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Australia is meaner, dumber and more racist (Read 13628 times)
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Australia is meaner, dumber and more racist
Feb 16th, 2017 at 2:28pm
Closing the gap: Australia is meaner, dumber and more racist than 25 years ago

The Closing The Gap report should have been a wake up call about the way the government is failing First Australians. It won't be.

In 2001 John Howard was telling Liberal voters to put One Nation last on their ballots. In 2017 the Liberals are making preference deals with them in WA and ridiculously insisting that they're "more sophisticated" now.

Labor senator Penny Wong called shenanigans on this ludicrous claim, arguing that it was the Liberal Party which had changed, but you know what? It's not just the Liberal Party: over the past 25 years Australia as a whole has gotten meaner, dumber and more racist.

This was made crystal clear yesterday when the Closing The Gap report on indigenous health, welfare and education was presented to Parliament, announcing to those MPs which could be bothered showing up that the government was currently on track to fail at just about everything, including six of the seven stated targets to improve life expectancy for indigenous folks.    

The current gap in life expectancy between indigenous and non-indigenous Australians is 10.6 years for men and 9.5 years for women. Child mortality hasn't improved. Unemployment is still almost 50 per cent. Literacy and numeracy is similarly poor.

Both Malcolm Turnbull and Bill Shorten made noises about how disappointing these results were and that clearly action was needed, but let's be honest: nothing will happen.

Why? Because indigenous issues don't win elections, thanks to a quarter century of governments making it OK for Australians to be openly stupid, cruel, and racist.

I turned 18 in 1990 and was in my first year of university in Adelaide: a middle class white boy fresh out of private school. Indigenous affairs were not even remotely on my radar. My knowledge of Australian history, like my peers, went pretty much as follows: Captain Cook, convicts, goldrush, Gallipoli, ANZACs, Bradman, done.

And then I heard Archie Roach's Took The Children Away. That was the first time the Stolen Generation came across my radar, and the more I learnt the more horrified I became.

Then came Yothu Yindi's Treaty, calling out the government's hypocrisy on land rights. It was also when I learnt that Canada had made treaties with their First Peoples, including land rights, proving that it was entirely possible – indeed reasonable – for a grown up country to do so.

Just to send that message home the Kev Carmody/Paul Kelly song From Little Things Big Things Grow appeared a few months later, elegantly telling the story of Vincent Lingiari and the struggle for land rights in four chords. Change seemed in the air.
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Australian Politics

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Re: Australia is meaner, dumber and more racist
Reply #1 - Feb 16th, 2017 at 2:29pm
In 1991 the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody concluded, exposing the nation to heartbreaking reality of state-sanctioned murder, making a suite of recommendations.

And in December 1992 Paul Keating gave his "Redfern Speech", one of the defining moments of his prime ministership, in which he officially acknowledged the wrongs done to the First Australians.

How have things improved since?

In 1998 Pauline Hanson entered Parliament for the first time with a speech that included the assertion that "Along with millions of Australians, I am fed up to the back teeth with the inequalities that are being promoted by the government and paid for by the taxpayer under the assumption that Aboriginals are the most disadvantaged people in Australia." Evidently "dead a decade earlier than other Australians" was some sort of advantage in Hanson's eyes.

And sure, Labor PM Kevin Rudd finally gave an official apology to the Stolen Generation in 2008, which should have been a moment of healing and another chance to kickstart the spluttering engine of reconciliation, but that didn't exactly happen – not least because it was explicitly made clear that there would be no suggestion of any actual compensation for those wronged.

And let's never forget the pack of Liberal Party cretins that made a big deal of walking out on the apology: a team which included such beloved intellectual giants as erotic war novel author Dennis Jensen, Sophie "the only Liberal MP so unpopular that she still lost her seat in the 2013 Coalition landslide" Mirabella, and your Immigration Minister, Peter Dutton: a man inexplicably being touted as possible leadership material.

