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Australian Politics
Posts: 9853
You seem to forget that humans are part of the ecology of the earth. We are not removed from it. If the human psyche is producing ways, like the internet, to remove many many people from the reality of their surroundings, as you say, Cods, then it is in all seriousness a function of nature. Mother Earth is throwing everything at us to de-populate this world, from storms, to the Internet. You see , much as we might ignore it, we are of the Earth. What we do is part of the whole ecology... and when cancers arise, the body of our mother takes every opportunity to attack it. The fact that we mainly live in giant 'hives', and that our workers and procreators are choosing to go AWOL.. is just another example of how our demise approaches. We are not superior beings who can do as we will, and when such abnormality as massive overpopulation in a particular species comes up, Mother takes whatever steps are necessary. Like drought and starvation for example. Lets face it, the Earth will be here long after WE have disappeared, regardless of our grandiose beliefs in our own invincibility.