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Senator Lambie on sharia (Read 9955 times)
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Senator Lambie on sharia
Feb 14th, 2017 at 6:56am
I might have to revise my opinion of this woman, whom I admit to previously regarding as a bit of a yobbo.

As reported in ABC News, she apparently took apart some Islamic woman supporter of sharia law on the Q&A program.
There is only one law for everybody here she yelled at her and that isn't sharia law. So the report says, she received huge applause for her stand.
Well done senator.

She further said she supported the Trump measure to ban immigration from specified countries and wanted a similar measure here.

Amen to that.
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Re: Senator Lambie on sharia
Reply #1 - Feb 14th, 2017 at 7:12am
Lambie as usual wasn't articulate on the issue but it doesn't invalidate her conclusion. Abdel-Magied only wanted to talk about the parts of the sharia that pertain to her praying and other personal aspects of it, conveniently leaving out all the barbarity.
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Re: Senator Lambie on sharia
Reply #2 - Feb 14th, 2017 at 7:34am
As for Abdel-Magied shouting down Lambie that under sharia, Muslims must follow the laws of the country they reside.

Yes that's true, but as with everything Islam, there's a catch.

Muslims are generally obliged to abide by the laws of the land and the country they live in, whether it is a Islamic state (al-khilafa), Muslim countries, or non-Muslim countries such as those in the west, as long as they are not ordered to practice something that is against Shariah. If they are forced by the law to commit a sin, then in such a case, it will not just be unnecessary to abide by the law, rather impermissible.

So as long as the law of the land dovetails with Sharia, we're all hunky dory.
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Re: Senator Lambie on sharia
Reply #3 - Feb 14th, 2017 at 7:49am

See: if some nutter wants Sharia law, we just tell them 'no'.


Stop worrying your pretty little heads over something that's never gonna happen here.
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Re: Senator Lambie on sharia
Reply #4 - Feb 14th, 2017 at 8:31am
Yes Gordon, it's clear Islam is an ideology of deception.
It's very clever at deceiving the unwary that it will permit its followers to blend in with the laws of infidels. And it's plain to see how many unwary there are.
But the green light is there for any of the faithful to disregard any of the rules of civilised society as they choose, with the knowledge that there will always bean imam to back & encourage them.
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Re: Senator Lambie on sharia
Reply #5 - Feb 14th, 2017 at 8:32am
Sharia law = *ALL* practices of the Islamic faith - it includes praying, worshipping God alone, fasting, charity etc. These are all personal acts of worship, not meant to be imposed on anyone else.

*SOME*, not all, muslims also believe Sharia involves actual codified law, enforced by the government - such as enforcement of religious dress, punishment for adultery, death for apostasy etc.

Yasminn, the lady Jacqui was shouting at, does *NOT* believe sharia involves the latter. She was trying to make this point, telling Jacqui that sharia involves, for her, praying 5 times a day.

What Yasminn objected too...

was Jacquis simplistic motto "if you want sharia, you should be deported" - when she clearly didn't understand what sharia means - or indeed that sharia means something completely different from one muslim to another.

It is highly offensive to muslims like me and Yasminn - who reject the barbaric interpretations of sharia, and instead insist that sharia is merely the personal obligations one has between oneself and the almighty (praying, fasting, give charity etc) - to be told that if I want to practice my religion that hurts no one - I am not welcome in this country.

Clearly Jacqui does not mean that people should be deported for praying or fasting - but in this dialogue she made it very clear she is not interested in being educated on the subject.

Says Yasminn:

My frustration is that people talk about Islam without knowing anything about it and they're willing to completely negate any of my rights as a human being

Some of you may remember Jacqui's response when she was first asked what she understood Sharia to mean a couple of years back: "ummm... well... it obviously involves terrorism"

Its pretty obvious Jacqui has not made any efforts since then to better understand the Sharia and that there is no one simplistic definition of it.  Worse, it almost seems maintaining her ignorance is a deliberate ploy to 'maintain the rage' and scapegoat muslims for populist gain.

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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Re: Senator Lambie on sharia
Reply #6 - Feb 14th, 2017 at 9:00am
polite_gandalf wrote on Feb 14th, 2017 at 8:32am:
Sharia law = *ALL* practices of the Islamic faith - it includes praying, worshipping God alone, fasting, charity etc.

These are all personal acts of worship, not meant to be imposed on anyone else.

*SOME*, not all, muslims
also believe Sharia involves actual codified law, enforced by the government - such as enforcement of religious dress, punishment for adultery, death for apostasy etc.

