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Remember Pizzagate? (Read 109653 times)
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Posts: 17718
Mianjin (Brisbane)
Re: Remember Pizzagate?
Reply #1275 - Jun 13th, 2018 at 6:44pm
it_is_the_light wrote on Jun 13th, 2018 at 6:33pm:
SadKangaroo wrote on Jun 13th, 2018 at 6:29pm:
it_is_the_light wrote on Jun 13th, 2018 at 6:14pm:
or are you guilty of something ?

Just can't help yourself can you.

a valid question , why dont you come clean on why you hate this evidence being posted ..

It's very simple, I've been saying it all along.

What you're posting is not evidence, it is just the original claims of the conspiracy theory.  A theory that has been investigated, found to be a fabrication with no real world evidence to support and even the likes of Alex Jones apologised for spreading the story as fake news.

You've been told this countless times, not only told but linked to the supporting information to back up these claims.

I can only lead you to water, I cannot make you drink.  If you choose to ignore all of this because it doesn't suit your worldview, that's on you.

It is very simple.  And the few times you've shown legitimate statistics of criminals in this area being caught and brought to justice, I support this 100%.

But they're all separate issues from Pizzagate.

Your continued attempts to link them all together are an act of the highest levels of dishonesty.

I thought you cared about the truth?
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Christ Light

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Re: Remember Pizzagate?
Reply #1276 - Jun 13th, 2018 at 6:49pm
SadKangaroo wrote on Jun 13th, 2018 at 6:44pm:
it_is_the_light wrote on Jun 13th, 2018 at 6:33pm:
SadKangaroo wrote on Jun 13th, 2018 at 6:29pm:
it_is_the_light wrote on Jun 13th, 2018 at 6:14pm:
or are you guilty of something ?

Just can't help yourself can you.

a valid question , why dont you come clean on why you hate this evidence being posted ..

But they're all separate issues from Pizzagate.

Suspected Pedophile Ring Exposed

this is pizzagate ..

code for child peadophilia ..

and you seem to dislike the revelations that are posted, as if you want to hide something ?

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Christ Light

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Re: Remember Pizzagate?
Reply #1277 - Jun 13th, 2018 at 6:51pm

seems like groggy and sad one hate this news .. what does that tell you dear reader ?

Wikileaks: Obama Spends 65k of Taxpayer Money on Hotdogs Flown in From Chicago



For anyone who is already familiar with the massive amount of government waste that goes on this shouldn’t come as a surprise, but considering hotdogs are pretty much the cheapest social gathering food you can buy, 65k sounds absurdly high.

This email was released by Wikileaks as part of their Global Intelligence Files leak, which includes over 5 million emails from the Texas headquarters of global intelligence company Stratfor.  The company describes itself as a “geopolitical intelligence platform”, but Wikileaks has stated that:

They reveal the inner workings of a company that fronts as an intelligence publisher, but provides confidential intelligence services to large corporations, such as Bhopal’s Dow Chemical Co., Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon and government agencies, including the US Department of Homeland Security, the US Marines and the US Defence Intelligence Agency. The emails show Stratfor’s web of informers, pay-off structure, payment laundering techniques and psychological methods.

In other words, yet another cog in the machine of money laundering, political favors and corporate corruption.

The Wikileaks email below reveals the level of waste taking place under Barack Obama for just a single event titled “Chicago Hot Dog Friday”:

RE: Get ready for “Chicago Hot Dog Friday”
Released on 2012-10-19 08:00 GMT

EMAIL-ID      1223066
DATE      2009-05-14 21:50:25
RE: Get ready for “Chicago Hot Dog Friday”

If we get the same “waitresses,” I’m all for it!!!

Aaric S. Eisenstein


SVP Publishing

700 Lavaca St., Suite 900

Austin, TX 78701


512-744-4334 fax


From: Fred Burton [] Sent: Thursday, May 14, 2009 2:39 PM
To: ‘Don Kuykendall’
Cc: ‘Aaric Eisenstein’; ‘Darryl O’Connor’; ‘Copeland Susan’
Subject: RE: Get ready for “Chicago Hot Dog Friday”

I think Obama spent about $65,000 of the tax-payers money flying in
pizza/dogs from Chicago for a private party at the White House not long
ago, assume we are using the same channels?


