Valkie wrote on Aug 12
th, 2016 at 9:11am:
There is a well known practice of country shopping exhibited by these ILLEGAL immigrants.
They make their way to a country with a list of all the benifits, claims and legal machinations so that they can fleece the country and its people.
They do not come to contribute, to work or to assimilate.
They come to bludge, to commit crime and rob, and to alienate themselves while screaming racism to forestall any who try to suppress the evil cult they wish to infect the world with.
Deny any of this.
86% of ILLEGALS do not have jobs, they are all on the dole and seem to know ways to get the most out of the system by claiming the disability pension. They know that breeding like rabbits also brings in more free money and they know all the right buttons to push to get public housing and free everything.
It is the same in many other countries, in Sweden (I'm not sure of the exact percentages, due to the PC brigade suppression of FACTS) But a huge percentage of their welfare goes to a very small percentage of their population....the country shoppers.
They have a very high presence in illegal activities.
Unless you put your fingers in your ears and sing La la la la while closing your eyes every day, you will hane noticed that far too much crime involves a very small percentage of people...ILLEGALS.
Sex crime, theft, murder as well as genital mutilation, bashing and drug trafficking, is an every day activity in every newspaper and television story, all perpetrated by 3% of our population.
Do you see the problem here yet?
Finally, in the past, immigrants have come to Australia and become Australian.
They have worked, contributed and been a boon to our great country.
Hell many of my immigrant friends are more Australian than I am. They have assimilated so well that they are the best thing that has ever happened to our country.
One of my good friends has 4 children, each has married a different race and in 3 cases different religions.
They are accepted and embraced by their families all.
Now look at these ILLEGAL immigrants, they separate themselves totally in self induced ostracism, marry cousins and family, and refuse to become a part of our great country, the whole time while screaming racism (its religion you freaks).
They deliberately create a tension that is palpable and look for reasons to protest and be violent, (Yes demanding the beheading of someone is classified as violent in my mind).
They will never fit in.
They want us to accept them unconditionally, while refusing to tolerate our culture in any way.
They insult, denigrate and violently act against us.
If you cannot see the problem here, you are obviously never going to.
This problem with ILLEGALS has cause Sweden to shut its borders.
It has seen France being torn apart by tension from a single source.
It is directly responsible for terrorism at a level never seen by mankind before.
We need immigrants in Australia.
We are enriched by our immigrants and have become a great nation because of them.
But we have the right to select LEGAL immigrants from ILLEGAL country shopping immigrants.
At Nauru, they are not poorly treated, they are fed, given mobile phones and even have access to the island if they behave like humans.
They in turn attack our people, rape their own people and abuse their own children, do you really want this type of person here?????????
Very well put Valkie.
i sort of look at myself as an entity, not really a human.
countries need to look at themselves as entities as well.
so you put good stuff in.
lets take the example of a great nightclub.
it has tons of good emotions inside, tons of great people, tons of fun, tons of good is packed with goodness.
but it also has a very strong door.
try to get in if you are a negative loser and the big bouncer will toss your sorry a*ss to the footpath.
Get in and start being a dick and you will be similarly ejected.
a nightclub has this "structural integrity"
Each human, each family, each workplace , each sporting team and certainly each nation needs to have tons of good emotions, you get let in when you are willing to add to the party and a big tough bouncer so there is no tolerance whatsoever for loser, negative and scrubby behaviour