Sprinty must be feeling "abused" again.
31 inches of rain in less than 15 hours yet Grumpy Trumpy in his lame photo-op doesn't subscribe to global warming.
Of course, no surprise Obama refused call after call to cease his two-week vacation on Martha’s Vineyard to travel to Louisiana. Why should he? Lame ducks are just that.
But NOW his vacation is over Obama said would visit the state next Tuesday. Good for him! Who would ever want to leave this:
for this?:
So give Obama a god damn break! After all, he was up all night smoking dope with James Taylor in between rounds at the golf course.
Time Magazine reported on their crappy web site that vacation cottages rentals at Martha's Vineyard can go anywhere from $3,900 to over $20,000 a week.
So again, this:
this:So go easy on Obama. You'd do the very same.