Redmond Neck wrote on Aug 13
th, 2016 at 7:54pm:
Now behave yourselves you two.
Bobby is a married man (I think) cods you old cougar
I would appreciate less of the OLD if you dont mind...
age is just a number and liek fine wine.. we girls get better.....I have always had a soft spot for bobs...its just the thought of King Arthur and how they fought for for their fair maidens........have you no romance in your soul red?....
Hoss wrote on Aug 13
th, 2016 at 10:17pm:
I have been on forums since I've been on the net?
started out on one called Godlike productions It split into another forum because many got sick of the flaming and viscous trolling "" you lot that do that here are not to bad''''.
It dam near killed one until it was made a no further.
There appears to be plenty of options here, choose one!!
I use two these days here and one American cba been on it for years
hi hoss I have taken a look at your thread just beautiful.. you have so much talent..I think you are wasted on here...I can barely switch a computer on and off... so I am in awe....
hoss we are not all "meat eaters" on here...mind you it takes a lot of work from the mods to stop some devouring each feel safe my friend...
why do we feel so threatened in cyberspace.? seems strange to me.. I do not believe half the people on here would talk like that to someones face..yet they cant help themselves but print it up....
the spoken word like the written word cannot be undone.