Frank wrote on Sep 3
rd, 2016 at 7:07pm:
Karnal wrote on Sep 3
rd, 2016 at 6:53pm:
The Amerikan jails are full - period. The US has the highest incarceration rate in the world - higher than any empire at any time in history. Its failed war against drugs has incarcerated 1% of the US population - the population of a small country. Prisons alone cost the US hundreds of billions in borrowed money and ultimately solve nothing. We know one thing: they create more crime.
This is another of Trump's failed policy ideas: his promise to get tougher on crime. How?
Deport all the illegal aliens. Seriously clamp down on cartels and gangsters.
You sound like you want to bend over and spread it for the criminals because that's all you can/want/wish to do.
But that's just you. Giving up the law abiding to the criminals is your idea of policy. It's a stupid idea.
Rule of law in a democracy means rule of law - not "how do you enforce the law? you mustn't/cannot/shouldn't enforce the law" and all the similar bleating coming from people like you.
It doesn't take a superhuman effort to not be a murderous, ruthless drug dealer, rapists, armed robber. Millions and millions of people are leading productive lives without needing to kill, rape and maim. The laws are there to protect them, not to excuse the bastards who are unwilling to lead peaceful and productive lives.
The jails are filled with street-level small-fries and people caught with a roach or crack pipe in their car. You've seen Cops, shurely.
In some counties, get caught three times and you cop a mandatory life sentence. The rule of law is meaningless when, in some parts of the US, over 50% of the population is in jail; all rounded up and jailed for minor drug offences.
The burden this places on families, welfare systems, foster carers and entire communities is massive, and utterly pointless. Children grow up without parents and the system repeats itself.
One of the biggest industries in the US now is jails. Once, a county's chamber of commerce would welcome a cannery or soft drink bottler. Today, they welcome prisons. Jails are a major cash cow. The US has a privatized gulag archipeligo - publicly-listed companies paid with taxpayer dollars - some at the top of the US corporate ladder, and all healthy political donors.
Some judges have shares in the companies, and juridictions have a huge interest in finding new prisoners to keep the jobs and the money coming in. In one county, a judge was found to be getting kickbacks from the local juvenile justice facility. He jailed kids for maximum sentences for next to nothing. One 15 year old boy had been caught on the street after dark: 18 months in jail.
Yes, dear boy, this is the rule of law, Amerikan-style. The business of Amerika is business.