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Intellectuals Worthless? (Read 1049 times)
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Intellectuals Worthless?
Aug 30th, 2016 at 10:45am
Do you know the difference between an 'intellectual' and an 'academic'? I think the 'intellectua'l has a smaller ego. I cant be sure though because I am not very clever. I would argue that there is no such thing as an intellectual in modern times or that they have no social conscience and are a very selfish group.

In many ways capitalism is like communism for the intelligent. The clever feel that they have every right to take all that they can from the world no matter the cost and they seem to believe that the poor deserve to suffer because they are unfortunate enough to have been born stupid. I mean what can you do with stupid people right?

Hitler explained to the German citizenry that the German bourgeois intellectuals were worthless and that they had no solutions. Clearly if they did have solutions during the Treaty of Versailles then they were keeping them to themselves. most of the time an intellectual has better ideas for their own personal gain than they do for society or their nation.

The reason for this is that the deprivations which the unemployed worker has to endure must be compensated for psychologically by a persistent mental mirage in which he imagines himself eating heartily once again. And this dream develops into such a longing that it turns into a morbid impulse to cast off all self-restraint when work and wages turn up again. Therefore the moment work is found anew he forgets to regulate the expenditure of his earnings but spends them to the full without thinking of to-morrow. This leads to confusion in the little weekly housekeeping budget, because the expenditure is not rationally planned. When the phenomenon which I have mentioned first happens, the earnings will last perhaps for five days instead of seven; on subsequent occasions they will last only for three days; as the habit recurs, the earnings will last scarcely for a day; and finally they will disappear in one night of feasting.

Often there are wife and children at home. And in many cases it happens that these become infected by such a way of living, especially if the husband is good to them and wants to do the best he can for them and loves them in his own way and according to his own lights. Then the week’s earnings are spent in common at home within two or three days. The family eat and drink together as long as the money lasts and at the end of the week they hunger together.

Housing conditions were very bad at that time. The Vienna manual labourers lived in surroundings of appalling misery. I shudder even to-day when I think of the woeful dens in which people dwelt, the night shelters and the slums, and all the tenebrous spectacles of ordure, loathsome filth and wickedness.

What will happen one day when hordes of emancipated slaves come forth from these dens of misery to swoop down on their unsuspecting fellow men? For this other world does not think about such a possibility. They have allowed these things to go on without caring and even without suspecting – in their total lack of instinctive understanding – that sooner or later destiny will take its vengeance unless it will have been appeased in time.

- Hitler/Mein Kampf

As a poor person that has lived with and knows other poor people I agree fully with what Hitler is saying. The constant lack of security that capitalism forces the poor masses to suffer causes them to become wretched. Jack London does a great job of communicating this idea in a number of his novels including -- The People of the Abyss, and The Iron Heel.

‘My father was a good man,’ Ernest once said to me. ‘The soul of him was good, and yet it was twisted, and maimed, and blunted by the savagery of his life. He was made into a broken-down beast by his masters, the arch-beasts. He should be alive to-day, like your father. He had a strong constitution. But he was caught in the machine and worked to death—for profit. Think of it. For profit—his life blood transmuted into a wine-supper, or a jewelled gewgaw, or some similar sense-orgy of the parasitic and idle rich, his masters, the arch-beasts.’

Jack London/the Iron Heel

My father is working class and he is a good man. He is a good husband, he loves his children, he own his house, he pays his bills and he does not drink alcohol. In Australia it has become an insult to be called 'working class'. It is now more politically correct to use the term 'aspirational'. I asked my father is he was insulted by the term 'working class' and he said no. My father is not and was never interested in upward mobility. We are a working class family and traditionally working class people in Australia have seen ourselves as having superior culture to upper class people and we have not aspired to be like them at all. in modern society it is wrong to be happy with being working class and also wrong to call a person working class just in case they consider themselves to be better than their parents and 'aspirational'.

continued -
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Re: Intellectuals Worthless?
Reply #1 - Aug 30th, 2016 at 10:48am
Now it is not the working class that have come up with this upward mobility propaganda term 'aspirational class'. This is a label given to us by the benevolent bourgeois. I can tell you that most people from working class families do not wish to become Daddy Warbucks or Donald Trump. Most working class people just expect society to facilitate a fair and civilized society.

