Jovial Monk wrote on Oct 21
st, 2016 at 9:56am:
I wonder what irrelevant side issue Lee will use to detract and deflect?
from your quote -
'That theory goes back to 1896, Swedish physical chemist Svante Arrhenius did the initial work on that. He subsequently got a Nobel prize for other work and he identified that back in 1896 that carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, for basic physical reasons will trap heat.'
Two things immediately spring to mind.
1. Why does Finkel use Arrhenius 1896 paper? In his 1906 paper he lowered the amount of warming postulated by a doubling of CO2. In his 1896 paper he said 5 or 6°C. In his 1906 paper he said 1.6°C - 3.9°C. But the same qualifiers persist.
2. Chief among them, and something entirely missed by Finkel, is the part where Arrhenius said "all other things being equal".
To date no-one has shown that all other things are equal. Water vapour, Air pressure. Isn't that one of the first things they should try to prove?
Of course you will probably think that is a deflection, because you are a true beleiber (sic).
BTW - Didn't someone the other day post hat there was more water vapour in the atmosphere?