mass immigration of radically different people to the host locals.
Darkies acting in concert with one another like a parallel nation within the host nation, and the locals needing to walk-on-egg-shells and 'mind what they say' at every turn of the day - none of this was even dreamt of when I was in the UK.
Tip-toeing through the day is what it's all about in the UK nowadays.
Arrive at a UK airport and the customs staff and everyone else are Darkies wearing turbans and hijabs.
Get into the taxi to go into the city ... and it's a Darkie with a turban, a gold tooth, and a huge black beard.
Walk up to the hotel entrance and you're greeting by an enormous Negro in a gold-braided uniform.
Approach the Reception Desk and a row of Darkies are waiting to attend to you.
There's a knock on your hotel door and a Filipino woman wants to clean the bathroom.
You go down to the bar for a drink and again there's an ENORMOUS Negro waiting to give you a G&T.
Then off you go to the hotel's restaurant where you find Italian waiters fluttering around you.
You still haven't spotted an English man or woman since arriving in the country.
You catch a London Tourist bus and find yourself jammed in amongst a chattering mob of Japanese tourists, with the bus being driven by an ENORMOUS Negro from the West Indies. You go through inner-London areas where not a solitary white face is to be seen anywhere.
It's three days before you spot a fellow-Pom .... a dying breed whose DNA is being stored in a vault at the Smithonian Institute against the day when the last Englishman falls off his perch at the London Human Zoo to the gasps of a crowd of Chinese tourists with their cameras clicking.