`Five men,' he said, `can produce bread for a thousand. One man can produce cotton cloth for two hundred and fifty people, woollens for three hundred, and boots and shoes for a thousand. One would conclude from this that under a capable management of society modern civilized man would be a great deal better off than the cave-man. But is he? Let us see. In the United States to-day there are fifteen million people living in poverty; and by poverty is meant that condition in life in which, through lack of food and adequate shelter, the mere standard of working efficiency cannot be maintained. In the United States to-day, in spite of all your so-called labor legislation, there are three millions of child laborers. In twelve years their numbers have been doubled. And in passing I will ask you managers of society why you did not make public the census figures of 1910? And I will answer for you, that you were afraid. The figures of misery would have precipitated the revolution that even now is gathering.

Jack London/The Iron Heel

Is America really being managed any better in modern times? Or worse? The child labourers have been replaced with Third World labour and 'quest workers'. In the USA today almost 50 million Americans suffer from food insecurity and must rely on food stamps from the US government. The economic figures such as unemployment numbers are manipulated and unreliable. Social unrest is brewing with anti-government sentiment in USA rising. Approval ratings for the US political class are at an all-time low and we have even seen armed rural libertarian militia stand off with Federal police recently and it was the US Federal Government that backed down fearing the incident could spark of similar revolts in other US communities.

And are poor people really better off in modern times due to civilization and 'capitalism'? I am unemployed and it is winter. I am very cold. I cannot afford to turn a heater on because electricity prices in Australia are outrageous and unaffordable for the poor. It is no different to when I have a low paying job and live as one of the masses of working poor that cannot afford heating due to electricity prices being outrageous. The bourgeois do not care about the unemployed very much at all and seem very happy to see unemployed people and their children being cold in the winter. I would disagree. the bourgeois also seem to have little sympathy for the working poor that may be stupid but certainly are not lazy. These people are cold.

The solution to the working poor being cold is for the bourgeois to explain to them that once when the bourgeois was younger they too had a terrible minimum wage job but because they are so very clever and aspirational and hard working they were able to climb the ladder of employment and work their way up to a well paying job and security. The bourgeois tells the working poor that they must work harder. And put on another jumper. This is the bourgeois advice for the lazy but they seem yet to have come up with a 'solution' for the working poor that have a low IQ.

The bourgeois do not care so much when China is prevented from selling us inexpensive solar panels and this is because the bourgeois can afford to pay outrageous energy costs and can also afford expensive solar panels from the west.

If the poor were cavemen we could go and chop down a tree and light a fire. But now due to environmentalists and corporatist it is illegal to burn wood because it damages the environment. It is also illegal to cut your own wood with farmers not even being able to clear a tree without giving suitable reasons and asking the state for permission. Civilization has trapped the poor and forced us to be cold.

    Why, he asks at the end of The People of the Abyss, do the Inuit live more secure and stable and meaningful lives then the denziens of the most important city in the world system?

“There can be no mistake. Civilization has increased man’s producing power a hundred fold, and through mismanagement the men of Civilization live worse than the beasts, and have less to eat and wear and protect them from the element than the savage Innuit in a frigid climate who lives today as he lived in the stone age ten thousand years ago.

- Jack London/ The People of the Abyss

It is 2014 and I live in an advanced nation but I am cold. If working poor Australians cannot even afford to heat their homes then what good is civilization? The working poor may as well become gypsies and would be better off living as cavemen if that was actually still possible.
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Re: Intellectuals Worthless?
Reply #2 - Aug 30th, 2016 at 10:51am
`You have failed in your management. You have made a shambles of civilization. You have been blind and greedy. You have risen up (as you to-day rise up), shamelessly, in our legislative halls, and declared that profits were impossible without the toil of children and babes. Don't take my word for it. It is all in the records against you. You have lulled your conscience to sleep with prattle of sweet ideals and dear moralities. You are fat with power and possession, drunken with success; and you have no more hope against us than have the drones, clustered about the honey-vats, when the worker-bees spring upon them to end their rotund existence. You have failed in your management of society, and your management is to be taken away from you. A million and a half of the men of the working class say that they are going to get the rest of the working class to join with them and take the management away from you. This is the revolution, my masters. Stop it if you can.'

