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Even more naughtiness by Mr Bean (Read 2818 times)
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Even more naughtiness by Mr Bean
Sep 2nd, 2016 at 10:21am
The Lefties are quivering with deep embarrassment and denying and lying and trying to quickly change the subject whenever Labor's Shanghai Sam is mentioned.

It is a bit like Juliar Gillard and Thommo all over again as Labor swims in swill yet again.

Fresh questions over Sam Dastyari's entitlements as calls grow for foreign donations ban
Latika Bourke SEPTEMBER 2 2016 - 2:31AM

Dastyari drama deepens.

Sam Dastyari has pointed to his attendance at a Chinese film festival to justify using taxpayer funds to campaign for Labor, even though MPs are banned from using their travel perks for political work.

There are continuing concerns over the Labor Senator asking a business with links to the Chinese Government to pay part of a travel bill.
The embattled Labor senator has gone to ground amid a ferocious government assault, triggered by a Fairfax Media report that he asked a business with links to the Chinese government to pay a $1600 bill after exceeding travel entitlements.

Attorney-General George Brandis even questioned whether Senator Dastyari had "compromised" himself by letting the company pick up the tab.

Go to the LINK to see all delicious exposure of corrupt Labor's Shanghai Sam which is making the Lefties squirm with embarrassment
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Re: Even more naughtiness by Mr Bean
Reply #1 - Sep 2nd, 2016 at 10:28am
In the very first week of Parliament at the launch of the Labor Titanic it is hilarious that, as Shocker Shorty chortles about a childish event in parliament, he is torpedoed by his very own Shanghai Sam.

Dastyari must step aside: Bernardi
Updated: 4:48 pm, Wednesday, 31 August 2016

A veteran Labor figure concedes Sam Dastyari made a 'big mistake' as the opposition senator faces calls to step aside for allowing a Chinese donor to pay a debt for him.

Senator Dastyari has admitted he should have paid the $1670.82 debt himself, rather than allowing a donor to foot the bill after he exceeded his travel allowance.

He insists the payment was properly declared on his pecuniary interest register and he's now donated that amount to charity.

But outspoken Liberal backbencher Cory Bernardi says declaring the payment isn't good enough, suggesting the matter has the 'stench of corruption'.

He's called on Senator Dastyari to stand aside.

Labor colleague Doug Cameron has also raised concerns about Senator Dastyari's 'big mistake'.

'We should look at more generally why anyone, why any politician, would have to rely on funding external to the parliament to carry out their job,' he told reporters in Canberra.

Senator Bernardi says Senator Dastyari's position as manager of opposition business in the Senate was 'entirely untenable' and he should stand aside until he can explain the circumstances surrounding the payment.

He also questioned Senator Dastyari's suitability to remain in parliament, pointing to other instances where Chinese interests had footed bills.

'One of the highest paid officials in the country, the top one per cent of income earners, couldn't find it within his own resources to pay back the $1670.82,' Senator Bernardi told parliament.

'The links between Senator Dastyari and the communist party of China are extraordinary.'

Senator Cameron later told parliament Senator Dastyari was an 'honest and capable' politician, accusing Senator Bernardi of over-stepping.

'There should be a forensic examination of every Liberal politician's election funding in this country, and then we'll see where the Chinese money is going,' he said.

'(Senator Dastyari) has exposed their link to the big banks - they don't like it.'

Senior Labor figures have jumped to Senator Dastyari's defence, saying he disclosed the payment fully in his register of interests.

'It's not like he was caught doing something,' shadow treasurer Chris Bowen told ABC TV.

But deputy Labor leader Tanya Plibersek said politicians needed to be careful.

'The fact that he has agreed to pay the equivalent amount to a charity shows that he doesn't believe that it's appropriate, he believes he made an error of judgement.'


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Re: Even more naughtiness by Mr Bean
Reply #2 - Sep 2nd, 2016 at 10:45am
Australian politicians: what is lower than a shonky used car salesman?
Australian Morning Mail 02/09/2016

After you read this article in The Australian about communist China’s donations to Australian political Parties, confusion may be the order.

Confusion in that can anybody be so damned dumb? Confusion in that can anybody be so damned desperate for money? Confusion about how some tricked voters into voting them into power. Whatever, you will have the answer to the question.

