeccary wrote on Aug 12th, 2016 at 12:04am:
rhino wrote on Aug 12th, 2016 at 12:03am:
Morever, these people enter Australia illegally ...


Perfectly legal.

without papers it isnt legal...
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Re: Nauru disgrace.
Reply #91 - Aug 12th, 2016 at 7:04am
Lord Herbert wrote on Aug 12th, 2016 at 6:35am:
Emma wrote on Aug 11th, 2016 at 9:24pm:
We are responsible for the care of these people and we are failing badly, with this off-shore processing and indefinite incarceration of refugees in inhumane conditions.

As a boarding school student I was incarcerated for many years in inhumane conditions, but we who survived those privations emerged as alpha-stallions alpha-young men with thick skins and with no tolerance for sissies.

Emma wrote on Aug 11th, 2016 at 9:24pm:
It is not illegal to be a refugee.

100% correct.

But they are no longer classified as 'refugees' once they have left countries of safe haven to try their luck at taking up residence in the Anglosphere. 

I think one of the biggest problems with this classification   is these people have paid huge sums to people smugglers to get them to a destination...... that people smugglers tell them they have every right to expect to be welcomed with open arms...

its isnt fair of course it isnt.. but until Indonesia accepts the responsibility for people will keep going on......its a cruel business......but if we allow them to get away with it.......

they wont stop... they will grow....

hence detention centres....
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Re: Nauru disgrace.
Reply #92 - Aug 12th, 2016 at 9:11am
There is a well known practice of country shopping exhibited by these ILLEGAL immigrants.

They make their way to a country with a list of all the benifits, claims and legal machinations so that they can fleece the country and its people.

They do not come to contribute, to work or to assimilate.
They come to bludge, to commit crime and rob, and to alienate themselves while screaming racism to forestall any who try to suppress the evil cult they wish to infect the world with.

Deny any of this.

86% of ILLEGALS do not have jobs, they are all on the dole and seem to know ways to get the most out of the system by claiming the disability pension. They know that breeding like rabbits also brings in more free money and they know all the right buttons to push to get public housing and free everything.
It is the same in many other countries, in Sweden (I'm not sure of the exact percentages, due to the PC brigade suppression of FACTS) But a huge percentage of their welfare goes to a very small percentage of their population....the country shoppers.

They have a very high presence in illegal activities.
Unless you put your fingers in your ears and sing La la la la while closing your eyes every day, you will hane noticed that far too much crime involves a very small percentage of people...ILLEGALS.
Sex crime, theft, murder as well as genital mutilation, bashing and drug trafficking, is an every day activity in every newspaper and television story, all perpetrated by 3% of our population.
Do you see the problem here yet?

Finally, in the past, immigrants have come to Australia and become Australian.
They have worked, contributed and been a boon to our great country.
Hell many of my immigrant friends are more Australian than I am. They have assimilated so well that they are the best thing that has ever happened to our country.
One of my good friends has 4 children, each has married a different race and in 3 cases different religions.
They are accepted and embraced by their families all.
Now look at these ILLEGAL immigrants, they separate themselves totally in self induced ostracism, marry cousins and family, and refuse to become a part of our great country, the whole time while screaming racism (its religion you freaks).
They deliberately create a tension that is palpable and look for reasons to protest and be violent, (Yes demanding the beheading of someone is classified as violent in my mind).
They will never fit in.
They want us to accept them unconditionally, while refusing to tolerate our culture in any way.
They insult, denigrate and violently act against us.

If you cannot see the problem here, you are obviously never going to.
This problem with ILLEGALS has cause Sweden to shut its borders.
It has seen France being torn apart by tension from a single source.
It is directly responsible for terrorism at a level never seen by mankind before.

We need immigrants in Australia.
We are enriched by our immigrants and have become a great nation because of them.

But we have the right to select LEGAL immigrants from ILLEGAL country shopping immigrants.
At Nauru, they are not poorly treated, they are fed, given mobile phones and even have access to the island if they behave like humans.
They in turn attack our people, rape their own people and abuse their own children, do you really want this type of person here?????????

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Re: Nauru disgrace.
Reply #93 - Aug 12th, 2016 at 10:12am
Valkie wrote on Aug 12th, 2016 at 9:11am:
There is a well known practice of country shopping exhibited by these ILLEGAL immigrants.

