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What is Obama's legacy, if anything? (Read 6752 times)
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Re: What is Obama's legacy, if anything?
Reply #45 - Sep 6th, 2016 at 1:04pm
Mortdooley wrote on Sep 6th, 2016 at 12:55pm:
Carter is a close second but barry is the worst. The only one more dishonest was LBJ, he sent a whole generation to war on a false flag event. Obama just helped Iran get their nuclear weapons program up and running. The day may come when they smuggle bombs inside our country through our open borders.

LOl, so you choose to ignore all history in Irans weapons programs prior to 2008?
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In a time of universal deceit — telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

No evidence whatsoever it can be attributed to George Orwell or Eric Arthur Blair (in fact the same guy)
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Re: What is Obama's legacy, if anything?
Reply #46 - Sep 6th, 2016 at 8:23pm
If Carter had not supported the Mullahs against the Shah of Iran that country and the western world would be a much safer place!
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Re: What is Obama's legacy, if anything?
Reply #47 - Sep 7th, 2016 at 7:36am
Did he really support the mullahs mort? I don't remember that.
It certainly came back to bite him on the bum then.

I quite liked Jimmy Carter even if he seemed ineffectual. He had a Pepsodent smile.
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Re: What is Obama's legacy, if anything?
Reply #48 - Sep 7th, 2016 at 8:54am
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I know progress has no patience but something's got to give
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Re: What is Obama's legacy, if anything?
Reply #49 - Sep 7th, 2016 at 1:49pm

...........The promise of Obamacare was that it would foster competition and offer lower premiums while covering tens of millions of Americans without, as Obama often put it, adding a dime to the deficit.

Unfortunately, most of the exchanges are in serious trouble. As many critics pointed out at the time, the law is poorly designed to induce younger, healthier people to get into the system. The penalties attached to the individual mandate are too weak. The subsidies are too small. The premiums are too costly. The deductibles are too high. Many doctors aren’t participating in the networks.

Only about 12 million people are in  exchanges. More important, the exchanges are attracting sicker, poorer people, who drain money, and are not attracting the healthier people who pour money in.

Many insurers are suffering catastrophic losses and pulling out. As James Capretta of the American Enterprise Institute has noted, Aetna has lost $430 million since January 2014 on insurance plans sold through Obamacare and is withdrawing from 11 of its 15 states. United Healthcare has lost $1.3 billion on the exchanges and will cut its participation to three states from 34.

That means less coverage; 24 million Americans still lack health insurance. That means less competition. Before too long, a third of the exchanges will have just one insurer in them. That also means higher premiums. Blue Cross Blue Shield has requested a 62 percent increase for next year in Tennessee and an average 65 percent increase in Arizona. Some experts put the national requested increase at 23 percent.

obamacare failure
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Modern Classic Right Wing
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Re: What is Obama's legacy, if anything?
Reply #50 - Sep 10th, 2016 at 3:30pm
The title of this piece by Charles Hurt in the Washington Times sums up the foreign policy legacy as neatly as could be:

Obama’s foreign policy — all the surrender, none of the peace

Finally, we have the Obama Doctrine: “Surrender without peace.”

This follows George W. Bush’s policy: “Break everything. Put on credit card.”

Everybody remembers the Monroe Doctrine, jealously defending the U.S. sphere of influence in North and South America from European meddling.

Normally, presidential foreign policy doctrines do not end in a question mark. But Bill Clinton rewrote all the rules from foreign policy to personal decency inside the Oval Office. His doctrine: “Fries come with that shake, honey?” (Note to reader: Best read aloud in a hoarse Arkansas twang.)

Ronald Reagan had a few that worked pretty well. “Peace through strength” and “Trust but verify” seemed to do a pretty good job of keep the world on its toes and our enemies at bay.

Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump have not officially announced what their foreign policy doctrines would be, but isn’t it pretty well clear by now?

Riding as she does her husband’s coattails everywhere she goes, Hillary Clinton ends at least one of her doctrines with a question mark: “Cash or credit?” Her other doctrines would be more declarative. “Pay here.” That one includes a red arrow pointing to Chelsea Clinton and the Clinton Foundation.

