women arent attracted by looks and the idea that penis size is the reason is also wrong.
many women are bisexual and if they can have super erotic sex with another woman who doesnt even have a penis, then it isnt the size that is doing it for them.
women are attracted by certain behaviours...confidence, swagger, a touch of indifference, a guy who is free, a guy who is not seeking their validation, a guy who is not bragging and trying to qualify himself to them (these are low status behaviours).
most white men have brought into western group think and social conditioning. they think if they get a good job, a nice watch, a nice car, act like a gentleman, buy flowers, pay for drinks...this is attractive.
relying on having "things" is just trying to self qualify...low status. buying drinks and gifts is putting her on a makes you seem low status.
and there is something even more going on here. women (at their core) find these beta male behaviours of most white guys, this supplicating and pandering to them absolutely repulsive. and what better way to show the white guys who act like beta males that you find them putzs then to be with a black guy, a weed dealer, a bar tender or a DJ who doesnt supplicate and pander to you.