They make their way to a country with a list of all the benifits, claims and legal machinations so that they can fleece the country and its people.

They do not come to contribute, to work or to assimilate.
They come to bludge, to commit crime and rob, and to alienate themselves while screaming racism to forestall any who try to suppress the evil cult they wish to infect the world with.

Deny any of this.

86% of ILLEGALS do not have jobs, they are all on the dole and seem to know ways to get the most out of the system by claiming the disability pension. They know that breeding like rabbits also brings in more free money and they know all the right buttons to push to get public housing and free everything.
It is the same in many other countries, in Sweden (I'm not sure of the exact percentages, due to the PC brigade suppression of FACTS) But a huge percentage of their welfare goes to a very small percentage of their population....the country shoppers.

They have a very high presence in illegal activities.
Unless you put your fingers in your ears and sing La la la la while closing your eyes every day, you will hane noticed that far too much crime involves a very small percentage of people...ILLEGALS.
Sex crime, theft, murder as well as genital mutilation, bashing and drug trafficking, is an every day activity in every newspaper and television story, all perpetrated by 3% of our population.
Do you see the problem here yet?

Finally, in the past, immigrants have come to Australia and become Australian.
They have worked, contributed and been a boon to our great country.
Hell many of my immigrant friends are more Australian than I am. They have assimilated so well that they are the best thing that has ever happened to our country.
One of my good friends has 4 children, each has married a different race and in 3 cases different religions.
They are accepted and embraced by their families all.
Now look at these ILLEGAL immigrants, they separate themselves totally in self induced ostracism, marry cousins and family, and refuse to become a part of our great country, the whole time while screaming racism (its religion you freaks).
They deliberately create a tension that is palpable and look for reasons to protest and be violent, (Yes demanding the beheading of someone is classified as violent in my mind).
They will never fit in.
They want us to accept them unconditionally, while refusing to tolerate our culture in any way.
They insult, denigrate and violently act against us.

If you cannot see the problem here, you are obviously never going to.
This problem with ILLEGALS has cause Sweden to shut its borders.
It has seen France being torn apart by tension from a single source.
It is directly responsible for terrorism at a level never seen by mankind before.

We need immigrants in Australia.
We are enriched by our immigrants and have become a great nation because of them.

But we have the right to select LEGAL immigrants from ILLEGAL country shopping immigrants.
At Nauru, they are not poorly treated, they are fed, given mobile phones and even have access to the island if they behave like humans.
They in turn attack our people, rape their own people and abuse their own children, do you really want this type of person here?????????


Very well put Valkie.

i sort of look at myself as an entity, not really a human.
countries need to look at themselves as entities as well.

so you put good stuff in.

lets take the example of a great nightclub.

it has tons of good emotions inside, tons of great people, tons of fun, tons of good is packed with goodness.

but it also has a very strong door.
try to get in if you are a negative loser and the big bouncer will toss your sorry a*ss to the footpath.
Get in and start being a dick and you will be similarly ejected.

a nightclub has this "structural integrity"
Each human, each family, each workplace , each sporting team and certainly each nation needs to have tons of good emotions, you get let in when you are willing to add to the party and  a big tough bouncer so there is no tolerance whatsoever for loser, negative and scrubby behaviour
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Australian Politics

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Re: Nauru disgrace.
Reply #94 - Aug 12th, 2016 at 10:17am
cods wrote on Aug 12th, 2016 at 6:57am:
greggerypeccary wrote on Aug 12th, 2016 at 12:04am:
rhino wrote on Aug 12th, 2016 at 12:03am:
Morever, these people enter Australia illegally ...


Perfectly legal.

without papers it isnt legal...
Thats right Cods. You certainly know a lot more about this than this GreggaryPeccary fellow
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Re: Nauru disgrace.
Reply #95 - Aug 12th, 2016 at 10:27am
cods wrote on Aug 12th, 2016 at 6:57am:
greggerypeccary wrote on Aug 12th, 2016 at 12:04am:
rhino wrote on Aug 12th, 2016 at 12:03am:
Morever, these people enter Australia illegally ...


Perfectly legal.

without papers it isnt legal...

They don't enter illegally.

You have been misinformed.