Some moslems.........     you mean, like    Mohammed    for example ?

ISLAM's revered Messenger of Allah confirms it.....

"...the Prophet said, 'If somebody (a Muslim) discards his religion, kill him."
hadithsunnah/bukhari/ #004.052.260

And, it is codified within ISLAMIC law, that killing non-moslems is lawful.

gandalf,       Is Shia ISLAMIC law different from this -------- >

islam, unbelief is worse than killing

"Ibn 'Umar related that the Messenger of Allah, upon whom be peace, said, "I have been ordered to kill the people until they testify that there is no god except Allah, and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, and they establish prayer and pay the zakah. If they do that, their blood and wealth are protected from me save by the rights of Islam. Their reckoning will be with Allah." (Related by al-Bukhari and Muslim.) "

"Ibn 'Abbas reported that the Prophet said: "The bare essence of Islam and the basics of the religion are three [acts], upon which Islam has been established. Whoever leaves one of them becomes an unbeliever and his blood may legally be spilled. [The acts are:] Testifying that there is no God except Allah, the obligatory prayers, and the fast of Ramadan."...."

"Whoever......becomes an unbeliever.....his blood may legally be spilled."

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"....And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."
Luke 16:31
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Re: Senator Lambie on sharia
Reply #7 - Feb 14th, 2017 at 9:10am
polite_gandalf wrote on Feb 14th, 2017 at 8:32am:
Its pretty obvious Jacqui has not made any efforts since then to better understand the Sharia and that there is no one simplistic definition of it.

Yeah well its also pretty obvious that progressives haven't made any efforts to better understand the opinions of their "conservative" compatriots either.  Not surprising, considering they shut down every forum where they could potentially hear what those opinions are. 

And so here we are, the channels of dialogue broken down, progressives unwilling to compromise on pushing through their year zero agenda, and conservatives fed up with conceding point after point after point. 

Maybe more propaganda is what's needed to fix this potentially explosive state of affairs.  
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In the fullness of time...
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Re: Senator Lambie on sharia
Reply #8 - Feb 14th, 2017 at 9:11am
polite_gandalf wrote on Feb 14th, 2017 at 8:32am:

It is highly offensive to muslims like me and Yasminn
- who reject the barbaric interpretations of sharia, and instead insist that sharia is merely the personal obligations one has between oneself and the almighty.......


That is because your and Yasminn's interpretation of sharia law,        to be practiced here, in Australia,       follows a formula of devotion that will lead us into a peaceful utopian society.

Correct ?

/sarc off


Some advice......

You will never win us over, unless you are willing to confront the truth.


Where are all of these peaceful utopian ISLAMIC societies, which adhere to your and Yasminn's interpretation of sharia law ?


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« Last Edit: Feb 14th, 2017 at 9:21am by Yadda »  

"....And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."
Luke 16:31
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Re: Senator Lambie on sharia
Reply #9 - Feb 14th, 2017 at 9:22am
Yadda wrote on Feb 14th, 2017 at 9:00am:
ISLAM's revered Messenger of Allah confirms it.....

"...the Prophet said, 'If somebody (a Muslim) discards his religion, kill him." - DEAD.
hadithsunnah/bukhari/ #004.052.260

Ah yes, that old trusty some guy said  - 200 years after the event, that some guy said that some guy said the Prophet said...

sounds legit.

Much more legit than the actual Islamic holy book:

there is no compulsion in religion

The truth is from your Lord, so whoever wills - let him believe; and whoever wills - let him disbelieve
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Re: Senator Lambie on sharia
Reply #10 - Feb 14th, 2017 at 9:40am
polite_gandalf wrote on Feb 14th, 2017 at 9:22am:
Yadda wrote on Feb 14th, 2017 at 9:00am:
ISLAM's revered Messenger of Allah confirms it.....

"...the Prophet said, 'If somebody (a Muslim) discards his religion, kill him." - DEAD.
hadithsunnah/bukhari/ #004.052.260

Ah yes, that old trusty some guy said  - 200 years after the event, that some guy said that some guy said the Prophet said...

sounds legit.


As i am sure you are aware bukhari is the MOST respected and authoritative of the Hadith writings.

ALSO,    the Hadith writings    are not commentaries about ISLAM, by some obscure unknown historian.

