WN wrote on Jan 16
th, 2017 at 2:05pm:
I just can't think of any doing great things like the superior white man, unless you want to count Adam Booodes who got Australian of the year for bullying a 13 year old girl.
I agreed with Adam Goodes' action. Small girls should not be shouting 'APE!' at adults - white or black.
Australian aborigines are not an inferior race,
per se, but they got trapped in a culture that froze them in aspic for 40,000 years because they were in small numbers and there was no shortage of food for them. Lack of conflict is what made them live a life-style of Groundhog Day for 40,000 years.
WN wrote on Jan 16
th, 2017 at 2:05pm:
No, all they seem to do is collect welfare, trash their public housing and get drunk on anything from metho to goon whilst hating on the evil white man for taking their lands which they did nothing with in 40000 years.
That all comes down to inherent cultural and learned attitudes, and has nothing to do with 'race',
per se.