Brian Ross
Grendel wrote on Feb 11 th, 2017 at 8:01am: Brian Ross wrote on Feb 11 th, 2017 at 12:58am: Frank wrote on Feb 11 th, 2017 at 12:14am: Brian Ross wrote on Feb 5 th, 2017 at 9:10pm: Frank wrote on Feb 5 th, 2017 at 9:03pm: Brian Ross wrote on Feb 5 th, 2017 at 5:47pm: Frank wrote on Feb 5 th, 2017 at 11:32am: Not even you would believe that is is nothing but simply different skin colour. Prove to us that people with different skin colour aren't human beings, Soren. I look forward to your efforts. It will be amusing. Me: recognising someone's race is NOT simply about skin colour . You: prove that other skin colours are not human. And you wonder and yawn why you are universally recognised as the biggest fool around. Pouting, preening - totally stupid. colour means nothing other than how much Melanin an individual has in their skin cells, Soren. I see you've flunked your first test 'cause to admit that would demolish your idea that "race" is something other than a social construct. So, tell us what differences Genetically are there between say a European person and an South American person? Does any Genetic difference prevent them from being counted as a "Human Being", Soren? I look forward to your response. Try it slowly, try it by sounding it out, Brian. From the highlighted bit. Give it a go, you might comprehend it. See how you go. Help: I said race is not about skin colour. You upbraid me as if I had said race was about skin colour. No wonder people laugh at you. You have yet to demonstrate why, in your words, "race is about more than skin colour," Soren. Again you have failed to demonstrate what the Genetic differences are between a white person and a black person. "Race" is a social construct. Time you woke up to that. You have constructed a hierarchy of "races" in order to place your own at the top and denigrate all others. Tsk, tsk. But we are talking about RACE as a BIOLOGICAL thing bwian... do try to keep up we aren't using your misuse of the term that only social scientists use... you are such a dishonest and/or lame debater. Stop posting crap and stick to the actual subject. ![... ...]( You and your fellow racists are not, Geoff, talking about the Genetics of "race". Exclusively, you talk about the social effects of what you describe as "race". When you clean your act(s) up and stop talking about social aspects of "race" and talk about the Genetics, then I might listen to you. Until then, I will simply continue to yawn at your efforts.