Captain Caveman wrote on Aug 18
th, 2018 at 12:36pm:
KangAnon wrote on Aug 18
th, 2018 at 6:41am:
Richdude wrote on Aug 17
th, 2018 at 1:01am:
Anderson Cooper was and most likely still CIA.
His credibility was finally and firmly buried after his nose kept disappearing during a badly edited green screen video. He allegedly interviewed an mother of a dead child onsite after the tragic Sandy Hook school shooting. Except it was done in a studio. He used the incident to further gun control measures - despicable bastard.
The man is a fake ruthless journo and deserves to be in jail. The media has a responsibility to present honest reporting - they are the eyes and ears of the public.
As the President said "fake media is the enemy of the people".
Another conspiracy to cover unfavourable, yet factual and legitimate criticism of Trump.
The Trumptard record never changes, it just plays the same thing on repeat over and over...
So you deny that the major media outlets are CIA controlled?
Or that trump said fake media is the enemy?
I'm not making any claims, there just has just been little to no credible evidence to support the claims that have been made.
Trump calls all media reporting he doesn't like fake. That's nothing more to it. It doesn't matter how factual it is, he like to play the court of public opinion, not the court of facts or truth.
So of course anything he doesn't like gets call fake, and the "fake media" are the enemy.
You're the kind of person, the kind of reason why Trump does what he does.
There will always be suckers that want to believe the things he said rather than the truth.
This is why he's so willing to do everything possible to avoid being in a position where he has to tell the truth or there are consequences for when he doesn't, like perjury.