My political hero is Jack Lang. Jack Lang was an Australian politician who was Premier of my home State New South Wales for two terms ( 1925-27 ) - ( 1930 - 32 ). "The Big Fella" was a hero of working class Australians and a man that believed in himself and new ideas. A visionary. Jack Lang was a great Australian and an underrated politician that achieved great things during his career. His impact on Australian politics and Australian society is not celebrated like it should be.
Lang was a populist politician that denounced the wealthy for their excesses and attacked his political opponents with his powerful and unrestrained oratory skills. His followers used slogans including "Lang is right" and "Lang is greater than Lenin". Jack Lang was a hero of the working class that was fighting for social justice but he was more of a State Capitalist than a communist.
Quote:Lang's first term
During his first term as Premier, Lang carried out many social programmes, including state pensions for widowed mothers with dependent children under fourteen, a universal and mandatory system of workers' compensation for death, illness and injury incurred on the job, funded by premiums levied on employers, the abolition of student fees in state-run high schools and improvements to various welfare schemes such as child endowment (which Lang's government had introduced). Various laws were introduced providing for improvements in the accommodation of rural workers, changes in the industrial arbitration system, and a 44-hour workweek. Extensions were made to the applicability of the Fair Rents Act whilst compulsory marketing along the lines of what existed in Queensland was introduced. Adult franchise for local government elections was also introduced, together with Legislation to safeguard native flora and to penalize ships for discharging oil.His government also carried out road improvements, including paving much of the Hume Highway and the Great Western Highway.
Lang also restored the seniority and conditions to New South Wales Government Railways and New South Wales Government Tramways workers who had been sacked or demoted after the General Strike of 1917, including Ben Chiffley, a future Prime Minister of Australia.
Lang established universal suffrage in local government elections - previously only those who owned real estate in a city, municipality or shire could vote in that area's local council elections. His government also passed legislation to allow women to sit in the upper house of the New South Wales Parliament in 1926. This was the first government to do so in the British Empire and three years before the ''Persons Case' decision of the Privy Council in London would grant the same privilege to women throughout the Empire.
Quote:Lang's second term
In 1930, more than one in five adult males in New South Wales was without a job. Australian governments responded to the Depression with measures that, Lang claimed, made circumstances even worse - cuts to government spending, civil service salaries and public works cancellations. Lang vigorously opposed these measures and was elected in a landslide in October 1930.
As Premier, Lang refused to cut government salaries and spending, a stand which was popular with his constituents, but which made the state's fiscal position more parlous, though the economic state of the six other various Australian governments fared little better during this same period. In the wake of the Great Depression, measures were taken to ease the hardships of evicted tenants together with the hardships facing householders and other debtors battling to meet repayments. He passed laws restricting the rights of landlords to evict defaulting tenants, and insisted on paying the legal minimum wage to all workers on relief projects.
At an economic crisis conference in Canberra in 1931, Jack Lang announced his own programme for economic recovery. The "Lang Plan" advocated the repudiation of interest payments to overseas creditors until domestic conditions improved, the abolition of the Gold Standard to be replaced by a "Goods Standard" where the amount of money in circulation was linked to the amount of goods produced, and the immediate injection of £18 million of new money into the economy in the form of Commonwealth Bank of Australia credit. The Prime Minister and all other state Premiers rejected the plan.
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Lang is best remembered for his role in the controversy that surrounded the construction and opening of The Sydney Harbour Bridge. Lang was one of the first Australian politicians to truly stand up to the British Empire and the Sydney Harbour Bridge controversy was a watershed moment in Australian history where Australians began to take on a far more independent identity.
Lang, as Premier of NSW insisted on opening The Sydney Harbour Bridge himself and refused to allow the Kings representative.
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