Captain Caveman wrote on Jun 13
th, 2018 at 8:22am:
You do realise the frustration and bullshit reporting goes both ways don't you?
For instance the recent las vegas attack. There are countless whitnesses describing gunman at various locations. These stories get picked up by the private reporters. It is not debunked through MSM, because they know it is true, rather they bombard the public with repetitive crap about paddock being the only gunman....then folk such as yourself echo these claims yet there is overwhelming evidence to the fact there were several gunman that night....even sound engineers that have studdied the acoustics of the discharges and proven beyond a doubt there was more than one gunman, or more to the point, more than one weapon being discharged at diffetent locations. Even video evidence of whitnesses recording the totally different reports of the weapons in totally different locations yet MSM are told to avoid the truth. George Soros made millioms from vegas... yet you all deny it.
Then the school shooting.
A teacher standing 20ft from the gunman described the gunman as a police officer dressed in full metal garb. Where is the MSM following this up? They're not allowed to becuase it doesn't fit the narrative being repeated over and over again to PROGRAM the stupid minions. That's mind control, not reporting. That's how mind control works. Repeat a story enough times and people will ignore the facts and use the story they're being told as fact. Then look at who profits fromm these events.
War in irag.
The list is endless.
Why is this allowed to happen?
Then you have the likes of some fkkkwit hollywood actor standing up and telling the world "fkkk the president". What a douche bag. What a flog of a human. Bet he feels tough now. He is a traitor. He is a piece of garbage. These over paid pieces of crap that lie relentlessly to cover for their mates stand up and say crap like that. He is a hypocrite that stands out like a dogs scrotum.
Then George Soros. Bying up the media debunking channels you all use to try and keep the narrative going. The get ups and me too canpaigns. The bloke has gone on record to say that he will do what it takes to have the one world gov yet you all deny he does this and praise his efforts. He is a monster. He is scum. His handlers are scum that finance all facits of world politics to enable their regime. They financed the nazis ffs. The very people that half on here love refering others too when they don't agree... yet they support the same people and plans that supported the nazis. Go figure.
The whole world is a fkkking joke atm.
Hurry up and have the god dambed stinking war but when it does happen...look at who will profit.
So, I'll ignore your finish in full conspiracy mode and pick on the valid points.
Just because I challenge some of what Light brings to the table doesn't mean I think the word of the MSM is Gospel.
Even if you push the conspiracy aside, in the race to be first they get it wrong all the time.
The truth is the truth no matter who tells it. But just because a certain source says something, be they the MSM or even Trump, it doesn't automatically make it true.
There has been a big rise in "Computer Chair" "Investigative Journalism".
What happens is these people basically use Google to find information to suit their bias, then "report" on it.
Googling is not investigating. They're bringing nothing new to the table other than their opinion, which is often inherintly bias. Their business model is one of getting clicks, so they often are very lose with the truth and have clickbait headlines to get views.
This can be the opinion of other bloggers, this can be a Facebook/Twitter/4chan/Social media post or part or a cherry-picked quote from a more legitimate source.
The thing is, behind every claim, there is the supporting material that guided the author to make the claim.
This supporting information is what is important, not who reported on it.
It is this information that speaks to the truth or otherwise of the claim.
'Lie'ght was caught quoting Trump about trade numbers with Canada. Fact checking Trumps claims showed them to be untrue. They were contradicted by the official numbers released by his own Government report.
So was Trump was ill-informed or lying?
Flash forward to Lie'ght, upon pointing this out, he continues to post the same claims of Trump. It's been shown to him that the basis for his claims and narrative he's pushing is untrue, but he ignores this and continues to post.
Is it fake news, or is it lying?
This is the problem.
Despite Lie'ght's claims, I value the truth more than anything else. Yes I made a mistake recently, I've owned up to that but there is nothing I post that I can't back up.
It's the same thing Lie'ght does to the MSM. If they do make a mistake in the race to report first, correct that mistake and admit to it with a retractions etc, he screams "See, FAKE NEWS!".
No, that's not how it works.
But it's not about the truth for him, it's about winning online arguments, which he has minself mistakenly convinces that he's doing in spades.