moses wrote on Jan 30
th, 2017 at 11:55am:
Quote:Nope, just obviously a misunderstanding on my part of your usual obstinate position, Moses.
Despite what some may believe, I don't deliberately lie.
So, at least you admit that these people are Christians (in their view)?
Or are we back at the usual position that they aren't Christians 'cause IYO they have disobeyed Christ?
Oh dear more smoke screens, misunderstandings, lies that aren't deliberate etc. etc., to hide the fact that muslims who are running around in the 21st century raping, torturing and murdering innocent people are devoutly following the teachings of the psychopathic muhammad and the supposedly immutable perfect commands of the moon god allah.
Some Muslims are, I agree. In fact I've never disagreed. What I disagree with you is your's and your fellow Islamophobes' characterisation of all Muslims in that way. They are not. When you stop trying to claim that is the view of all Muslims, I'll stop arguing with you. Simples, really.
All you're doing is being an Islamophobic bigot. In your eyes, all Muslims are guilty of worshipping a god other than Yahweh. How terribly of them. Let me guess if all the Muslims disappeared overnight you'd start on the Hindus and then the Buddhists? Tsk, tsk, tsk.
Quote:With regards to the usual position of they aren't Christians, well I hate to rain on your parade, but it comes directly out of the N.T. instructed as being the actual words of Christ.
Yet the Old Testamant is part of The Bible and is quoted extensively by (nearly) all Christians, Moses. It is a fundamental part of Christian belief and everybody who is an expert on theology agrees that it is the cornerstone of Christianity - except you. Such a strange view you have on your own religion, completely at odds to all other Christians. Are you an evangelical Christian? A Happy Clappy Christian?
Quote:You appear to have a fetish for these verses as you make all kinds of deliberately false statements which are easily refuted by these verses which have you mesmerized.
So, you're claiming that the verses I quote do not say the things I say they do? Really? Amazing. You can look in The Bible to verify what I claim is true (King James version of course, although, I do prefer the language of the King Charles one)...
Quote:Perhaps it's the literary style which has you dumfounded, however they have a clear unambiguous meaning: workers of evil are rejected by Christ, they are not Christians.
He may reject them, Moses but do they reject Christ? That is a far more important question. Afterall, to them, they are not doing evil, in their eyes but are doing what they perceive is God's work.
The problem is you never look at this from their perspective. You only look at it from your perspective. We can see that you're rejecting Christ's exhortations to love thine enemies. So, does that make you an evil doer as well? Tsk, tsk.