freediver wrote on Jan 5
th, 2017 at 10:59am:
Quote:Rubbish. Who says? Its a made up word, it can be whatever you want it to be - like insisting its defining race.
Yes Gandalf. I say that is what a sand negro is. I made the term up. Feel free to substitute any racial group you want and it will still hold. On the other hand, if you want to define sand negro differently, you define it in such a way that it is not a race.
No, FD, you don't get to define what a sand negro is. It's an American term, often used in the US military, to describe Arabs. It's used as a disparaging racial slur, describing a
tinted race that lives in the desert.
"N1gger" is colloquial American slang for "negro". It is used solely in a racist context, even when used by blacks themselves, who use the term to make light of its racist connotations.
Describing Arabs as "sand negros", as you are, is indeed racist. I note that you are not using the term ironically. You are using it to describe a race of, in your words, "inbred retards". You regularly post your Arab inbreeding map to present a scientific rationale to your racism. You have also described the argument that Arab interbreeding with Africans causes genetic defects and subnormal intelligence as a "plausible theory".
I also note that you are employing the term "sand negro" to confront and make fun of people's hostility to racism. You are brandishing racist terminology to argue that racism in this case does not exist, and you are doing so in an attempt to conceal your racism.
Your belief that people must admit to their racism to be judged as racist is wrong. Racism, like all social phenomena, is held in language. Most people are unaware of their racism until they are confronted with it. Arguing that you're not racist while you simultaneously present the most obvious racist arguments reveals your racism to all. It's telling that those who indulge in your racist arguments are self-confessed racists - Homo, the old boy and Sprint, who you used to challenge regularly over his racism.
You can continue to hide your racism, FD, or you can choose to embrace it - as many other members here have. It seems a bit hypocritical, however, to keep hiding, evading and skirting the issue. We don't need to know what lies behind your words, we have the words themselves.
Wacist, innit.