Analysis by The Australian shows Top Education Institute — whose payment of a $1670 bill on Senator Dastyari’s behalf ignited the current controversy — and its Chinese-government linked chief executive personally contributed $252,078 to the ALP in 28 payments over five years.
Source: News Corp

Sam Dastyari mired by soft power’s hard sell from Chinese

See rest of exposure of gross embarrassment to Lefty Labor in the LINK

Now feast till you drop on the COMMENTS praising Shocker Shorty and his Mr Bean

Cliff 02/09/2016, 7:04 am
I never thought I would ever find myself saying it, but I find myself in furious agreement with Bronwyn Bishop in her her comments last night on Paul Murray’s show regarding Sam Dastari.
One set of rules is demanded of conservatives. quite another – as in none – of the lefties. Barry O’Farrell resigns the Premiership over an undeclared bottle of wine. Bronnie is forced to resign the Speaker’s position over a helicopter ride. But Sammy’s will almost certainly remain a Senator despite actions that Bronwyn said amounted to the ‘t’ word – the ‘t’ word being? I think we all know what she meant and agree she is right in what she is implying.

Robert TG 02/09/2016, 7:31 am
I’m shocked, I tell ya. Never ever thought that the ALP would have a criminal in its ranks.
The Labor party is the criminal party of Australia. Of course they accept bribes, they are corrupt, lying bastards ripping off the Australian taxpayer at every turn.
And we all know how this will end……nothing will be done and in three years time his name will be at the top of the list for re election and he will be re elected. Just look at the criminal front bench, same old corrupt faces sitting there, year after year, collecting huge salaries and still it’s not enough, they have to gouge the taxpayer for all they can get, and betray this nation for 30 pieces of silver.

Ian 02/09/2016, 7:38 am
The deputy opposition leader’s husband was convicted of drug dealing/supply. Amazing that no one is saying that Tanya a) must have known about it and did nothing to report it and b) she obviously lived off the proceeds of crime and still holds her head up in public.
What a grub. Heroin kills people, mostly young people and still they vote for her. Why?

Bob 02/09/2016, 9:41 am
The Phillipines definitely a NO GO zone for this low life

Ian 02/09/2016, 7:35 am
Sam, the money man, took some money from the chinese, nothing unusual with that. It’s what they want in return that worries me, is it going to be favourable coverage of the south china sea, is it going to be better access to government funds in the education sector, or is it just a case of owning a senator, knowing they can call on him at any time?
What amazes me is the fact that Sam blew the travel budget and thought nothing of it to just give the invoice to a donor to pay. That takes guts, demanding more money from a donor. Or is there a lot more to this yet to surface?

Bob 02/09/2016, 9:46 am
How about a Royal Commission into rorts perpetrated by politicians and bureaucrats , throw in a few lefty lawyers as a desert , I mean we want ‘ Fairness ‘ don’t we?

Albert 02/09/2016, 10:01 am
He not only blew the travel budget but I read somewhere yesterday that he run up a $15,000 telephone bill.

Pensioner Pete 02/09/2016, 7:36 am
We are overdue for a federal ICAC, as corruption is corruption is corruption. Politicians on the take need to be exposed, penalised and made to resign.

Lorraine 02/09/2016, 8:28 am
Please make a note the Liberals resign as it is right to do so. Labor has no shame corruption is the day to day running of unions and the ALP their members never resign and are protected by the other members. The stupid rusted on Labor voter has been handed down how to vote Labor since they spent lazy days in their cots. like a cross they wear the working man badge, Labor has done nothing for the working man only using him as the tool for funds. so do not expect Sam to shrink away in shame , look at me ,look at me I took the bribe and I am proud it is the Labor way

Albert 02/09/2016, 9:47 am
Lorraine, let us not drape a flag of honour over the Liberals. The only reason they resigned was because they got caught.

Garry Nosworthy 02/09/2016, 8:46 am
Politicians will do nothing about overseas or Australian sourced donations because they are all completely corrupt and it’s not just Australia, look at the blatant corruption with US politicians like Hillary Clinton’s Clinton Foundation accepting more than $100 million from Saudi Arabia and other gulf states while she was Secretary of State.
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Re: Even more naughtiness by Mr Bean
Reply #3 - Sep 2nd, 2016 at 10:51am
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Lord Herbert
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Re: Even more naughtiness by Mr Bean
Reply #4 - Sep 2nd, 2016 at 11:01am
A Muslim.

... dear O dear O dear ..... 

