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Satanism (Read 11239 times)
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Re: Satanism
Reply #60 - Mar 12th, 2017 at 9:44am
The religion of the end time will be one where the false prophet will deceive the whole world and cause the world to worship the Antichrist by doing miracles such as pulling fire from the sky. This religion already exists but will be made universal by the power given the Antichrist and the false prophet by the devil.
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Re: Satanism
Reply #61 - Mar 13th, 2017 at 12:29am
Grendel wrote on Mar 12th, 2017 at 9:44am:
The religion of the end time will be one where the false prophet will deceive the whole world and cause the world to worship the Antichrist by doing miracles such as pulling fire from the sky. This religion already exists but will be made universal by the power given the Antichrist and the false prophet by the devil.

Yes too many followers of this religion will not rest until the world burns.

They literally cannot wait.
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Quoth the Raven "Nevermore"

Raven would rather ask questions that may never be answered, then accept answers which must never be questioned.
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Re: Satanism
Reply #62 - Mar 13th, 2017 at 11:27am
The end of the world belief is widespread around the globe and as old as the hills:

In Hinduism, there is the story of the god Vishnu coming back in the last cycle of time as a figure called Kulki, who rides a white horse, carries a sword that looks like a comet and destroys the forces of evil.

In some Buddhist prophecies, the equivalent of Armageddon is Shambhala, in which good triumphs over evil; however, the planet is restored rather than destroyed so people can pursue enlightenment.

In islam, the end of the world is referred to as the Hour

The ancient Mayan calendar is an end of world prediction.

There are many people who believe that UFOs' and aliens will bring about the end of the world as we know it.

Frashokereti As the oldest religious apocalypse in recorded history, the Zoroastrian end of days prophecies.

Kali Yuga The final period of the four-part Hindu cycle

The Seven Suns Mahayanan Buddhism end of days belief.

Ragnarok the end times of Norse religion

The Blue Star Kachina the end times mythology of the Hopi.

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Re: Satanism
Reply #63 - Apr 2nd, 2017 at 10:47pm

Greatest Whistle Blower in History! Donald Marshall Illuminati, Clones, Drones; Vril Lizards
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Re: Satanism
Reply #64 - Apr 3rd, 2017 at 9:20am

Retired HEAD OF FBI Tells ALL "Illuminati, Satanism, Pedophile Rings"
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« Last Edit: Apr 3rd, 2017 at 10:37am by it_is_the_light »  

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Christ Light

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Re: Satanism
Reply #65 - Apr 16th, 2017 at 12:35pm

If We Already Lived Inside A Satanic Society – How Would We Know?

If we did already live inside a satanic society, how would we know? Are there any signs that we already live inside a satanic society? Is there a chance many wouldn’t notice for the same reason a fish doesn’t notice that it swims in water? If you ask a fish what water is, it won’t know because the fish is surrounded by water and knows nothing else.

Now before we start this article, lets make sure we know what satanism really is because if you mention that word to the average person down at the coffee shop, they’re going to instantly think about mentally imbalanced people dressed in dark robes, sacrificing children at an alter, drinking blood, devil horns, pitch forks, forked tails, ritual sacrifice etc etc.  Satanism is actually a church right here in North America and the base doctrine of The Church of Satan is to “serve self at the expense of others, no matter the cost“. So although some examples of Satanism are going to involve immoral and dark behavior, the motivations behind these dark and immoral acts are always based on what result can be obtained when a person “without empathy” starts to make decisions that benefit them personally, at the expense of everyone else around them. For a brief review of the actual Church of Satan, head quartered in San Francisco California, please click here. Yes, it’s a real life philosophy and there’s a real headquarters and many people are members across the world etc etc.  Think of satanism as SELF SERVING BEHAVIOR, WITHOUT EMPATHY, AT THE EXPENSE OF OTHERS.  So just how satanic is our society, by that definition?

So lets try to determine if we already live inside a satanic society (like this is even going to be hard to prove unfortunately) without our knowledge? There’s an old saying, “the fish is the last one to know it swims in water” and the reason a fish doesn’t even know what water is, is because the water completely surrounds it. If the fish knows nothing other than water, it has no ability to comprehend or think logically about the question. This is the same scenario with asking people to assess self serving behavior within our society today.