Jack london/The Iron Heel.

The bourgeois have mismanaged society. The bourgeois caused the GFC and their 'solutions' have punished the poor while we see our bourgeois Investor Class making record profits due to QE US money printing. the solution of the bourgeois is to print a heap of money for themselves and force austerity on the poor while removing all remaining public assets and utilities while at the same time pushing for lower corporate taxes and low tax for high income earners. The solution is for the poor to pay for the sins of the bourgeois and for the bourgeois to carry on stealing from and putting strain on the global community.

While there seem to be little effort from the bourgeois to actually solve social problems there seems to be great effort from them to maintain the status quo at all costs and the bourgeois will even go to the extremes of using human rights and charities to excuse and justify their mismanagement of society. If a nation must combat poverty with charity then the class managing and in control of that society have failed. The western bourgeois have failed and this is clear by the state of the poor in wealthy USA and Europe.

This is a very important quote from Mein Kampf that the do-gooders of the modern

    I do not know which is more terrible: inattention to social misery such as we see every day among the majority of those who have been favored by fortune or who have risen by their own efforts, or else the
    snobbish, or at times tactless and obtrusive, condescension of certain women of fashion in skirts
    or in trousers, who ' feel for the people.' In any event, these gentry sin far more than their minds,
    devoid of all instinct, are capable of realizing. Consequently, and much to their own
    amazement, the result of their social 'efforts' is always nil, frequently, in fact, an indignant
    rebuff, though this, of course, is passed off as a proof of the people's ingratitude.

Hitler/Mein Kampf

The social efforts of the wealthy or intellectual are forever an insult to the poor and the main reason for this is that they do not understand. The so-called 'aspirational' do-gooder does not understand.

The environment of my youth consisted of petty-bourgeois circles, hence of a world having very little relation to the purely manual worker. For, strange as it may seem at first glance, the cleft between this
    class, which in an economic sense is by no means so brilliantly situated, and the manual worker
    is often deeper than we imagine. The reason for this hostility, as we might almost call it, lies in
    the fear of a social group, which has but recently raised itself above the level of the manual
    worker, that it will sink back into the old despised class, or at least become identified with it. To
    this, in many cases, we must add the repugnant memory of the cultural poverty of this lower
    class, the frequent vulgarity of its social intercourse; the petty bourgeois' own position in
    society, however insignificant it may be, makes any contact with this outgrown stage of life and
    culture intolerable.

    Consequently, the higher classes feel less constraint in their dealings with the lowest of their
    fellow men than seems possible to the 'upstart.'

    For anyone is an upstart who rises by his own efforts from his previous position in life to a
    higher one.

    Ultimately this struggle, which is often so hard, kills all pity. Our own painful struggle for existence destroys our feeling for the misery of those who have remained behind

- Hitler/ Mein Kampf

There should be no man left behind in a society. Hitler, Jack London and Oscar Wilde understood this. In modern times a 'good' citizen is a citizen that pays a lot of tax. Australian PM Tony Abbott goes as far as to say that this class of people are "high calibre". So a bad citizen in Australia is a citizen that does not earn enough money to pay enough taxes.
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Re: Intellectuals Worthless?
Reply #3 - Aug 30th, 2016 at 10:53am
   I was given a hint of the right direction by the question: What, from an etymological perspective, do the meanings of “Good” as manifested in different languages really mean? There I found that all of them lead back to the same transformation of ideas—that everywhere “noble” and “aristocratic” in a social sense is the fundamental idea out of which “good” in the sense of “spiritually noble,” “aristocratic,” “spiritually high-minded,” “spiritually privileged” necessarily develops, a process which always runs in parallel with that other one which finally transforms “common,” “vulgar,” and “low” into the concept “bad.” The most eloquent example of the latter is the German word “schlect”[bad] itself, which is identical with the word “schlicht” [plain]—compare “schlectweg” [simply] and “schlechterdings” [simply]—and which originally designated the plain, common man, still without any suspicious side glance, simply in contrast to the noble man. Around the time of the Thirty Years War approximately, hence late enough, this sense changed into the one used now.* As far as the genealogy of morals is concerned, this point strikes me as a fundamental insight; that it was first discovered so late we can ascribe to the repressive influence which democratic prejudice in the modern world exercises concerning all questions of origin. And this occurs in what appears to be the most objective realm of natural science and physiology, a point which I can only hint at here. But the sort of mischief this prejudice can cause, once it has become unleashed as hatred, particularly where morality and history are concerned, is revealed in the well-known case of Buckle: the plebeian nature of the modern spirit, which originated in England, broke out once again on its home turf, as violently as a muddy volcano and with that salty, over-loud, and common eloquence with which all previous volcanoes have spoken.

