Gandalf, do you concede that your definition of racism is circular, because a key part of it is "racialising" groups? Are you going to explain what that means?
Quote:Thats just dumb FD. How can you have a racial marker for the purpose of identifying ethno-cultural groups - if there are no ethno-cultural groups involved in the first place?
Yes Gandalf, it is stupid. Do you deny claiming that doctors or other professions can be a marker for the purpose of racism?
Quote:No. But many people clearly do believe so. Issuevoter and others regularly brand me a "traitor to my kind". Soren/Frank "racialises" me by insisting that I am lying about my devoutness to Islam - since only the tinted races could think so stupidly. See, because I am white, I have an inherently "smarter" brain. He regularly runs with this theme - most recently describing how tinted muslims are the most barbaric and backward in their beliefs, while white converts are tempered by their whiteness.
You are drawing a very long bow there Gandalf. Did you ask any of these people if they believed so before insisting they clearly do? Pretty much the entirety of your argument now rests on replacing what people actually said with various "reinterpretations," often based on fundamental ignorance of key concepts like inbreeding
Quote:Isn't it funny - When demonstrating my own beliefs, its always me who is standing up for what you lot always insist Islam is - nothing but an ideology/set of beliefs (ie not a race/ethnicity). Yet its the same people who somehow see me as belonging to, or pretending to belong to some alien "race" while necessarily betraying my own kind. You yourself betray such thinking whenever you try and insult me with phrases like "typical muslim answer", "..spoken like a true muslim" etc - as if muslims are this great big monolith with a hive mind - with a sinister agenda to be tricky and deceitful.
The only person here who has actually invoked the hive mind argument is you, and you did so in order to support genocide. That is one of the most f'd up racist things I have seen posted on this board, and it came from the person who wants to expand the definition of racism to the point it loses meaning.
Quote:Thats funny, When I heard him defining a group by their inbreeding and stupidity, I must have mistook that for a group that is defined by inbreeding and stupidity. Silly me.
Inbreeding is not a race either. Nor is stupid. To clarify, did Moses say that all inbred people are Muslim, or that all Muslims are inbred? If it is the latter, why do you insist the group is defined by inbreeding? Do I need to draw a venn diagram for you?
Quote:So you've said. And "reference to a race" can also mean a reference to a made up race - like "sand negro".
What is the distinction you are making here? All races are arbitrary in some way. Just like sexism is based on blurry grouping and ageism is entirely arbitrary.
Quote:And what makes it a "race"? - FD says so.
I gave you my definition earlier. No-one has made any effort to pull it apart.
Quote:Even though the term is regularly used to identify multiple what you would call "races" - including arabs and Afghans and Berbers - and that in reality the label is far more about identifying muslims
The rabbit hole just got even deeper. What on earth are you talking about Gandalf? Are you really that committed to making Muslims the victims?
Quote:So there you have it, racism must be based on race - according to FD, but 'race' can mean pretty much anything, and it doesn't have to be based on any actual "race" (which hasn't even been properly defined). Yet FD also gets to decide which made up, random, not-specific-to-any-actual-race "races" can apply to "racism" - but has absolutely no criteria for determining that.
Do you have a problem with the definition of race I put forward?
Quote:Hence the made up group "sand negro" definitely applies to racism - even though its a made up race with no grounding in any actual "race" - but another made up group, lets call it "stupid inbred muslims" cannot be racist - even though it is just as made up and just as inapplicable to any actual 'race' as 'sand negro'.
What are the "actual" races Gandalf?
Quote:Sorry, this just gets funnier the more I read it.
Gandalf, you stated earlier that you concede you were wrong about how inbreeding works. But you never clarified what you conceded. Perhaps now would be a good time. Perhaps you still misunderstand what it means to say that inbreeding affects the intelligence of offspring. FYI, it has nothing to do with racism.