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Evil spirits, demons. They are those 'ghosty'.... (Read 4068 times)
Gold Member

Posts: 21884
A cat with a view
Re: Evil spirits, demons. They are those 'ghosty'....
Reply #15 - Sep 6th, 2016 at 5:40pm


Jake Bilardi, Australian suicide bomber - DEMON POSSESSION.



'Ben Cousins - in police custody after mysterious incident' - DEMON POSSESSION ?

I believe that illicit drugs [recreational drugs]      [and prescription drugs!]      will 'open us' to demons.


Yadda said.....

For all of you persons who dismiss demon possession as being unreal, or fanciful.....

Today, very few 'sane' persons will openly acknowledge the existence of spirit beings,        .....because modern scientific man and mainstream society today, having no 'material proof' of the existence of spirit beings, popularly [and reasonably], deny the existence of spirit beings.

And yet, though our mainstream human society/civilisation today popularly denies the existence of spirit beings,         .....nevertheless, human popular culture [e.g. art and theatre and film] today, ostensibly, does widely depict the existence of spirit beings and demons!

In a recently popular TV series, the 'circumstance' of demon possession is depicted, as being a real 'circumstance' or experience.
.....though mainstream society would never deign to refer to such a 'circumstance', as 'demon possession'.

Instead the medical establishment [in modern, mainstream society], refer to this 'circumstance' [or experience], as 'Multiple Personality Disorder'.

'The United States of Tara'

Nevertheless, the 'circumstance' [or experience], which is depicted in the popular TV series,
'The United States of Tara'
, is demon possession.

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"....And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."
Luke 16:31
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Re: Evil spirits, demons. They are those 'ghosty'....
Reply #16 - Sep 6th, 2016 at 10:07pm
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In a time of universal deceit — telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

No evidence whatsoever it can be attributed to George Orwell or Eric Arthur Blair (in fact the same guy)
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Re: Evil spirits, demons. They are those 'ghosty'....
Reply #17 - Sep 8th, 2016 at 12:48pm
Yadda wrote on Sep 6th, 2016 at 5:40pm:


Jake Bilardi, Australian suicide bomber - DEMON POSSESSION.



'Ben Cousins - in police custody after mysterious incident' - DEMON POSSESSION ?

I believe that illicit drugs [recreational drugs]      [and prescription drugs!]      will 'open us' to demons.


Yadda said.....

For all of you persons who dismiss demon possession as being unreal, or fanciful.....

Today, very few 'sane' persons will openly acknowledge the existence of spirit beings,        .....because modern scientific man and mainstream society today, having no 'material proof' of the existence of spirit beings, popularly [and reasonably], deny the existence of spirit beings.

And yet, though our mainstream human society/civilisation today popularly denies the existence of spirit beings,         .....nevertheless, human popular culture [e.g. art and theatre and film] today, ostensibly, does widely depict the existence of spirit beings and demons!

In a recently popular TV series, the 'circumstance' of demon possession is depicted, as being a real 'circumstance' or experience.
.....though mainstream society would never deign to refer to such a 'circumstance', as 'demon possession'.

Instead the medical establishment [in modern, mainstream society], refer to this 'circumstance' [or experience], as 'Multiple Personality Disorder'.

'The United States of Tara'

Nevertheless, the 'circumstance' [or experience], which is depicted in the popular TV series,
'The United States of Tara'
, is demon possession.

many blessings yadda ,

and yes , the prescription drugs are designed to invoke demonic possession ..

many recent mass murderers and shooters were proven to be on prescription drugs .. a simple search will prove as much

35 School shooters/school related violence committed by those under the influence of psychiatric drugs
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Re: Evil spirits, demons. They are those 'ghosty'....
Reply #18 - Sep 8th, 2016 at 2:07pm
Yadda wrote on Aug 27th, 2016 at 5:14pm:

Evil spirits, demons. They are those 'ghosty' things!

What is expressed here is correct and accurate, imo.

All one needs is a ectoplasmic meter, a god damn Bible and a lobotomy and just like that, anything becomes real.
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Re: Evil spirits, demons. They are those 'ghosty'....
Reply #19 - Sep 8th, 2016 at 3:59pm
Marla wrote on Sep 8th, 2016 at 2:07pm:
Yadda wrote on Aug 27th, 2016 at 5:14pm:

Evil spirits, demons. They are those 'ghosty' things!

What is expressed here is correct and accurate, imo.

All one needs is a ectoplasmic meter, a god damn Bible and a lobotomy and just like that, anything becomes real.