From: Don Kuykendall [] Sent: Thursday, May 14, 2009 1:59 PM
To: ‘stratforaustin’
Subject: Get ready for “Chicago Hot Dog Friday”

To celebrate all you hot dogs out there. Aaric, you can participate as

Don R. Kuykendall
512.744.4314 phone
512.744.4334 fax


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ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
it_is_the_light it_is_the_light Christ+Light Christ+Light  
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Gold Member


Posts: 17718
Mianjin (Brisbane)
Re: Remember Pizzagate?
Reply #1278 - Jun 13th, 2018 at 6:53pm
I joke about it all the time, but you genuinely have no idea what "evidence" is, do you...

The available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid.

You are posting (and reposting, and reposting, and reposting) the details of an unproven conspiracy theory to support a political attack on the Clintons prior to the 2016 election which has been investigated by the authorities and proven to be a politically motivated fabrication.

It may satisfy your burdens of proof (for situations you want to be real) but it falls short of the real world requirements.

Then every time a celebrity or prominent business person is caught in a sexual harassment case or speaks out against Trump, you claim it's part of Pizzagate and accuse them of being a paedophile too.

Your word is the only evidence you provide, and it's worth bugger all.

And what triggered me this time (yes, I've been triggered, clearly) is because Bourdain recently commit suicide, someone who I'd always looked up to and it hit hard when I heard the news, you decided to exploit his passing, as if your exploitation of the victims of real sexual abuse, especially children wasn't enough, and linked it to Pizzagate too, all without any facts, all without any evidence.

You deal in fake news and lies, and I'm calling you out.

Your response, accusing me of supporting peados.

All you've done is prove that I'm right since you can't even provide a shred of evidence to support your claims so you instead start with the personal attacks and false accusations.

It's the same cycle with you, over and over Sad
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Christ Light

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The Pyramid of LIGHT
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Re: Remember Pizzagate?
Reply #1279 - Jun 13th, 2018 at 6:54pm
SadKangaroo wrote on Jun 13th, 2018 at 6:53pm:
Your response, accusing me of supporting peados.

you are incorrect and stretching here ..

it is very sad that you have been exposed though

yet fortunately you are forgiven

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Gold Member


Posts: 17718
Mianjin (Brisbane)
Re: Remember Pizzagate?
Reply #1280 - Jun 13th, 2018 at 6:55pm
it_is_the_light wrote on Jun 13th, 2018 at 6:49pm:
SadKangaroo wrote on Jun 13th, 2018 at 6:44pm:
it_is_the_light wrote on Jun 13th, 2018 at 6:33pm:
SadKangaroo wrote on Jun 13th, 2018 at 6:29pm:
it_is_the_light wrote on Jun 13th, 2018 at 6:14pm:
or are you guilty of something ?

Just can't help yourself can you.

a valid question , why dont you come clean on why you hate this evidence being posted ..

But they're all separate issues from Pizzagate.

Suspected Pedophile Ring Exposed

this is pizzagate ..

code for child peadophilia ..

and you seem to dislike the revelations that are posted, as if you want to hide something ?

So YOU say. 

But has there been any convicted paedophiles caught using this code or had it submit as evidence in their criminal trails?

Or is this just a fabrication from the 2016 election campaign?

Remember, something isn't considered "evidence" simply because you want it to be.
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Christ Light

Posts: 41434
The Pyramid of LIGHT
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Re: Remember Pizzagate?
Reply #1281 - Jun 13th, 2018 at 7:07pm
we continue with evidence and disregard spam and those that hate peadophilia being exposed ..

any that project hatred toward these exposures may be monitored by authorities.. quite logically , for the " outraged idiots "

HAUNTING TWEETS: Anthony Bourdain Murdered by HRC Goons & Globalist-Elitist Human Trafficking Ring?