Many of the Hadith are regarded as authoritative historic ISLAMIC texts, which all moslems refer to, to inform themselves, in knowledge, regarding the early formative years of their faith.        Do you deny that ?

gandalf,     In you obvious complaint about my reference to what Mohammed declared on that subject,              are you going to actually claim here, that mainstream ISLAM [in its tenets and doctrines] actually disregards and forgives, apostasy by the moslem ?


polite_gandalf wrote on Feb 14th, 2017 at 9:22am:

Much more legit than the actual Islamic holy book:

there is no compulsion in religion

The truth is from your Lord, so whoever wills - let him believe; and whoever wills - let him disbelieve

Very disingenuous gandalf.

I am certain that you are very well aware, that those verses [at least the 2:256] were abrogated by Allah's later additions to the Koran.

abrogate = = repeal or do away with (a law or agreement).

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"....And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."
Luke 16:31
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Anti-Global & Contra Mundum

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Re: Senator Lambie on sharia
Reply #11 - Feb 14th, 2017 at 9:53am
Gandalf, really, who the hell is interested in having Islamic law preached at them?
We've seen enough of this barbaric dark age ideology in action for years now to understand we don't want it near our society and that it must be opposed and thwarted at every opportunity.

Once bitten twice shy . . .and we've been.bitten too many times.
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Know the enemies of a civil society by their public behaviour, by their fraudulent claim to be liberal-progressive, by their propensity to lie and, above all, by their attachment to authoritarianism.
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Re: Senator Lambie on sharia
Reply #12 - Feb 14th, 2017 at 9:58am
Perhaps you could explain this then Gandalf or forward it on to jackie.

As a legal system, Sharia law is exceptionally broad. While other legal codes regulate public behavior, Sharia law regulates public behavior, private behavior and even private beliefs. Of all legal systems in the world today, Sharia law is the most intrusive and restrictive, especially against women. According to Sharia law:

• Theft is punishable by amputation of the right hand (above, Islamophobia).
• Criticizing or denying any part of the Quran is punishable by death.
• Criticizing Muhammad or denying that he is a prophet is punishable by death.
• Criticizing or denying Allah is punishable by death (Allah moon god).
• A Muslim who becomes a non-Muslim is punishable by death (compulsion in religion).
• A non-Muslim who leads a Muslim away from Islam is punishable by death.
• A non-Muslim man who marries a Muslim woman is punishable by death (Naskh).
• A man can marry an infant girl and consummate the marriage when she is 9 years old.
• Girls' clitoris should be cut (Muhammad's words, Book 41, Kitab Al-Adab, Hadith 5251).
• A woman can have 1 husband, who can have up to 4 wives; Muhammad can have more.
• A man can beat his wife for insubordination (Religion of Peace).
• A man can unilaterally divorce his wife; a woman needs her husband's consent to divorce.
• A divorced wife loses custody of all children over 6 years of age or when they exceed it.
• Testimonies of four male witnesses are required to prove rape against a woman.
• A woman who has been raped cannot testify in court against her rapist(s).
• A woman's testimony in court, allowed in property cases, carries ½ the weight of a man's.
• A female heir inherits half of what a male heir inherits (Errors in Quran).
• A woman cannot drive a car, as it leads to fitnah (upheaval).
• A woman cannot speak alone to a man who is not her husband or relative.
• Meat to eat must come from animals that have been sacrificed to Allah - i.e., be "Halal".
• Muslims should engage in Taqiyya and lie to non-Muslims to advance Islam.
• The list goes on (Sharia law in America, UK, Europe and Saudi Arabia).
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Re: Senator Lambie on sharia
Reply #13 - Feb 14th, 2017 at 9:58am
bogarde73 wrote on Feb 14th, 2017 at 9:53am:
Gandalf, really, who the hell is interested in having Islamic law preached at them?
We've seen enough of this barbaric dark age ideology in action for years now to understand we don't want it near our society and that it must be opposed and thwarted at every opportunity.

Once bitten twice shy . . .and we've been.bitten too many times.

Not me, So I don't go to a Mosque or ask a Muslim to rant at me.  You?
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Re: Senator Lambie on sharia
Reply #14 - Feb 14th, 2017 at 10:17am
Aussie wrote on Feb 14th, 2017 at 9:58am:
bogarde73 wrote on Feb 14th, 2017 at 9:53am:
Gandalf, really, who the hell is interested in having Islamic law preached at them?
We've seen enough of this barbaric dark age ideology in action for years now to understand we don't want it near our society and that it must be opposed and thwarted at every opportunity.

Once bitten twice shy . . .and we've been.bitten too many times.

Not me, So I don't go to a Mosque or ask a Muslim to rant at me.  You?

Yeah, it's pretty simple really.

When was the last time a Muslim knocked on your door trying to sell you their religion?

Christians, on the other hand ...

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