- Nietzsche/On the Genealogy of Morality

In my opinion the common man of the west is not bad and we are a super volcano that could erupt any day now.

In my opinion it is the small ego modern bourgeois that has slave morality and is bad. Those words originated in a virtue based society and not in the slave morality society of the modern bourgeois that overthrew nobility. It is interesting though that still today to be common is to be bad. I am bad to the bone. (:

Welfare is not charity. All citizens should be valued and children must have equality of opportunity. No child should feel that they are a burden on society. No citizen should be cold in modern advanced nations of wealth. If a nation needs charity for the poor than the upper class have failed to manage society.

    Such minds are most reluctant to realize that social endeavor has nothing in common with this
    sort of thing; that above all it can raise no claim to gratitude, since its function is not to
    distribute favors but to restore rights.

Hitler/Mein Kampf

The poor do not want your spare change or your second hand clothing. We do not appreciate it. They are citizens and we have a right to a basic level of security. Poverty should be impossible in modern times and especially in 'developed' advanced nations.
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Prime Minister for Canyons
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Re: Intellectuals Worthless?
Reply #4 - Aug 30th, 2016 at 10:54am
Still less worthless than the endless cut and paster
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In a time of universal deceit — telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

No evidence whatsoever it can be attributed to George Orwell or Eric Arthur Blair (in fact the same guy)
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Re: Intellectuals Worthless?
Reply #5 - Aug 30th, 2016 at 10:54am
The virtues of the poor may be readily admitted, and are much to be regretted. We are often told that the poor are grateful for charity. Some of them are, no doubt, but the best amongst the poor are never grateful. They are ungrateful, discontented, disobedient, and rebellious. They are quite right to be so. Charity they feel to be a ridiculously inadequate mode of partial restitution, or a sentimental dole, usually accompanied by some impertinent attempt on the part of the sentimentalist to tyrannise over their private lives. Why should they be grateful for the crumbs that fall from the rich man’s table? They should be seated at the board, and are beginning to know it. As for being discontented, a man who would not be discontented with such surroundings and such a low mode of life would be a perfect brute. Disobedience, in the eyes of anyone who has read history, is man’s original virtue. It is through disobedience that progress has been made, through disobedience and through rebellion. Sometimes the poor are praised for being thrifty. But to recommend thrift to the poor is both grotesque and insulting. It is like advising a man who is starving to eat less. For a town or country labourer to practise thrift would be absolutely immoral. Man should not be ready to show that he can live like a badly-fed animal. He should decline to live like that, and should either steal or go on the rates, which is considered by many to be a form of stealing. As for begging, it is safer to beg than to take, but it is finer to take than to beg. No: a poor man who is ungrateful, unthrifty, discontented, and rebellious, is probably a real personality, and has much in him. He is at any rate a healthy protest. As for the virtuous poor, one can pity them, of course, but one cannot possibly admire them. They have made private terms with the enemy, and sold their birthright for very bad pottage. They must also be extraordinarily stupid. I can quite understand a man accepting laws that protect private property, and admit of its accumulation, as long as he himself is able under those conditions to realise some form of beautiful and intellectual life. But it is almost incredible to me how a man whose life is marred and made hideous by such laws can possibly acquiesce in their continuance.

Oscar Wilde/Soul of a Man Under Socialism

We understand that our birthright has been stolen with us. The poor of the west are natural allies of the BRICS and the justice seeking nations of the NAM alliance. The common masses are millions. it is time for us to take our seat at the board. The western investor class are a tiny minority of the global community but look at the wealth and power that they protect? What are the western intellectual class doing to solve social problems? I am sure they are all fantastic at solving their own problems but there is no group keeping the western political class in check. There is no other alternative but for the common man to solve our own problems because we cannot afford to wait for intellectuals to think of something and they do not understand anyway and it seems that they do not care very much either. the best that they can come up with is spare change and second hand clothing.