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Central Coast
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Re: Nauru disgrace.
Reply #96 - Aug 12th, 2016 at 12:55pm
greggerypeccary wrote on Aug 12th, 2016 at 10:27am:
cods wrote on Aug 12th, 2016 at 6:57am:
greggerypeccary wrote on Aug 12th, 2016 at 12:04am:
rhino wrote on Aug 12th, 2016 at 12:03am:
Morever, these people enter Australia illegally ...


Perfectly legal.

without papers it isnt legal...

They don't enter illegally.

You have been misinformed.

Try getting off a jet into ANY country and entering the country without a passport.

You will be arrested and charged with.......wait for it.......ILLEGAL ENTRY.

QED      Trying to enter Australia without a passoprt and you are ILLEGALLY attempting to enter Australia.

But lets look at this from a logical perspective.
There has been quite a few cases found where these so called refugees have flown to Indonesia and then conveniently lost their passport.

All toss their passports overboard before they get to Australia.
Now, one must ask why they would do this?
What have they got to hide?

Are they criminals in their own country, this is quite possible as many are involved in sexual assault, and crime.
A leopard cannot change its spots, so it does the same in Australia.

Perhaps they are murderers, Somali are known pirates, murdering, thieving, disgusting pirates.
Who is to say that the Somali refugees are not Somali pirates, imagine the outcry if they were Nazis?

Perhaps they are simply criminals, this would explain why so many resort to crime.

LEGAL immigrants, willing to work, contribute and assimilate are all welcome.
LEGAL immigrants bring their passports and are proven not be criminals.

ILLEGAL immigrants are not willing to work, do not contribute and do not assimilate.
ILLEGAL immigrants do not have their passports and MUST be assumed to be criminals.

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Re: Nauru disgrace.
Reply #97 - Aug 12th, 2016 at 1:06pm
Valkie wrote on Aug 12th, 2016 at 12:55pm:
greggerypeccary wrote on Aug 12th, 2016 at 10:27am:
cods wrote on Aug 12th, 2016 at 6:57am:
greggerypeccary wrote on Aug 12th, 2016 at 12:04am:
rhino wrote on Aug 12th, 2016 at 12:03am:
Morever, these people enter Australia illegally ...


Perfectly legal.

without papers it isnt legal...

They don't enter illegally.

You have been misinformed.

Try getting off a jet into ANY country and entering the country without a passport.

You will be arrested and charged with.......wait for it.......ILLEGAL ENTRY.

First: you wouldn't be able to enter the country.

I'm not sure if you've ever been to an international airport, but you don't just walk off the plane and then out into the street.

Second: we're talking about asylum seekers, in boats.

If they claim asylum, it's not illegal.

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Re: Nauru disgrace.
Reply #98 - Aug 12th, 2016 at 1:15pm
Valkie wrote on Aug 12th, 2016 at 12:55pm:
All Some toss their passports overboard before they get to Australia.
Now, one must ask why they would do this?

And one should listen to the reasons.

"Asylum seekers arriving by boat are fleeing persecution.

"They come from countries like Iran, Afghanistan
and Sri Lanka where opponents of the government
or ethnic minorities are routinely arrested, tortured
and killed.

"If they are caught before they can get away
or in a country that does not accept asylum seekers,
they will be returned and handed over to their government.

"Having tried to
flee, the asylum seeker is
viewed as a traitor as well as an opponent of the government and could be subjected to even worse treatment.

"For these reasons, asylum seekers often move
without identity documents so if they are caught,
there is a chance they can still get away.

"Sometimes asylum seekers need false identity documents to be able to get away safely, in this case, they destroy the documents once they no longer need them so they or the people who helped them get the false documents don’t get into trouble."

Reason 1
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Australian Politics

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Re: Nauru disgrace.
Reply #99 - Aug 12th, 2016 at 1:17pm
greggerypeccary wrote on Aug 12th, 2016 at 1:15pm:
Valkie wrote on Aug 12th, 2016 at 12:55pm:
All Some toss their passports overboard before they get to Australia.
Now, one must ask why they would do this?

And one should listen to the reasons.

"Asylum seekers arriving by boat are fleeing persecution.

"They come from countries like Iran, Afghanistan
and Sri Lanka where opponents of the government
or ethnic minorities are routinely arrested, tortured
and killed.

"If they are caught before they can get away
or in a country that does not accept asylum seekers,
they will be returned and handed over to their government.

"Having tried to
flee, the asylum seeker is
viewed as a traitor as well as an opponent of the government and could be subjected to even worse treatment.

