Quote:What difference does it make? Frank is wrong about muslims not being overwhelmingly accepted into western society. OK? Do you agree? Or would you like to offer some actual arguments to defend his baseless contention?
New polling out today found that 49 per cent of people support a ban on Muslims coming to Australia, compared to 40 per cent who oppose a ban. (The remaining 11 per cent weren't sure either way.) Quote:There literally is no sensible explanation for advocating mass genocide of an entire race that excludes racial superiority as the justification.
Ah, so racists only say things that have a sensible explanation now?
Quote:Whatever you spin it as, self interest, fear, whatever, it can only be that: you simply don't advocate the annihilation of an entire ethnic group/race if you think they are your equals who deserve the same rights as you.
Aussie thinks the European Jewish immigrants to Israel do not have the same rights as Arabs, yet he aslo insists that he does not view the Arabs as superior. Do you believe him?
Quote:Would you care to have a go at apologising for the holocaust? Were the nazis simply thinking about "an extended familial type of self-interest"? Well maybe they were, but they were above anything else racial supremacists - as are all racists who advocate mass genocide, which thankfully is a very small percentage of racists.
Every single one of them? Now you are being racist Gandalf. I'm sure plenty merely saw self interest in Lebensraum.
Also, aborigines get better treatment under Australian law. Could that only be motivated by notions of aboriginal superiority?
Quote:Now who's saying that FD? Certainly not me.
Yes you are, here:
Quote:I certainly haven't done anything of the kind - happily or otherwise. The only possible way you could interpret this is if you fallaciously equate "arabia for arabs" as "kill all non-arabs". Which it very clearly isn't.
What is the distinction youa re trying to invoke here Gandalf?
Quote:If Aussie was implying superiority of arabs over another group it absolutely would be racist. No ifs or buts.
Even though Arabs are not a race? Why did you go on about them being a linguistic group for so long if superiority was the deciding factor? Do you still insist that Aussie was only referring to language?
Quote:But thats not how he framed it - he even came and specifically said thats not what he meant. His only point - which I concede was badly prosecuted - was that western meddling in arab affairs has been nothing but trouble - and that it should stop.
Wrong Gandalf. Here he is, in this very thread. You even responded to this post:
Aussie wrote on Jan 9
th, 2017 at 4:17pm:
Arabia is for Arabs is
term. It has zero to do with a group superiority over another. I include Jewish 'Arabs' when I use the term
Arabia is for Arabs.
I specifically exclude Jews from Europe, the USA and elsewhere. They ought bugger orf, and leave that Land to the Arabs. Would you like to concede this one also? You were wrong to insist that it is limited to the west "stopping" it's meddling. This is also a good example of someone saying something that is clearly racist while excluding superiority as a motive. Now would be a good time to concede you were wrong on that also. Let me know when you have finished backpedaling. It can be hard to tell with you.
Quote:umm no FD. When moses talks about inbred psychopathic retards who squat to pee - do you think he had non-inbred whites in mind? Take your time on this one.
If he said they were inbred, he probably intended to exclude the non-inbred ones. But that is not what he actually said, is it? Care to answer the question now? Did Moses intend to include you when he referred to 100% of Muslim men? If so, does that not then fail your definition of racism, because you don't believe Muslims are a race and Moses was specifically not using it as a "marker" for a racial group.