WASHINGTON – It’s not unusual for Donald Trump to do things Republican presidential candidates of the past haven’t done.
But his appearance in Milwaukee Tuesday night was, well, unprecedented in a different way from what he has said and done in 2016.
Trump made an all-out, coherent bid for the inner-city vote, invading the inner sanctum and holy ground of the Democratic Party for 50 years.
“Tonight, I am going to talk about how to make our communities safe again from crime and lawlessness,” he said, first standing behind police in a city ravaged for days by rioting and violence over a police shooting that, if the facts laid out by law enforcement are true, does not appear to be a violation of policy, let alone the law.
He said the mayhem in Milwaukee is “an assault on the right of all citizens to live in security and peace.”
“Law and order must be restored. It must be restored for the sake of all, but most especially the sake of those living in the affected communities,” he added. “The main victims of these riots are law-abiding African-American citizens living in these neighborhoods. It is their jobs, their homes, their schools and communities which will suffer as a result. There is no compassion in tolerating lawless conduct. Crime and violence is an attack on the poor, and will never be accepted in a Trump administration.” He called for more police in America’s poorest communities and more effective policing.
“Just like Hillary Clinton is against the miners, she is against the police,” he said. “You know it, and I know it. Those peddling the narrative of cops as a racist force in our society – a narrative supported with a nod by my opponent – share directly in the responsibility for the unrest in Milwaukee, and many other places within our country. They have fostered the dangerous anti-police atmosphere in America.” Taking a swipe not only at Mrs. Clinton, but at Barack Obama’s policies, he said: “Everytime we rush to judgment with false facts and narratives – whether in Ferguson or in Baltimore – and foment further unrest, we do a direct disservice to poor African-American residents who are hurt by the high crime in their communities.” “During the last 72 hours, while protestors have raged against the police here in Milwaukee, another 9 were killed in Chicago and another 46 were wounded. More than 2,600 people have been shot in Chicago since the beginning of the year, and almost 4,000 killed in President Obama’s hometown area since his presidency began. How are we serving these American victims by attacking law enforcement officers? The war on our police must end. It must end now.” Trump continued: “Our job is not to make life more comfortable for the rioter, the looter, the violent disruptor. Our job is to make life more comfortable for the African-American parent who wants their kids to be able to safely walk the streets. Or the senior citizen waiting for a bus. Or the young child walking home from school. For every one violent protestor, there are a hundred moms and dads and kids on that same city block who just want to be able to sleep safely at night. My opponent would rather protect the offender than the victim. Hillary Clinton-backed policies are responsible for the problems in the inner cities today, and a vote for her is a vote for another generation of poverty, high crime, and lost opportunities. I care too much about my country to let that happen.” This was not a tough law-and-order speech designed to appeal to white voters living in suburbs. It was a head-on challenge to almost exclusive Democrat rule in most major urban areas in the country.
Bolstering his case, he had former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani by his side , who, in that role, reduced crime by 76 percent and murder by 84 percent. “Imagine how many lives could have been saved, all across this country, if Democratic politicians hadn’t blocked in their cities what Rudy did in New York City?” Trump said. “I’ll make sure we deliver safe neighborhoods here in Milwaukee, and all across this country. It’s easy for Hillary Clinton to turn a blind eye to crime when she has her own private security force. I believe all Americans, not just the powerful, are entitled to security. Hillary Clinton has had her chance. She failed. Now it’s time for new leadership.”
Zeroing in ever more on his opponent, he made the case that Mrs. Clinton’s policy prescriptions hurt the poor the most.
“There is no compassion in allowing drug dealers, gang members, and felons to prey on innocent people,” he said. “It is the first duty of government to keep the innocent safe, and when I am president I will fight for the safety of every American – and especially those Americans who have not known safety for a very, very long time. I am asking for the vote of every African-American citizen struggling in our country today who wants a different future.” Playing on themes raised by Dinesh D’Souza in his popular new book and movie, “Hillary’s America,” and others, including Ben Kinchlow, author of “Black Yellowdogs,” regarding the history of the Democratic Party and its political exploitation of blacks, Trump said “it is time for our society to address some honest and very difficult truths.”