Andrei.Hicks wrote on Jan 31
st, 2017 at 11:55pm:
issuevoter wrote on Jan 24
th, 2017 at 12:29pm:
Just when you thought Islam could not sink any lower. Now they are using babies in suicide attacks. Those dumbass unbelievers will never believe a mother could do such a thing. God is Great! Muslim terrorists are seriously fking depraved pr*cks and need to be fought wherever they dwell.
The one point I would make though is that a neighbour to me is a Moroccan guy. Really decent guy who I will chat to during the weekend when I see him - his concern on Trump is that he is playing into the hands of the Muslim terrorist.
He said that ISIS and others state that you can't be a Westerner and a Muslim - something he said he as a Muslim living in the UK rejects.
However he said by Trump taking measures like this against Muslims (and I know its not a Muslim ban but its seen by many as such) - he is enabling ISIS to say 'see we told you, they are all against us'.
He has a fair point.
This "see, we told you so," gift to Islam, was evident in Trumps inaugural address, when he said that God would defend "us." To Muzlims that means he's is a Crusader.
Trump never considers the ramifications of what he says or does. However, we have arrived at a time in Islam's war against the West, where we cannot simple follow the twenty year old line that all we need to do is stand firm in our belief in tolerance.
Confronting Islam was never going to be tidy, and we could certainly use someone with more subtlety than Trump, but this was bound to happen, no matter how consistent Western denial has been.