Andrei.Hicks wrote on Aug 16
th, 2016 at 11:02am:
Tony Robbins came and spoke at our company conference in San Diego.
That is one odd bloke.
Anyone with that much excitement and energy has a screw loose or two.
Tony is a bit "ra ra" and he does a lot of stuff to get the audience up and moving and pumped up.
that is not neccessary for some people.
But there are a lot of people in the Durrr state for whom , if you change their physiology, you change their mental state.
I suppose one example would be, if you are feeling a bit flat, a quick dip in the ocean may change your physiology and change your mood.
I'm not a huge fan of tony and really only suggest him because a lot of the durr state people might benefit from a plunge in an ice bath or some of the whackier ideas.
But i will state this again as a fact.
It is very easy to make a decision NOT to try to improve yourself and then to "back rationalise" that decision to preserve your ego.
It is very easy to look at a jogger for example, not wish to do the hard work he is doing and just rationalise it as "look at that fool, cant he just accept himself".
This is classic "ego preservation" by going with the default (nearly always laziness) and then rationalising it.
So a mediocre person, will nearly always look at someone striving to improve and hate on them.
It is actually an observable fact that if one member of a scrubby family starts to do well and aspire, the others will hate on him
"think youre too good for us , do you"
"getting a bit big for your boots arent you".
for many people, getting out of mediocrity is very tough, as the peer group (at least the peer groups "ego" ) cannot accept it and deal with it