von richtovern wrote on Aug 22
nd, 2016 at 1:06pm:
I believe there has been a co ordinated attempt to make Trump seem down in the polls when in reality there is a huge groundswell of support for him
von richtovern formerly known as Red Baron before this site was compromised
Polls are polls, it doesn't matter what concerted attempts you make.
The usual explanation that Brexit happened despite the polls is mistaken. The polls said Brexit was 50/50, and the result backed them up.
Trump's groundswell of support is largely noise. The media capitalizes on this because it sells: Trump
rates.Because of this, Trump will be rewarded when he loses the campaign and he'll get just what he's after: a good TV deal. Let's face it, this is what Trump's been after all along. The
last thing Trump wants is 4 years hard work in the White House.
Trump is not a politician, he's a celebrity. The fact that there's a groundswell of support for Trump shows just how fickle people have become.