Karnal wrote on Aug 20
th, 2016 at 5:56pm:
Straight from Breitbart's mouth. You don't miss a single bit of Trump propaganda, Bogie. You pass all it on without thought or comment.
It is a jolly world, no?
Boey needs to show the world how white his dick is and how much he needs to wave it in the wind by regurgitating Trump propaganda via Breitbart. Strange how the both of them have overlooked the story on Trump's latest Goebbels puppet Paul Manafort walked out on the job knowing how much of a filthy piece of poo Trump is. Of course, Breitbart would NEVER mention the fact Manafort did his best work on the political campaigns of former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych and how there is this alleged “black ledger” of hush money payments by Yanukovych made in cash to Manafort.
Then there is this:
You a kiddie dwiddler, Boey?
As for those (poor) people in Louisiana, bugger em! Oh wait, get a photo op first then bugger em. After all, do you think Trump and his buttbuggering buddy Pence give one poo about them?
Those devastating Louisiana floods is a just another series of similar disasters that have taken place in the "richest country in the world." So where is trump and his butt buddy for these wild fires shredding up California? Oh right, Cali told Trump to bugger himself.
I wonder where Trump will be when it comes to natural phenomena that hits the U.S. every year (despite Trump's ignorance on global warming) like hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, or earthquakes. Think he'll let all of those displaced people live in his crappy Trump Tower?
So Trump, like Boey has zero smacking clue of the stark reality of social life where millions of people, living day to day and paycheck to paycheck, do not have the resources to deal with the financial shock caused by such events.
Once Trumps leave Louisiana those poor people he exploited will go back to being neglected and ignored. Their devastated lives will be forgotten and they will be left to fend for themselves, while nothing (either by Trump or Clinton) is done to prepare for the next disaster.
Get the bugger out of here, Boey.