Karnal wrote on Feb 9
th, 2017 at 3:14am:
Sprint has not given up, Longy, nor has Mechanic, and nor will Panther or Homo.
None of them give a hoot if they're proven wrong, and they are proven so on a daily basis. They believe they can get away with it, if you don't mind me saying, because they think they're that good.
What's actually the case, however, is they think everyone else is as dumb as they are.
Year 9 maths, innit.
LOL, anyone who posts on here(Ozpol) is probably in the top 20 % of the population in terms of engagement and political intelligence
its not that the population are dumb, they just dont care.they are too disinterested to even post an opinion.
they care more about the superbowl and the winner of american idol.
Gweg thinks the american people are outraged by trumps alleged sexual assaults.
they could not give a flying f*ck.
they could not care less about lies.
They have the attention span of twitter...thats how he won the election.
year 9 maths is not neccessary to read 21 words on a tweet.
the intellectual elite are so divorced from reality.
They just make trump look strong.
no one likes a cry baby and a sore loser.
suck it up leftards, if you want to hurt trump, just suck it up.
leftards are trumps biggest asset along with the leftard media who keep attacking him (and by default , keep attacking american patriotism).
social intelligence of leftards = non existant.