Unforgiven wrote on Aug 19
th, 2016 at 7:14pm:
Valkie, you wear your ignorance as a badge of honor. You have
boasted on Ozpolitic that you progressed through your career despite being bad at spelling. Furthermore you confessed you struggled with English and Math to the extent that you required remedial classes. You blamed your teachers for your own failures.
You score an F Valkie which is exactly what your teachers gave you:
1. If you are going to cite
Bernoulli should at least know how to spell his name; clue: its not "
2. You don't even have to calculate the points of
minimum deflection of a beam because they are at the supports;
3. Area of a circle,
surface area of a sphere and expansion of metals are simple high school math; I am going to trust that you don't screw those up because your great grand children could do that for you;
4. Calculating cylinder fills requires more information than just the atomic weights. No wonder you screwed that up.
5. Valkie; you are a wether; an emasculated old goat.
Sad little failure that you are, and you have the hide to insult me.
I have done more with my life, experienced more of life and been more in my life than you will ever even consider.
You have still not proven any qualification other than the use of a dictionary.
Have you ever been away from your computer?
Or has this most recent transmogrification from your other aliases still attempting to find some sort of reason for existence?
Yes you are a sad little man, continually changing names in a futile attempt to hide your previously failed identity.
I have nothing more to say to the likes of you other than,
Please get a life.
Get away from the keyboard, take a walk (if you aren't afraid of going into the real world).
Perhaps, if you really try hard, you may be able to even meet a girl (or boy if that is your bent)
Perhaps you may even eventually find that human interaction has some rewards.
Perhaps even you may find someone with whom you can talk and live other than by insulting and denigrating people on the internet.
Ta Ta Sad little man........I await your next identity.