BREAKING: MSM Media & French authorities very quick to say Anthony Bourdain's death was a suicide. But looking at his recent tweets leads one to wonder ...Was Anthony Bourdain Murdered by Hillary 'operatives' and 'goons"? yet, some of Anthony Bourdain's recent tweets seem to suggest he was being harassed by HRC and the globalist Elitist pedophile- human trafficking ring. And as usual, MSM media & CNN media sure it was suicide.  The mainstream media and French police investigators are quickly writing this off as just another celebrity suicide and unfortunate incident. But, InspoNews takes an in depth look at the other possibilities after carefully examining Tony's most recent social media communiques ...
Become an InspoNews partner @ PATREON: (Square) To MAIL a donation please make Check payable to: InspoNews Box # 183  2575 S HWY 1792 Casselberry Fl. 32707  PAY PAL:
I always thought of Anthony Bourdain as a liberal guy - great communicator marketing culture through cuisine - a licentious glutton  who pushed the Epicurean lifestyle of “eat, drink and be Merry for tomorrow we may die”- a anti- Christian guy who hated Trump and a mouth piece for the Communist News Network CNN.   

But wait.  Though he was formerly anti-Trump it’s just now being reported by his friends that Bourdain was very happy and in love - interviewing Conservatives Elon Musk and Trump supporter Kayne West.  The subject was the elitist, child sex trafficking around the world, AI ( artificial intelligence) & agenda 2030 regarding population control . Word from some now on the right is he was murdered by globalists cabal and that he had just tweeted last week that “Hillary Clinton goons” were all around him and that he wanted them to go away.  That Tony was gonna expose their plan of global genocide. Hmmmm
The plot thickens? Time will tell if that is a reality or fake news.  But his “suicide” was determined pretty quickly. But no doubt, Bourdain‘ tweet about Hillary is weird.

“... and I am in no way an HRC fan. I’ve been on the receiving end of her operatives’ wrath. And it ain’t fun...”
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Christ Light

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Re: Remember Pizzagate?
Reply #1282 - Jun 13th, 2018 at 7:18pm

Anthony Bourdain Has No Reservations About Cannibalism

If you know anything about Anthony Bourdain, you know that he is infamous for his outspoken viewpoints on food, other celebrity chefs, and life in general. So it should probably come as no surprise that Anthony publicly admitted he would eat human flesh if he had to ..

all satanism and non human agenda ..

child sacrifice and ritual killings are exposed here
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ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
it_is_the_light it_is_the_light Christ+Light Christ+Light  
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Australian Politics

Posts: 96389
Re: Remember Pizzagate?
Reply #1283 - Jun 13th, 2018 at 7:34pm
it_is_the_light wrote on Jun 13th, 2018 at 7:18pm:

Anthony Bourdain Has No Reservations About Cannibalism

If you know anything about Anthony Bourdain, you know that he is infamous for his outspoken viewpoints on food, other celebrity chefs, and life in general. So it should probably come as no surprise that Anthony publicly admitted he would eat human flesh if he had to ..

all satanism and non human agenda ..

child sacrifice and ritual killings are exposed here

Thanks for the facts, dear one. Facts are truth and in accordance.

But I'm curious. Did Obama share this Satanist's taste for white meat?
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Posts: 17718
Mianjin (Brisbane)
Re: Remember Pizzagate?
Reply #1284 - Jun 13th, 2018 at 7:47pm
Remember that little lesson we had about clickbait Lie'ght?

Here's a recap:

it_is_the_light wrote on Jun 13th, 2018 at 7:07pm:
HAUNTING TWEETS: Anthony Bourdain Murdered by HRC Goons & Globalist-Elitist Human Trafficking Ring?

See the highlighted question mark?

This indicated, without even clicking on the link and open the story, that it's unsubstantiated bullshit.

Upon clicking, confirmed.

So, you're spreading more fake news again?