The other one: “Insert cash or credit into slot.” What is really cutting edge about that last one is that it comes with ATM machines to be installed in 7-Elevens around the world, particularly in third world countries led by savage dictators and brutal theocracies where women are second-class citizens and little girls are tortured. The only difference is that these machines do not dispense cash. They only collect payments.

Donald Trump has not declared his foreign policy doctrine yet either but since he is an avowed white nationalist xenophobe, it will most certainly be “America First.”

Oh the horror! Somewhere James Monroe is turning over in his grave.

But for at least four more months, we must settle for “Surrender without peace.”

That is assuming Mr. Obama does not declare this November’s election null and void after Mr. Trump wins in a massive orange landslide — like a giant, gooey Creamsicle melting in the urban heat and slowly sliding down the National Mall and filling the streets of D.C. and oozing through the White House gates.

(By the way, am I the only person who finds it curious that the moment all these officials start screaming about Russia rigging the election happens to be the very same moment Mr. Trump started beating Mrs. Clinton in the latest CNN poll? Just a coincidence, I am sure.)

Anyway, “Surrender without peace” is not pretty, but it is what we have. And it is what we have had for going on eight years now.

It is what paved the way for a future nuclear Iran and rewarded them handsomely with pallets of cash for kidnapping Americans. That was the largest terrorist bailout program in world history.

“Surrender without peace” is what gets children gassed in Syria after declaring a “red line” against chemical weapons use.

“Surrender without peace” is what promotes human trafficking and child rape on death trains headed for the U.S. Southern border after you invited tens of thousands of illegals illegally into the country. Illegally.

“Surrender without peace” is what attracts Iranian boats to taunt U.S. warships and Russian jets to buzz American planes.

“Surrender without peace” is what invites the president of the Philippines to publicly declare that Mr. Obama is a “son of a whore.” And it is what emboldens the Chinese to publicly humiliate him by refusing to allow him to deplane Air Force One except though the little aft hole at the back of the plane.

“America First” cannot come soon enough. Heck, even “Cash or credit?” might be something of an improvement.
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Know the enemies of a civil society by their public behaviour, by their fraudulent claim to be liberal-progressive, by their propensity to lie and, above all, by their attachment to authoritarianism.
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Re: What is Obama's legacy, if anything?
Reply #51 - Sep 10th, 2016 at 10:12pm

Heroin use in the US tripled from 2007 to 2014,
according to a new report from the Drug Enforcement Administration. The DEA’s findings also show deaths involving the opioid tripling in recent years, while deaths due to synthetics were also on the rise.........

Obama was in charge for this period.
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Modern Classic Right Wing
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Re: What is Obama's legacy, if anything?
Reply #52 - Sep 10th, 2016 at 11:48pm

the abuse of power such that americans would be deceived and lied to, then laughed at and called stupid.

ending up with a failing obamacare and ......well, watch the last minute here
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Modern Classic Right Wing
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Anti-Global & Contra Mundum

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Re: What is Obama's legacy, if anything?
Reply #53 - Sep 11th, 2016 at 3:21pm
bogarde73 wrote on Sep 10th, 2016 at 3:30pm:
The title of this piece by Charles Hurt in the Washington Times sums up the foreign policy legacy as neatly as could be:

Obama’s foreign policy — all the surrender, none of the peace

Finally, we have the Obama Doctrine: “Surrender without peace.”

This follows George W. Bush’s policy: “Break everything. Put on credit card.”

Everybody remembers the Monroe Doctrine, jealously defending the U.S. sphere of influence in North and South America from European meddling.

Normally, presidential foreign policy doctrines do not end in a question mark. But Bill Clinton rewrote all the rules from foreign policy to personal decency inside the Oval Office. His doctrine: “Fries come with that shake, honey?” (Note to reader: Best read aloud in a hoarse Arkansas twang.)

Ronald Reagan had a few that worked pretty well. “Peace through strength” and “Trust but verify” seemed to do a pretty good job of keep the world on its toes and our enemies at bay.

Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump have not officially announced what their foreign policy doctrines would be, but isn’t it pretty well clear by now?

Riding as she does her husband’s coattails everywhere she goes, Hillary Clinton ends at least one of her doctrines with a question mark: “Cash or credit?” Her other doctrines would be more declarative. “Pay here.” That one includes a red arrow pointing to Chelsea Clinton and the Clinton Foundation.

The other one: “Insert cash or credit into slot.” What is really cutting edge about that last one is that it comes with ATM machines to be installed in 7-Elevens around the world, particularly in third world countries led by savage dictators and brutal theocracies where women are second-class citizens and little girls are tortured. The only difference is that these machines do not dispense cash. They only collect payments.

Donald Trump has not declared his foreign policy doctrine yet either but since he is an avowed white nationalist xenophobe, it will most certainly be “America First.”

Oh the horror! Somewhere James Monroe is turning over in his grave.

But for at least four more months, we must settle for “Surrender without peace.”

That is assuming Mr. Obama does not declare this November’s election null and void after Mr. Trump wins in a massive orange landslide — like a giant, gooey Creamsicle melting in the urban heat and slowly sliding down the National Mall and filling the streets of D.C. and oozing through the White House gates.

(By the way, am I the only person who finds it curious that the moment all these officials start screaming about Russia rigging the election happens to be the very same moment Mr. Trump started beating Mrs. Clinton in the latest CNN poll? Just a coincidence, I am sure.)

Anyway, “Surrender without peace” is not pretty, but it is what we have. And it is what we have had for going on eight years now.

It is what paved the way for a future nuclear Iran and rewarded them handsomely with pallets of cash for kidnapping Americans. That was the largest terrorist bailout program in world history.

“Surrender without peace” is what gets children gassed in Syria after declaring a “red line” against chemical weapons use.

“Surrender without peace” is what promotes human trafficking and child rape on death trains headed for the U.S. Southern border after you invited tens of thousands of illegals illegally into the country. Illegally.

“Surrender without peace” is what attracts Iranian boats to taunt U.S. warships and Russian jets to buzz American planes.

“Surrender without peace” is what invites the president of the Philippines to publicly declare that Mr. Obama is a “son of a whore.” And it is what emboldens the Chinese to publicly humiliate him by refusing to allow him to deplane Air Force One except though the little aft hole at the back of the plane.

“America First” cannot come soon enough. Heck, even “Cash or credit?” might be something of an improvement.

This deserves to be seen over & over.
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Know the enemies of a civil society by their public behaviour, by their fraudulent claim to be liberal-progressive, by their propensity to lie and, above all, by their attachment to authoritarianism.
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Anti-Global & Contra Mundum

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Re: What is Obama's legacy, if anything?
Reply #54 - Sep 14th, 2016 at 3:25pm
But one thing he will do . . .he'll protect his Saudi friends:

WASHINGTON, D.C. — President Barack Obama intends to veto bipartisan legislation that would allow the families of 9/11 victims to sue Saudi Arabia, according to the White House.
“So the President feels quite strongly about this. And our concern is not limited to the impact it could have on a relationship with one country, but rather it could have an impact on our relationship with every country around the world in a way that has negative consequences for the United States, for our national security, and for our men and women in uniform,” noted White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest on Monday.

“That is still the plan. The President does intend to veto this legislation,” responded Earnest when asked if Obama still planned to veto the bill.

Earnest explained:

The other concern that we have also articulated is that this law actually opens up the United States to risk being hauled into court in countries around the world. The concept of sovereign immunity is one that protects the United States as much as any other country in the world, given the way the United States is engaged in the world. So it’s not hard to imagine other countries using this law as an excuse to haul U.S. diplomats or U.S. servicemembers, or even U.S. companies into courts all around the world.

On Monday, the six-member nation of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), on which the Saudis play a leading role, came out against the legislation, saying it “contravenes the foundations and principles of relations between states, notably sovereign immunity.”

With strong support in the GOP-controlled Congress, the bipartisan bill, which would grant families of 9/11 victims the ability to sue Saudi Arabia for any alleged links to the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, passed both the House and the Senate by a voice vote.
A presidential veto could push Congress to consider a veto override, a move that has not been successful during the current administration.

