Grendel wrote on Feb 13
th, 2017 at 9:23am:
Quote:Another lovely little nugget from the book is how the tactic of accusing critics and opponents of racism was established almost before multiculturalism itself as a term was. Then and since, multiculturalism has often provided examples of what might be called the motivational fallacy. In the case of multiculturalism, the fallacy works as follows: I advocate multiculturalism as a way of combating racism and prejudice, therefore, if you criticise multiculturalism you are guilty of racism and/or harbouring prejudice. This has a triple benefit as a mode of argument. It delegitimises critics and criticism, it elevates the mode of action or claim being defended and it establishes or reinforces that action or claim as a moral asset for its proponents.
Quote:Multiculturalism was developed by a small number of academics, social workers and activists, initially located on the fringe of the political arena of immigration, settlement and welfare. The authors responsible for versions of the ideology were also principal actors in the struggle to advance their beliefs and make them government policy.
Quote:Core groups and activists' sympathisers and contacts ... multiculturalism became government policy ... because the multiculturalists and their supporters were able to influence the ideological content of the Minister's sources of policy ... Contemporary public opinion polls implied ... in the general population, a widespread resentment, or a lack of interest, of the kinds of ideas advanced by multiculturalists. ... The original constituency for multiculturalism was small; popular opinion was an obstacle, not an asset, for the multiculturalists you use racist/Xenophobic/Islamophobic/etc. language you are supporting racism/Xenophobia/Islamophobia, Geoff.
But I don't bwian... you tell lies.
When you continue to fail to acknowledge the use of that language, you are showing that you are, deep at heart, a racist/Xenophobe/Islamophobe. You don't like being labelled a racist/Xenophobe/Islamophobe/etc. then stop using their language/insults/supporting their political viewpoints/etc. Simples, really.
Not as simples as you, you have yet to provide one singe example to back yourself up. Your pants must be getting very hot bwian.
However it appears you are too foolish to get the message, no matter how often it is repeated to you as you continued to roll in the mire of the gutter with your endless ad hominem insults and schoolyard builly-boy debating tactics.
I learned ad hom from you bwian, I learned how to return fire from the constant flames and abuse from you bwian. Thank you for that. Now you need to stop being a dishonest hypocrite.
Tsk, tsk.