The history of islam is / was: a ruthless army of muslims would overrun their neighbors, then all non-muslims would be burdened with heavy taxation and the threat of enslavement. Only islamic teachings were allowed. Only mosques were permitted to be built. This reign of propaganda and terror, resulted in mass conversions to islam. Many simply to avoid financial ruin from taxation and enslavement.
muhammad preached jihad, or holy war. The jihadists were assured of unlimited war booty and sex slaves . Those who died for allah were assured of a place in a brothel overflowing with houris with big tits and little boys with eyes like pearls. Those jihadists who lived were granted status higher than any other muslim.
The quran, is preached as the key to the future.
islam did not gather a following by the reason and logic of doctrine, but by the promise of world domination and inexhaustible sex, plunder and riches.
Contented people don’t become fanatics. The fanatic is discontented, disappointed and powerless. islam has failed muslims miserably
muslims are a failed people of no talent who find freedom and self responsibility to be a burden.
Freedom and responsiblity to act as creditworthy individuals will only highlight how ineffectual muslims really are. muslim fanatics are absolved of individual responsibility and guilt.
muslims crave an atmosphere of strict discipline. They cannot exist without the irremissible adherence to doctrine.
They cannot exist without the commands of their infallible prophet and sacred text.
Couple this with their deeprooted fears of liberty and responsibility you have the perfect breding ground for islamic depravity so common today globally.
muslims don't aspire to freedom and diversity; they yearn for the uniformity of a single dominant oppressive doctrine.
muslims are mediocre people with an overwhelming sense of their own inferiority.
islamic doctrine paints them as divine followers of infallibility and benefactors of such godly behaviour.
Reality paints a different picture, collectively they are inbred, low intellect, backward people. Unable to accept responsibility for their own situation they blame every thing and every body else for their failure as human beings.
Failed muslims seek to reach glory by regressing deeper into total submissiveness to islam, the very cause of their problems in the first place. They limit all exposure to the outside world, the texts of other religions are not available,
muslims live the propaganda of the glories of past muslim conquests. This only serves to further highlight the ineffectiveness of islam today 2016.
Dying and killing are an integral part of the muslim’s function, this is the one true path for the highest grade of muslims
muslims live a zombie like life totally governed by the qur'an and islam. He believes that there is no truth outside of the quran.
The contradictory evidence of the world today is never acknowledged; muslims must reject the evidence of truth as heresy. To affirm their faith muslims use the quran to conceal reason, truth and logic.
The driving force of islam is hatred. muslims are inspired by allah, who hates all corrupt muslims and all non muslims according to the qur'an. So we have a failed people all seething at the thought that the enemies of allah are living the good life, while allahs' chosen people are at the bottom of the social pile
muslims are introverted shunning everything not islamic as being totally wrong.The daily routine of compulsory prayers obeying sunnahs all enforce the retardation of muslims, they have no way up, they are going downhill fast. The perpetuation of islam depends on force and oppression. islam and the qur'an will never be recognized as the backward entities they are, islam is doomed to an anti-intellectual future.
The problem is exacerbated by self loathing leftards who refuse to criticize islam, instead always seeking to exonerate and excuse the degeneracies of islam.
So we have a duo of evil, (muslims and leftards), who are the present day source of the bloodshed death and destruction the world is enduring right now.