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Australian Politics

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Re: Remember Pizzagate?
Reply #1285 - Jun 13th, 2018 at 11:04pm
I think Obama spent about $65,000 of

Some Gomer puts this in an email and it is supposedly credible ????

Fake news for the exclusively for gullible.
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Posts: 17718
Mianjin (Brisbane)
Re: Remember Pizzagate?
Reply #1286 - Jun 14th, 2018 at 7:45am
Dnarever wrote on Jun 13th, 2018 at 11:04pm:
I think Obama spent about $65,000 of

Some Gomer puts this in an email and it is supposedly credible ????

Fake news for the exclusively for gullible.

I think it's much worse than that.

If you're critical of Trump, all of a sudden Lie'ght demands the highest forms of evidence to support any claims made, and even then nothing can satisfy the burdens of proof to criticise his beloved Trump.

But when it comes to attacking those he doesn't like, or posters on this forum, anything goes.

It's a conscious choice.  He's being deliberately manipulative, deceitful and dishonest. 

He shows no credibility whatsoever, especially in his manufactured outrage over certain subjects.

There is a clear pattern that when it comes to Lie'ght and child abuse.  If he can use to subject to attack people who don't agree with him, he will, even if he has zero evidence of the people he's trying to link to this kind of abuse.

But the moment anyone he supports is linked it's immediately lies or fake news and the demands for evidence come thick and fast.

It takes a special kind of person to exploit the abuse of children for their own ends.

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Australian Politics

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Re: Remember Pizzagate?
Reply #1287 - Jun 14th, 2018 at 1:45pm
I think you could make an argument that it-is-a-lie is a paedo sympathiser who is seeking to desensitize everyone to these kinds of actions by repeatedly posting idiotic and clearly fake claims of child abuse. If you were not well informed, you could read his endless walls of garbage, realise they are garbage and then conclude that child abuse is very rare or non-existent.

at the very least, Fattie is making child abuse worse and at worse, is deliberately seeking to confuse the issue.

at no point, has he ever been a help to children.
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AUSSIE: "Speaking for myself, I could not care less about 298 human beings having their life snuffed out in a nano-second, or what impact that loss has on Members of their family, their parents..."
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Australian Politics

Posts: 96389
Re: Remember Pizzagate?
Reply #1288 - Jun 14th, 2018 at 1:55pm
SadKangaroo wrote on Jun 14th, 2018 at 7:45am:
Dnarever wrote on Jun 13th, 2018 at 11:04pm:
I think Obama spent about $65,000 of

Some Gomer puts this in an email and it is supposedly credible ????

Fake news for the exclusively for gullible.

I think it's much worse than that.

If you're critical of Trump, all of a sudden Lie'ght demands the highest forms of evidence to support any claims made, and even then nothing can satisfy the burdens of proof to criticise his beloved Trump.

But when it comes to attacking those he doesn't like, or posters on this forum, anything goes.

It's a conscious choice.  He's being deliberately manipulative, deceitful and dishonest. 

He shows no credibility whatsoever, especially in his manufactured outrage over certain subjects.

Now now, Sad, I'm sure our dear one feels for the children here. After all, he is in our every breath.

Dear one, dost ye feel for the victims of thy Orange POTUS AKA #therealDonaldTrump?

I'm curious. Please confess.
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Australian Politics

Posts: 96389
Re: Remember Pizzagate?
Reply #1289 - Jun 14th, 2018 at 2:02pm
longweekend58 wrote on Jun 14th, 2018 at 1:45pm:
at the very least, Fattie is making child abuse worse and at worse, is deliberately seeking to confuse the issue.

at no point, has he ever been a help to children.

It_is_true, but as a Divine Being, he is able to feel their pain. He may hear their cries as it were (so it is so be it). He upholds the process of divine justice and the law of MaNiFeStAtIoN.

Dear one, canst ye hear the cries of your dear children in the 5th? Canst ye forgive their Satanic orange perpetrator? Canst ye accept that he will reap what he hath sown and that all is in accordance with the DP?

Please explain, beloved brother. We awaiteth your words and IlLuMiNaTiOn.
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