Economist and social advocate -- Thomas Sowell is one of the few social leaders in the west that I respect and I fully agree many of his views including his anti-Affirmative Action stance. In my opinion Sowell is one of the few social leaders of the west that have Master Morality and not Slave Morality. Sowell

"By encouraging, or even requiring, students to take stands where they have neither the knowledge nor the intellectual training to seriously examine complex issues, teachers promote the expression of unsubstantiated opinions, the venting of uninformed emotions, and the habit of acting on those opinions and emotions, while ignoring or dismissing opposing views, without having either the intellectual equipment or the personal experience to weigh one view against another in any serious way." - Thomas Sowell.

The same thing that happens in our schools is carried on through our universities. I agree with Sowell that modern western school teachers are the "intelligentsia" that influence children in beginning in elementary school to advocate for or against social issues. from the very start individuals are encourage to formulate opinions "without any intellectual training or prior knowledge of those issues, making constraints against falsity few or non-existent." - Thomas Sowell

In my opinion the intellectuals that are capable of coming up with solutions to western society are playing dumb because they are clever enough to understand that it is not in their interest to rock the boat. In my opinion they should consider jumping ship because if they cant find solutions to western society then the common man can and will.
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Australian Politics

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Re: Intellectuals Worthless?
Reply #6 - Aug 30th, 2016 at 10:56am
Prime Minister for Canyons wrote on Aug 30th, 2016 at 10:54am:
Still less worthless than the endless cut and paster

This is something that I prepared earlier and wanted to share with you guys.

Intellectuals are indeed worthless arent they? And utter scum also.
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Prime Minister for Canyons
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Re: Intellectuals Worthless?
Reply #7 - Aug 30th, 2016 at 11:02am
WJV wrote on Aug 30th, 2016 at 10:56am:
Prime Minister for Canyons wrote on Aug 30th, 2016 at 10:54am:
Still less worthless than the endless cut and paster

This is something that I prepared earlier and wanted to share with you guys.

Intellectuals are indeed worthless arent they? And utter scum also.

If this is what you prepared earlier, I would also argue it reads like something an "intellectual" might write.
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In a time of universal deceit — telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

No evidence whatsoever it can be attributed to George Orwell or Eric Arthur Blair (in fact the same guy)
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Australian Politics

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Re: Intellectuals Worthless?
Reply #8 - Aug 31st, 2016 at 11:00am
.....Thanks? (:
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Postmodern Trendoid III
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Re: Intellectuals Worthless?
Reply #9 - Sep 5th, 2016 at 9:14pm
WJV wrote on Aug 30th, 2016 at 10:54am:
"By encouraging, or even requiring, students to take stands where they have neither the knowledge nor the intellectual training to seriously examine complex issues, teachers promote the expression of unsubstantiated opinions, the venting of uninformed emotions, and the habit of acting on those opinions and emotions, while ignoring or dismissing opposing views, without having either the intellectual equipment or the personal experience to weigh one view against another in any serious way." - Thomas Sowell.

The same thing that happens in our schools is carried on through our universities. I agree with Sowell that modern western school teachers are the "intelligentsia" that influence children in beginning in elementary school to advocate for or against social issues. from the very start individuals are encourage to formulate opinions "without any intellectual training or prior knowledge of those issues, making constraints against falsity few or non-existent." - Thomas Sowell

Yes. Critical thinking skills are rarely taught in higher education. Academics or 'intellectuals' have already formulated their views then teach these in a cunning way that purports objectivity.

In my opinion the intellectuals that are capable of coming up with solutions to western society are playing dumb because they are clever enough to understand that it is not in their interest to rock the boat. In my opinion they should consider jumping ship because if they cant find solutions to western society then the common man can and will.

İ have a different view. It's currenty fashionable to hold left-wing views on every subject in academia. Holding such views ensures one keeps employment, gains connections, gains promotions, and make one appear as morally and intellectually superior to all the 'dumb' working class bogans.
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Re: Intellectuals Worthless?
Reply #10 - Sep 5th, 2016 at 10:01pm
Who is WJV?

A member of the Nazi party?
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