"For these reasons, asylum seekers often move
without identity documents so if they are caught,
there is a chance they can still get away.

"Sometimes asylum seekers need false identity documents to be able to get away safely, in this case, they destroy the documents once they no longer need them so they or the people who helped them get the false documents don’t get into trouble."

Reason 1

Some also come from Pakistan and want to live in Australia because its much more nicer.
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Re: Nauru disgrace.
Reply #100 - Aug 12th, 2016 at 1:19pm
Valkie wrote on Aug 12th, 2016 at 12:55pm:

Try getting off a jet into ANY country and entering the country without a passport.

You will be arrested and charged with.......wait for it.......ILLEGAL ENTRY.
Absolutely. And the method of entry doesnt matter, plane boat , however. Thats why people who do so are allowed to be detained by the authorities. Anyone who thinks otherwise is quite frankly, a bit of a twit, Basic stuff really.  Grin

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Re: Nauru disgrace.
Reply #101 - Aug 12th, 2016 at 1:19pm
Gordon wrote on Aug 12th, 2016 at 1:17pm:
greggerypeccary wrote on Aug 12th, 2016 at 1:15pm:
Valkie wrote on Aug 12th, 2016 at 12:55pm:
All Some toss their passports overboard before they get to Australia.
Now, one must ask why they would do this?

And one should listen to the reasons.

"Asylum seekers arriving by boat are fleeing persecution.

"They come from countries like Iran, Afghanistan
and Sri Lanka where opponents of the government
or ethnic minorities are routinely arrested, tortured
and killed.

"If they are caught before they can get away
or in a country that does not accept asylum seekers,
they will be returned and handed over to their government.

"Having tried to
flee, the asylum seeker is
viewed as a traitor as well as an opponent of the government and could be subjected to even worse treatment.

"For these reasons, asylum seekers often move
without identity documents so if they are caught,
there is a chance they can still get away.

"Sometimes asylum seekers need false identity documents to be able to get away safely, in this case, they destroy the documents once they no longer need them so they or the people who helped them get the false documents don’t get into trouble."

Reason 1

Some also come from Pakistan and want to live in Australia because its much more nicer.


We're talking about asylum seekers here, though.

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Re: Nauru disgrace.
Reply #102 - Aug 12th, 2016 at 1:22pm
Valkie wrote on Aug 12th, 2016 at 12:55pm:
All Some toss their passports overboard before they get to Australia.
Now, one must ask why they would do this?

"Often the asylum seeker will be forced to hand over
their passport before getting on the boat."

Reason 2
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Re: Nauru disgrace.
Reply #103 - Aug 12th, 2016 at 1:25pm
First: you wouldn't be able to enter the country.

And why can you not enter the country?
Because its ILLEGAL.

I'm not sure if you've ever been to an international airport, but you don't just walk off the plane and then out into the street.

Yes my simple friend, many many airports all over the world.
But what is to stop one from discarding ones passport and declaring asylum?
Because its ILLEGAL that's why, you would be arrested, detained and your identity sourced until your identity was discovered.
You would be ...................wait for it...............AN ILLEGAL ALIEN

Second: we're talking about asylum seekers, in boats.

Pray, what is the difference?
They attempt to jump the Que, to enter Australia ILLEGALLY rather than going through the LEGAL process where their identity, criminal history and nationality are disclosed and known.
There are offices all over the world, many in countries where they have passed through on their way to their country of choice, armed with a list of rights, tricks and shady methods of screwing the welfare system.

If they claim asylum, it's not illegal.

Anyone can claim asylum yes?
Actually NO, they are obliged to prove that they are persicuted and in danger in their own country before thay can claim it. Otherwise its ILLEGAL.

They discard their papers so that they can hide where they are from, who they are and what their criminal history was in that country.
They lie, often stating false information and misleading our authorities who are simply trying to find out if they are actually true asylum seekers, not just some lazy, country shopping parasite.
If they told the truth and it was verifiable, they would be here already.
Until they are proven true, ligitimate asylum seekers, they are nothing more than ILLEGAL country shoppers.
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Re: Nauru disgrace.
Reply #104 - Aug 12th, 2016 at 1:27pm
Valkie wrote on Aug 12th, 2016 at 1:25pm:
And why can you not enter the country?
Because its ILLEGAL.

Not if you're claiming asylum.

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