Our society today is designed to push a self serving, non empathetic and satanic culture into the belief systems of the general population…………to the point where it becomes like water to the fish. The motivations to initiate the entire population into conventional satanic doctrine can be traced back to many powerful families from ancient Egypt, Babylonia and Sumeria who basically discovered that fear, trauma and a system of positive rewards for compliance and extreme punishments for non compliance worked most efficiently for controlling large groups of people. Basically satanism as a belief system is THE MOST EFFICIENT way to control, rule over, govern, steal from and enslave large groups of people against their will. Scared people are easily controlled, so when you care only for yourself and not for others, satanic philosophy happens automatically. This form of psychopathic governance manifested long ago and the words to describe this evil model of ruling people came later, with satanism as just one word used to describe the immoral, unethical and cruel treatment of all life on the planet……..for self serving control purposes.

Many of our cultural institutions are designed to initiate the average citizen into the satanistic philosophy (self serving), without the person knowing that such an initiation is taking place and without knowing that such an agenda even exists. As we participate in ritual and after ritual within this hidden agenda, without our knowledge, we as average citizens start to mimic and accept this trauma based, self serving behavior model as normal and beneficial. As we are ruled in this way, we rule others and ourselves in the same way because frankly that’s how the human mind is wired. We will rule others and ourselves, as we are ruled. This means we’re initiated into a satanic (self serving) culture and with this acting as the base program within our mental operating systems, we forward ourselves into the world, further spreading satanism far and wide, while at the same time believing that we humans (in this most recent generation) represent the finest tip of the evolutionary process plus a highly technical and civilized society. Unfortunately nothing could be further from the truth. We live in a death cult, plain and simple.

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Christ Light

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Re: Satanism
Reply #66 - Apr 16th, 2017 at 12:35pm
OK, so enough theory. How about some real world examples of satanism masquerading as love, caring and moral conduct. This of course reflects the mental programming I’m referring to. The satanistic mind programming aims to rewire the mind of the average person to believe that love is pain or that love and pain go hand in hand. Satanism is primarily about programming a human to be the opposite of what a human is really supposed to be. Humans aren’t supposed to be self serving at the expense of others.  If you wish to bring biblical references into the narrative, satanism is about reversing the natural morality of the human. We’re talking about the original morality imprinted into the human when the soul left God’s workshop.  Satanism is based on rewiring the morality of a human to “the opposite setting“, sort of like terminating the humanity within the human species. Turning humans, non human, to destroy all life on the planet, as a natural extension of being repeatedly being exposed to self serving reward system after self serving reward system. We’re not really supposed to be self serving, we’re supposed to serve others and the community. Love isn’t supposed to equate to pain. Love is supposed to equate to protection and security. This is also why throughout history the “opposite philosophy” I’m referring to can even be found in the words we use like “evil” and “the devil“. Evil is LIVE spelled backwards. So the opposite of LIVE is evil. Anything that destroys the original design of life was known as evil because our ancient ancestors tried to encode the language itself with hidden messages, intended to warn humanity of this evil force that attempts to rewire the humanity out of humankind.  Devil is LIVED spelled backwards, so again we see the message inside our own language. Satanism (a life of self serving, shallow, immoral and unethical behavior) is simply the opposite mind program of the one we were sent to earth with. This is also why biblical prophecy would warn of any “man” trying to take “the place of God” because “man” shouldn’t be trying to reprogram the morality based GPS of the humans…………because that was God’s area of expertise and God’s alone. Anyone wanting to take the place of God (biblical) was known as the beast or Satan etc etc. Was Satan a real character? I don’t think so. I think these ancient warnings were about keeping an eye on immoral and unethical humans and to keep them in check. To say we have failed in this task would be the understatement of the century, as most of humanity today are insisting that the most corrupt and immoral of the human herd rule over the rest of us, in violent and self serving ways.

