Brian Ross wrote on Oct 17
th, 2016 at 4:04pm:
*SIGH* still with the ad hominem, Frank? Tsk, tsk. 18c isn't aimed at me, its aimed the targets of your hatred and bigotry. Your opposition to 18c is because you're afraid you'll be unable to rant and rave at them. Tsk, tsk.
You can roll your eyes, you can tut-tut - but you are on he side of the fascists, Brian. And you know it. You know you are on the side of the oppressing thought-fascists.
Mr Leak's opponents are not attempting to engage him in debate; they're attempting to close down the debate. And there's no point getting in a debate with someone whose only argument is "Shut up – or else."
In that sense, the Australian "human rights" regime and the Charlie Hebdo killers are merely different points on the same continuum: They're both in the shut-up business, and they shut you up
pour encourager les autres. They know that, for every cartoonist they silence, a thousand more will never peep up in the first place.
So this isn't a debate about aboriginal policy or Islamic imperialism or anything else. It's a debate about whether we're free to debate. I take the view that the Australian state, like the Canadian state, should not be in the shut-up business. And, when they are, it's they who are the issue, not you. When it's a contest between a book or cartoon, on the one hand, and, on the other, a guy who says, "You can't say that!", it's the latter who's on trial. If you're on the side that's saying "Shut up!", you're on the wrong side.
And that's you, Brian, karnal, gweg, mothra, Greens and the rest of the progs. You are all in the shut-up business.