polite_gandalf wrote on Jan 13
th, 2017 at 3:30pm:
freediver wrote on Jan 13
th, 2017 at 12:56pm:
Gandalf, what is the race, and what is the marker for the race? Is a "marker for a race" simply a group that is not actually a race - eg a religion, a profession, stupid people, inbred people etc? Or is it a reference to an actual race - eg using Muslim when you really mean Arab?
1. there are no "actual races" - I've only pointed this out about 100 times now.
2. definitions of "race" in the context of being "racist", therefore are entirely fabricated constructs, true only in the mind of the racist. Though it doesn't make the phenomenon of 'racism' any less real. 'Racial markers' for the purposes of racism, could be just about anything that allow the racist to homogenise the target group, and use that 'outgroup homogeneity' to denigrate the group. Examples include hindus with BO, arabs who are lazy and lack initiative and yes, muslims who are inbred and (therefore) stupid.
freediver wrote on Jan 13
th, 2017 at 12:56pm:
If he is deliberately including white people, how is it a marker for a race?
How on earth can he say "all muslim (males) are inbred" while simultaneously referring to people he knows are not inbred?
Is your argument that its nonsensical and contradictory - and therefore not racist?
Muslim Arabs have a negative cultural influence on every Western country they migrate to. That's the long and the short of all this argy-bargy, Gandalf - how does an evidently superior culture, the West, resist an evidently inferior culture, Islam, without appearing impolite.
It's an impossibility, Gandalf, I am telling you.
Islam is an inferior culture in every aspect- but we pretend it isn't because most Muslims are also afflicted with a 'racial' identity which they mine and exploit to the fullest extent. You are a case in point precisely because you are white. You are sensitive to Muslim race because you a white Muslim.
But Islam would be as inferior if it was entirely and exclusively an Icelandic creed. Islam is a bad creed not because most of its adherents are non-white but because it IS a bad creed. You just divert from the badness of the creed by endless reference to 'race'. A ginger Muslim is as stupid and misguided as a dark one. It's the creed, stupid, not the race.
Is it coincidence or causation that the vast majority of Muslims are coloured? Islam doesn't make you coloured. Whites do not succumb to Islam anywhere near the rate coloured peoples have been. Cultural resistance or racial? Why don't darker people resist Islam the same way?
Does melanin and a flat nose and thick dark hair make you susceptible to Islam?
You are white. What made you submit to such an obviously silly creed? I am guessing resentment towards what you grew up in.