OK, so if we did live inside a satanic society, and we needed to clarify if some how we were missing that fact, what sort of observations could we use to logically assess the situation? Satanism is based on taking full advantage of anything that can’t defend itself so lets look at how our society treats its’ children, the most defenseless of the human herd.  Where do you think I’m going with this? Should be pretty obvious. How about injecting toxins into children upon their arrival here on earth and then lying to each other that the poison makes them healthier? How is this self serving, you may ask? Well, the parent serves themselves by vaccinating the child, because they gain instant acceptance into a satanic herd of people who also poison their own children. The poisoning of the child instantly benefits the parent…….but only inside a truly satanic society. There is no scientific evidence that vaccines do anything close to what they’re advertised to do, so the research has nothing to do with why people are vaccinating their children. The people most insistent on poisoning their children with vaccination, haven’t done any research on the issue and there’s a firm reason for that. The decisions to vaccinate are being based on personal benefit to the parent and not the health of the child. People are vaccinating their children for PERSONAL REASONS, regarding how they can find a greater sense of safety in the herd and all they have to do is poison their children to gain that safety. THAT’S SELF SERVING AND FULLY SATANIC BY DEFINITION. The evidence that there’s no research to back vaccination, and I mean what so ever, can be found at this link.

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Christ Light

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Re: Satanism
Reply #67 - Apr 16th, 2017 at 12:36pm
How about circumcising male infants upon their arrival here on the planet? Sent here from God or where ever else you think they’re coming from, only to arrive here and be butchered, out of love of course. What sort of society would believe attacking an innocent child is about love and benefit to the child? You already have your answer. Oddly enough circumcision was known as the mark of the slave in ancient Egypt. There’s that ancient connection to mentally imbalanced people from our ancient past again. They’re still here by the way. So how do you think injecting poisons into children and cutting the top of their penises’ off is accepted in our society as loving and protecting? Is love about love and protection in our society or is it about pain, poisoning, trauma, fear, control and obedience? If we lived inside a satanic society, what would the religions look like? How about one religion about a father who kills his own son and then the followers go to mass (derived from the word massacre and mass murder) as they mimic eating the dead boy’s flesh and drinking the blood of the child. Are you shocked? Remember the fish. Then imagine that the stories told at this ritual involves the death and the killing of the boy (by the father) as being the best thing the world could have ever witnessed. I’m not saying God’s not real. What I am saying is that there’s a good chance many people have been rewired without their knowledge to be honoring the opposite of love via satanic philosophy and satanic sleights of mind. If you walked inside an openly satanic society, would you notice? Are you sure you would? Then imagine the reaction of that satanic society when you point any of this out. Is it not complete and utter heresy to point out that satanism (immoral and self serving behavior) has completely enveloped our society? Of course it’s complete heresy because talking against satanism, as the foundational belief system in our culture, is a sin punishable by death as it has always been. Do you live in an death cult? Your knee jerk reaction is “no” but are you sure?

It’s everywhere, like water to the fish, it surrounds us but we don’t notice and the entire push of this article was to do exactly that, to make us start noticing the satanic doctrine that we’re already living.  I was coaching a client last week and her shirt read “KILLING IT” and again, people don’t get it. Why does our shirts have to say KILL and why do people wear these shirts with extreme pride? It’s because they don’t have a clue what’s going on because they’re the fish in the water. The clothing is violent, people are cutting and mutilating their bodies at even increasing rates, steroids, government killings abroad, government officials organizing 9/11 (the killing of our own people), children being molesting by priests, children being fed the most toxic foods in the world and that’s being done inside schools, false flags, government sex slaves,  etc etc. People rarely say anything and most cheer it on with a joint in their mouth, an erection in their pants, a drink in their hand and a piece of dead animal flesh in their mouth……..and you know why they cheer it on? You already know why. Because inside a satanic society, the easiest way to find safety, is to become a full fledged initiated member of the satanic self serving and immoral religion…………which is basically most of our culture.

Just look at the tattoos. A symbol that screams, “my natural skin isn’t good enough and I want to change my original design.” Look at the tattoos. Mostly skulls, guns, swords, death, trauma, bullets, violent and poisonous animals, death imagery etc etc. A message on our skin that says, “Hey, I’m in the cult of Satan and I do this and wear this in honor of our culture’s death cult belief system and self serving philosophy. This marks me as safe. Go attack someone who doesn’t adorn themselves with this death cult imagery. I don’t really know what any of this means but I know that if I mutilate myself, I am safer in this society. I don’t know why really that is but I want to be safe, so I’m doing it anyway.” We’re mimicking what we see and what we think as normal because we’ve been initiated into this cult without knowing that the cult even exists and without knowing we’re already card carrying members of this cult.
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Christ Light