Considering science claims that humans are able to see and hear approx. 1.5% only of all that exists around them, I guess humans need all the help they can get to assist their multiple disabilities, although it's to be doubted pre-frontal lobotomy would serve to advantage Smiley

But who knows.  Science in varying guises claims sometimes that those whose aura has been damaged are more 'open' to what's termed the paranormal, etc.  Others suspect there may be a genetic component

Whatever the case, the odds are high of a percentage of humans perceiving some of the 98.5% (of all that exists around us all the time) some of the time

For instance, John Bonnet syndrome, named for its discoverer.  His mother was sight-impaired and told him of the little imps/elves she saw from time to time.  She was perfectly lucid despite being sight impaired and described the creatures to her son.  He knew she was not senile, so he began to investigate.  It turned out that a percentage of the sight-impaired saw the same creatures and their descriptions of the creatures matched his mother's description

Immediately, 'science' rushed in to 'explain' (i.e. combat) the findings.  Same issue's been rumbling away ever since

A Manchester UK teaching-hospital received a grant or such like to investigate.  So 'science' was nowhere as sure of its claims as it and the media, medical fraternity etc. professed to be

It was hard going initially.  Sight-impaired were reluctant to divulge their experiences for fear the information would be used to put them in the much feared 'homes'. (those 'homes' tout themselves as being better than 'real home', so it's odd, isn't it, that so many people fear being put in 'homes' more than they fear prison)

Anyway, the Manchester teaching-hospital succeeded in reassuring people that any information they provided re; the 'little people' would remain confidential and would not be used to 'put them away'

What emerged was fascinating, though little known, despite it occurred only a decade or so ago

Apparently, the sight-impaired (to varying degrees) told the researchers about the 'little people'.  They were very small and looked like traditionally rendered 'elves, pixies, piskies, leprechauns, goblins'.  The outfits of the little-people were surprisingly uniform -- usually they wore red and green, black tall hats, pointy shoes, wide belt over little jacket and often they smoked a pipe

The sight-impaired said, as a rule, that they were not afraid of the little people, nor had they been threatened by them

The little people apparently appeared randomly

The sight-impaired said they hadn't told anyone about them for fear of being judged insane, senile, etc.  Which is to be expected from our categorization-mad society.  Things were probably different a few hundred years ago, but ...

Researchers at the teaching-hospital published their findings.  Most notable was the number of times they went out of their way to stress that their sight-impaired subjects (who were of varying ages) were perfectly lucid.  They were not suffering from senile decay.  They were intelligent.  Many had held positions of considerable importance earlier in life.  As always, it was noted that many of their sight-impaired subjects had been teachers, head-teachers, senior police, etc.  It's a shame researchers and investigators feel compelled to vouch for their subjects' sanity and position in society as a means of validating their findings, but it is as it is.  People are influenced by a person's position in life and it can often decide whether or not the individual is to be believed or not.  Someone who lives and exemplary life in a shack in the woods, who harms no-one, who is wiser than most of his peers, will be doubted -- whereas a teacher with a thin excuse for a personality and character and with no visible redeeming features is more likely to be believed ...

So there it is.  Verifiably sane individuals of validated good character and standing in the community are -- by virtue of sight impairment -- able to see creatures which remain invisible to the vast majority of us

Sceptics who are comfortable in their own little world will dismiss all the above and go happily on their way feeling very satisfied with themselves and what they consider to be their superior intellect and nous

Others, with more open mind, might consider the above to be interesting indeed

The sight impaired know what they see and don't give a fig as long as they're not locked away simply because their failing eyesight has allowed them access to a little of the 98.5% which is concealed from the rest of us

And science has done its level best to refute the findings of the researchers and tries to imply the sight impaired who see piskies are actually ga-ga and nothing to see here folks

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All my comments, posts & opinions are to be regarded as satire & humour
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Gold Member

Posts: 21884
A cat with a view
Re: Evil spirits, demons. They are those 'ghosty'....
Reply #20 - Sep 9th, 2016 at 11:20pm
Marla wrote on Sep 8th, 2016 at 2:07pm:
Yadda wrote on Aug 27th, 2016 at 5:14pm:

Evil spirits, demons. They are those 'ghosty' things!

What is expressed here is correct and accurate, imo.

All one needs is a ectoplasmic meter, a god damn Bible and a lobotomy and just like that, anything becomes real.

LOL Marla !!!


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"....And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."
Luke 16:31
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