Aussie 'housos' arrested in Malaysia.
I hope that Malaysian authorities are able to lay serious charges against these 'Aussies'.
And that the Malaysian authorities are able to convict these 'Aussies' for disrespecting the people of Malaysia, and jail them all for, maybe 12 months ?
Those Aussie 'dopes'
were in a foreign nation.
They were
NOT here in Australia!
Aussie 'housos' arrested in Malaysia.
aussie housos wikiThe character of the people of a nation, define the popular [perceived] character of that nation.
Isn't that correct ?
IMO, Australia does not exist anymore.Yes, something which is referred to as 'Australia' exists.
But it is not Australia anymore..
We have let what 'Australia' was, slip through our fingers.
The Australia of old was far from perfect.
It had many faults.
But back then, we felt shame and even self-disgust, when our faults were exposed.
Today we [the 'body corporate' of what is 'Australia'] only feel anger when our faults are [properly] exposed or criticised.
We have to be responsible, as individuals.
Yadda said somewhere.....
"We are all the same. And there is no difference between us.", is the mantra that the humanists keep repeating.
But don't believe it!
Because it is our personal value systems [that have formed within us, from childhood until adulthood], which define who we are, as individuals.
And it is the - individual - which helps to define [the nature and the character of] his immediate 'environment' [i.e. the nature and the character of his community], and it is the collection of [those] communities [within a nation] that define the nature and character of a nation.