The bill passed in the House last Friday, days before the 15th year anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. In the Senate, the legislation was approved in May. President Obama had repeatedly indicated it would veto the bill before its passage.

Even top Democrats like New York Senator Charles Schumer urged the president to pass the bill.

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Know the enemies of a civil society by their public behaviour, by their fraudulent claim to be liberal-progressive, by their propensity to lie and, above all, by their attachment to authoritarianism.
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Re: What is Obama's legacy, if anything?
Reply #55 - Sep 14th, 2016 at 3:31pm

Heroin usage up 300%
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Modern Classic Right Wing
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Re: What is Obama's legacy, if anything?
Reply #56 - Sep 17th, 2016 at 10:29pm

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Modern Classic Right Wing
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Anti-Global & Contra Mundum

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Re: What is Obama's legacy, if anything?
Reply #57 - Sep 20th, 2016 at 12:02pm
Obama had campaigned in 2008 on closing Guantánamo . . . .

Almost seven years later, much to Obama's frustration, the facility remained open. Closing it had proved much more challenging than Obama had theorized as a candidate trying to win an election and a new president acting on his idealism. It turned out that the jihadists who remained in Guantánamo were there for a reason. Many of them were truly, as the cliché had it, "the worst of the worst." Al Qaeda leaders, top Taliban officials, the men who planned the 9/11 attacks, veteran jihadists caught plotting follow-on attacks on U.S. interests, and even those al Qaeda operatives believed to be charged with carrying out the next wave of assaults on the U.S. homeland.

The news in the president's interview wasn't that he intended to make good on his promise to close Guantánamo, however belatedly. It was instead the president's attempt to mislead the American people to accomplish his controversial objective.

"I am absolutely persuaded, as are my top intelligence and military advisers, that Guantánamo is used as a recruitment tool for organizations like ISIS," Obama said, endeavoring to create a national security rationale for closing the detention facility. "And if we want to fight them, then we can't give them these kinds of excuses."

This isn't true. There is virtually no evidence that jihadists use Guantánamo as a significant recruiting tool, and national security experts from across the political spectrum who have tested the claim have judged it false.

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Know the enemies of a civil society by their public behaviour, by their fraudulent claim to be liberal-progressive, by their propensity to lie and, above all, by their attachment to authoritarianism.
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Re: What is Obama's legacy, if anything?
Reply #58 - Sep 25th, 2016 at 7:54pm
The economy is about as south as it can get.
Obama is First President Ever to Not See Single Year of 3% GDP Growth
The rate of real economic growth is the single greatest determinate of both America’s strength as a nation and the well-being of the American people.
Barack Obama will be lucky to average a 1.55% GDP growth rate.

This ranks Obama as the fourth worst presidency on record.

Barack Obama will be the only U.S. president in history who did not deliver a single year of 3.0%+ economic growth.

According to Louis Woodhill, if the economy continues to perform below 2.67% GDP growth rate this year, President Barack Obama will leave office with the fourth worst economic record in US history.

Assuming 2.67% RGDP growth for 2016, Obama will leave office having produced an average of 1.55% growth. This would place his presidency fourth from the bottom of the list of 39*, above only those of Herbert Hoover (-5.65%), Andrew Johnson (-0.70%) and Theodore Roosevelt (1.41%)
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Modern Classic Right Wing
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Re: What is Obama's legacy, if anything?
Reply #59 - Sep 25th, 2016 at 8:16pm

US National Debt in January, 2009: $9 trillion (BUSH)
US National Debt today: $19.5 trillion (0BAMA)

US Debt per Taxpayer in January,2009: ~$97,500
US Debt per Taxpayer today: ~$156,900

Americans Living in Poverty in January, 2009: 43,000,000
Americans Living in Poverty today: 57,500,000

Americans on Food Stamps in January, 2009: 30,000,000
Americans on Food Stamps today: 53,400,000

Americans Employed in January, 2009: 200,950,000
Americans Employed today: 188,100,000
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