Quote:`You have failed in your management. You have made a shambles of civilization. You have been blind and greedy. You have risen up (as you to-day rise up), shamelessly, in our legislative halls, and declared that profits were impossible without the toil of children and babes. Don't take my word for it. It is all in the records against you. You have lulled your conscience to sleep with prattle of sweet ideals and dear moralities. You are fat with power and possession, drunken with success; and you have no more hope against us than have the drones, clustered about the honey-vats, when the worker-bees spring upon them to end their rotund existence. You have failed in your management of society, and your management is to be taken away from you. A million and a half of the men of the working class say that they are going to get the rest of the working class to join with them and take the management away from you. This is the revolution, my masters. Stop it if you can.'
Jack london/The Iron Heel.
The bourgeois have mismanaged society. The bourgeois caused the GFC and their 'solutions' have punished the poor while we see our bourgeois Investor Class making record profits due to QE US money printing. the solution of the bourgeois is to print a heap of money for themselves and force austerity on the poor while removing all remaining public assets and utilities while at the same time pushing for lower corporate taxes and low tax for high income earners. The solution is for the poor to pay for the sins of the bourgeois and for the bourgeois to carry on stealing from and putting strain on the global community.
While there seem to be little effort from the bourgeois to actually solve social problems there seems to be great effort from them to maintain the status quo at all costs and the bourgeois will even go to the extremes of using human rights and charities to excuse and justify their mismanagement of society. If a nation must combat poverty with charity then the class managing and in control of that society have failed. The western bourgeois have failed and this is clear by the state of the poor in wealthy USA and Europe.
This is a very important quote from Mein Kampf that the do-gooders of the modern
I do not know which is more terrible: inattention to social misery such as we see every day among the majority of those who have been favored by fortune or who have risen by their own efforts, or else the
snobbish, or at times tactless and obtrusive, condescension of certain women of fashion in skirts
or in trousers, who ' feel for the people.' In any event, these gentry sin far more than their minds,
devoid of all instinct, are capable of realizing. Consequently, and much to their own
amazement, the result of their social 'efforts' is always nil, frequently, in fact, an indignant
rebuff, though this, of course, is passed off as a proof of the people's ingratitude.
Hitler/Mein Kampf
The social efforts of the wealthy or intellectual are forever an insult to the poor and the main reason for this is that they do not understand. The so-called 'aspirational' do-gooder does not understand.
Quote:The environment of my youth consisted of petty-bourgeois circles, hence of a world having very little relation to the purely manual worker. For, strange as it may seem at first glance, the cleft between this
class, which in an economic sense is by no means so brilliantly situated, and the manual worker
is often deeper than we imagine. The reason for this hostility, as we might almost call it, lies in
the fear of a social group, which has but recently raised itself above the level of the manual
worker, that it will sink back into the old despised class, or at least become identified with it. To
this, in many cases, we must add the repugnant memory of the cultural poverty of this lower
class, the frequent vulgarity of its social intercourse; the petty bourgeois' own position in
society, however insignificant it may be, makes any contact with this outgrown stage of life and
culture intolerable.
Consequently, the higher classes feel less constraint in their dealings with the lowest of their
fellow men than seems possible to the 'upstart.'
For anyone is an upstart who rises by his own efforts from his previous position in life to a
higher one.
Ultimately this struggle, which is often so hard, kills all pity. Our own painful struggle for existence destroys our feeling for the misery of those who have remained behind
- Hitler/ Mein Kampf
There should be no man left behind in a society. Hitler, Jack London and Oscar Wilde understood this. In modern times a 'good' citizen is a citizen that pays a lot of tax. Australian PM Tony Abbott goes as far as to say that this class of people are "high calibre". So a bad citizen in Australia is a citizen that does not earn enough money to pay enough taxes.