If freedom of speech means anything, it means the freedom to say,
PROPOSITION;Nobody(1) has the right
to seek to restrict or prohibit [i.e. IN LAW] the expression of an opinion [by another person(2)], because they(1) claim, that another person(2) is expressing [e.g. a political] opinion that is an "insult" to them(1).
Our freedom of speech [and the liberty of the individual!!] would be effectively thwarted,
if our governments will argue that freedom of speech should be restricted/prohibited [i.e. IN LAW], because someone will claim that an [expressed] opinion is an "insult" to them [or to their beliefs].
QUESTION;Are the elites in the West intentionally building
and enabling Politically Correct dictatorships ?
Dictatorships, which will be societies of men, where a resident ISLAM, exclusively, will be a philosophy whose teachings will be free to insult, and to express hatred of all others [i.e. hatred of all those who are not moslems] [i.e. as mainstream ISLAMIC doctrine is want to do!!!],
but at the same time, be societies of men where ISLAM will be ideologically [AND
IN LAW] protected from the scrutiny or criticism of all other minds ?
THAT, is an ISLAMIC state!
Quote:The West's Politically Correct Dictatorship
by Giulio Meotti
December 6, 2016
......Under this politically correct dictatorship......freedom of speech can be restricted any time someone claims that an opinion is an "insult."