Frank wrote on Oct 9
th, 2016 at 6:28pm:
greggerypeccary wrote on Oct 9
th, 2016 at 6:23pm:
John Smith wrote on Oct 9
th, 2016 at 6:15pm:
Trump, according to Wiki , was always a bully
And a loser, and a douche bag.
Look at YOU!!! He has more money, a better purpose in his life, a greater and infinitely more positive impact on the world than you, a more beautiful family than you could ever dream of.
I don't measure success by money, or looks.
Anyone who does is a very shallow loser. I feel sorry for them.
I have more than enough money (by no means rich, though), and I could stop work tomorrow if I wanted to.
And, my family are all beautiful and love me for who I am - not for what material possessions I can give them.
Moreover, my impact on the world is far more positive than that of the accused child rapist's.
Being rich and famous isn't necessarily a positive contribution to society.
In his case, he makes the world a much worse place just by being alive.
I'm comfortable knowing that I'm a far, far better person than him in every single way possible, and that I'm more of an asset to the world than his bloated orange arse could ever hope to be.
I also feel sorry for people like you who think that he is worthy of praise.
I can honestly say that I wouldn't piss down his throat if he had heartburn.
I'm struggling to think of a more vile human being.
The fact that you admire him says an awful lot about you, and none of it is good.
You're just a loser like him, Sore End.