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Re: Satanism
Reply #68 - Apr 16th, 2017 at 12:36pm
Just look at the definition of good parenting today. If you don’t poison your child with toxic injections, you’re attacked and that’s not because there’s any research to say that poisoning children is healthy (like that could ever be proven). The attack on parents who love their children enough not to hurt them comes because inside a satanic society love is about hurting your child and the satanists can’t comprehend the love model you’re using because the love model they’ve been taught is about poisoning the child with vaccines, poisoning the child with formula, poisoning the child with junk food and poisoning the child in every other way that our satanic society declares is loving or protecting of the child. Inside a satanic society love is pain, love is death, love is poisoning and love is the destruction of everything natural that God has provided. Again a complete inversion of the concepts of love, protection, morality and ethics because our cultural institutions have always been charged with forwarding the ancient self serving philosophy of our rulers into the public without their knowledge. The ruling families who rule most of the world today are documented satanists, who kill children, animals and the planet, to serve self……..and they would certainly stand out as the conduct their tyrannical psychopathic rampage around the world UNLESS they convinced the public to be just like them. How can a psychopath walk openly among moral people? Easy, you make the moral people psychopaths themselves and institute a full spectrum domination of the minds of the public, to make them believe self serving satanic behavior is normal and acceptable. The easiest way a psychopath can walk the streets and not get noticed is to make everyone else around them psychopathic as well and this is exactly what’s being done.

Look at the TV shows, the movies, the beliefs and even the monetary reward systems. Who makes the most money inside a satanic society? The people who pray hardest to immoral, self serving. unethical and shallow behavior. A person who grows organic food on a farm makes minimum wage. A doctor that injects poisons into children lives in a mansion. Why? You already know why.  Look at disease charities, taking money from poor people and giving it to companies who produce medical poisons that kill and increase disease. You have millions of people cheering this entire psychopathic cycle on, jumping around celebrating and they couldn’t be happier to finance their own deaths and destruction. Happy faces all around. Death is honored and so is the poisoning. Why? You know why. Eat a hot dog, pop and a French fry and eat it during a cancer charity. Poison yourself with foods that cause cancer and tell people you’re helping. Everyone honors you for adding to the kill total. WIRED FOR IMMORALITY. WIRED FOR THE OPPOSITE OF THE TRUTH. A BELIEF THAT CARING IS KILLING AND THAT KILLING IS LOVE. BELIEVING THAT KILLING YOURSELF AND KILLING OTHERS IS GOOD. FULLY SATANIC IN THE DICTIONARY DEFINITION OF THE WORD. Go back to the first paragraph of this article where I said that most people believed satanism was about people killing children, blood ritual and mentally imbalanced individuals engaging in a self serving orgy of death and destruction. Turn on your TV right now, go to CNN. Let it all sink in. Watch how the killers. killing and death are celebrated in our society and watch how the excitement around killing is hitting a fever pitch all around the our death cult culture.

I could go on and I do every day. We’ll leave the article this length so it’s not too long. Don’t just take my word for it. Start reading the words on the clothes. Start looking at the tattoos. Look at what medicine (me-die-sin) endorses we do to our children. Look at a kid’s menu at a restaurant. Food not fit for a maggot being fed to children because children need to be poisoned because poison is love. Look at the corrupt politicians and what governments are doing to their own people and the very planet we all need to survive. Evil is a force, that can infect humans, and when the entire planet is destroyed, not one living cell left, that force will just pick up and leave to another planet………and the human species will be no more.  The mind is useless if the eyes are blind.
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Re: Satanism
Reply #69 - Apr 17th, 2017 at 1:11pm

Bases 70 Michael Aquino Part One
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CO2 has never controlled
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Re: Satanism
Reply #70 - Apr 17th, 2017 at 1:29pm
"The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist."
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1. There has never been a more serious assault on our standard of living than Anthropogenic Global Warming..Ajax
2. "One hour of freedom is worth more than 40 years of slavery &  prison" Regas Feraeos
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Christ Light

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Re: Satanism
Reply #71 - Apr 19th, 2017 at 12:15pm

De-Mystifying The Occult, Part II – Jay Parker – Time Of Decision

Published on Apr 17, 2017
Occult whistleblower Jay Parker gave this presentation as part of Mark Passio's De-Mystifying The Occult II: Satanism & The Dark Occult seminar in Philadelphia, PA on February 6, 2016.
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