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Re: Even more naughtiness by Mr Bean
Reply #5 - Sep 2nd, 2016 at 11:13am

does this spoil your moment of glee ?
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Re: Even more naughtiness by Mr Bean
Reply #6 - Sep 2nd, 2016 at 12:26pm

Nothing compared to those watches - either the politicians are dumb enough to expect fakes from billionaires, or they thought they could get away with it.
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Grappler Truth Teller Feller
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Re: Even more naughtiness by Mr Bean
Reply #7 - Sep 2nd, 2016 at 1:05pm
Ah - Flu Manchu - it's going around....
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“Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”
― John Adams
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salad in
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Re: Even more naughtiness by Mr Bean
Reply #8 - Sep 2nd, 2016 at 4:27pm
Is the dashing Dastyari our very own Manchurian Candidate?
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The ALP, the progressive party, the party of ideas, the workers' friend, is the only Australian political party to roast four young Australians in roof cavities. SHAME! SHAME! SHAME!
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Grappler Truth Teller Feller
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Re: Even more naughtiness by Mr Bean
Reply #9 - Sep 2nd, 2016 at 11:46pm
salad in wrote on Sep 2nd, 2016 at 4:27pm:
Is the dashing Dastyari our very own Manchurian Candidate?

He's working in the background to 'enable' the Chinese pipeline from the Iranian oil fields that will ensure that China has all the oil it wants in decades to come... while the West struggles with rebels in Iraq and Afghanistan...

The enemy of my enemy.... you know how it works.... and it may well be we have another Manchurian Candidate right here in Mr Bean.... even if he is nothing more than a bought and paid for one who knows not the difference......

He seems to be intelligent - after all he was admitted to medicine - but he also appears to be of shallow intellect.... nothing new there in our politicians..... but still ... I would hate to have to rely on him in a real shot storm....

These people need to get out amongst the REAL people more and stop sitting down to long lunches in the party committee room and devising policy based on learned at uni ideological nonsense....
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“Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”
― John Adams
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Re: Even more naughtiness by Mr Bean
Reply #10 - Sep 3rd, 2016 at 12:09am
I have little doubt that much more heinous crimes are committed by politicians.  $1600 odd ??? 
Foolish it was, but please, lets get down to the serious stuff. It merely shows what ALL pollies can get up to, until someone springs them.

I'd say the fiasco of Libs going home early is much more important to OUR interests . The PM and the LNP Coalition are, quite simply .... hopeless, gormless, and not worthy to govern.

I just laugh when I hear them rabbiting on about THEIR MANDATE.  They won by HOW MUCH? Means nearly 50% of voters DONT AGREE.

THEIR MANDATE. !! Gawd, it's a frikkin joke. Lets have another election.  Smiley
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Re: Even more naughtiness by Mr Bean
Reply #11 - Sep 3rd, 2016 at 12:13am
Emma wrote on Sep 3rd, 2016 at 12:09am:
I have little doubt that much more heinous crimes are committed by politicians.  $1600 odd ??? 
Foolish it was, but please, lets get down to the serious stuff. It merely shows what ALL pollies can get up to, until someone springs them.

I'd say the fiasco of Libs going home early is much more important to OUR interests . The PM and the LNP Coalition are, quite simply .... hopeless, gormless, and not worthy to govern.

I just laugh when I hear them rabbiting on about THEIR MANDATE.  They won by HOW MUCH? Means nearly 50% of voters DONT AGREE.

THEIR MANDATE. !! Gawd, it's a frikkin joke. Lets have another election.  Smiley

Neither do I but when exposed...

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Re: Even more naughtiness by Mr Bean
Reply #12 - Sep 3rd, 2016 at 12:22am coverup real quick,, hands down to the goolies... but he owned up, admitted his stupidity. Lets move on to the real business. The real deal.
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Re: Even more naughtiness by Mr Bean
Reply #13 - Sep 3rd, 2016 at 12:35am
Emma wrote on Sep 3rd, 2016 at 12:22am: coverup real quick,, hands down to the goolies... but he owned up, admitted his stupidity. Lets move on to the real business. The real deal.

I think all foreign interests in our pollies is worthy of prolonged and and sincere looking at.
Either side.
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Grappler Truth Teller Feller
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Re: Even more naughtiness by Mr Bean
Reply #14 - Sep 3rd, 2016 at 12:37am
They all do it, but let's take each one as they present themselves as targets - that way we build a groundswell for a Federal ICAC to look into their doings...

Grappler Party policy is a Federal ICAC NOW!
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“Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”
― John Adams
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