Valkie wrote on Aug 16
th, 2016 at 1:47pm:
It seems that we, as consumers, take advice from doctors, who in turn take advice from drug companies who are in it to make money.
Every drug that has any effect on the body has side effects, not all are known.
But medicine has been around for centuries.
The Egyptians knew that placing a piece of moldy bread on a wound often prevented infection.
Honey, applied to a would also helps reduce infection.
Cloves help reduce tooth ache.
Many old wives tales are being revisited as some hold merit.
I'm not saying that naturopaths have all the answers, and I know doctors and chemist don't.
But some do work.
I have had acupuncture for my back and it worked wonders.
I have taken drugs to do the same with little or no effect, for years.
Judge by merit, if it works, use it. If it don't, stop.
But blindly saying that any one method is the only method is pure stupidity.
Good health starts at looking after your body.
Eating right and reducing the poisons we introduce into it.
Good natiropaths do not discount the needs of the body and the effects that the things we put in it have on it.
Good drugs, no matter how good, always have side effects and some are often worse that the desease.
Better to just eat right and exercise.
What, the scientific method?
Just a quick read of your post added to the stupidity of the planet and it is attitudes like that, that leave children un-vaccinated.
Google and Youtube are not valid sources of scientific information