These days you don't need to hunt too far for bloviating gasbags on talk radio or Sky News insisting that the Stolen Generation never even happened; and if it did happen, that it wasn't nearly as widespread as people say; and if it was that widespread, then it was purely in the best interests of the children; and if it was not in their best interests then it was ages ago anyway and people have to stop using past injustices as excuses for their current predicament.   

There's no sign of a treaty – but our government is bickering over whether we should consider perhaps maybe at some point looking at the wording of how we might include some sort of indigenous recognition in the Constitution, possibly, in the fullness of time. So that's good.

Land rights? Living on traditional lands (which, incidentally, is a pre-requisite for claiming any sort of rights) is a "lifestyle choice", according to Tony Abbott. So then in 2016 the WA government announced plans to cut funding to a number of remote communities which, by an amazing coincidence, all happened to be Aboriginal. What are the odds, eh?

We've seen what happens to people in youth detention in NT - the territory which still has the paternalistic, victim-blaming, openly racist Intervention, which we now know was justified on spurious grounds and yet has remained policy under Labor and Coalition governments. Those royal commission deaths in custody recommendations? Almost entirely ignored.

Abbott also celebrated his tenure as the self proclaimed "Prime Minister for Aboriginal Affairs" by cutting over half a billion dollars from indigenous programs and projects in his first budget. Let the healing begin!

Twenty-five years ago we seemed ready to grow the hell up and reconcile with our complicated and often shameful history and look to a strong future as a united nation. But we decided instead to be cowards – or, more accurately, racists.

Closing the Gap isn't just yet another national shame: it's a tangible reminder of just how far our nation has fallen, and how much further we're eventually going to have to climb back up.
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If you can't be a good example, you have to be a horrible warning.
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Anti-Global & Contra Mundum

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Re: Australia is meaner, dumber and more racist
Reply #2 - Feb 16th, 2017 at 2:34pm
The dumber comes from so-called progressives like you who have been busy screwing up society for a couple of generations.
The racist comes from people like you who would like to consign the white nationalities to re-education camps or worse.
And the meaner, ditto, because you people are so mean-spirited you can't tolerate opinions which don't fit with your view of the world and do your best to shout them down or otherwise suppress them.

So yes, you're quite right.
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Know the enemies of a civil society by their public behaviour, by their fraudulent claim to be liberal-progressive, by their propensity to lie and, above all, by their attachment to authoritarianism.
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Australian Politics

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Re: Australia is meaner, dumber and more racist
Reply #3 - Feb 16th, 2017 at 2:47pm
bogarde73 wrote on Feb 16th, 2017 at 2:34pm:
The dumber comes from so-called progressives like you who have been busy screwing up society for a couple of generations.
The racist comes from people like you who would like to consign the white nationalities to re-education camps or worse.
And the meaner, ditto, because you people are so mean-spirited you can't tolerate opinions which don't fit with your view of the world and do your best to shout them down or otherwise suppress them.

So yes, you're quite right.

Case in point.
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If you can't be a good example, you have to be a horrible warning.
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Re: Australia is meaner, dumber and more racist
Reply #4 - Feb 16th, 2017 at 3:01pm
With 25 years of group polarization, accelerated by the internet and advances in propaganda technology, this observation is not exactly surprising.

Hatred for our fellow countrymen is at an all time high - this is progress. 

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In the fullness of time...
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Australian Politics

Posts: 88048
Re: Australia is meaner, dumber and more racist
Reply #5 - Feb 16th, 2017 at 3:04pm
when will the left pack up and leave this god forsaken country that they cannot find a decent thing to print about.. Angry Angry

I am sick to death of reading complaint after complaint...

whinging aborigines is nothing new...

but now we have shortarse talking about poisoned wells and blankets ....

why not put a bullet in every white persons head and be done with it Bill????

as for the SMh .. what exactly have they ever done to change things????...

did saying sorry change a bloody thing?

......what about MABO..??? what about the billions over years and years of demands.?

they were even given their own management ATSIC.. and a fine mess they made of that.....again everything that is done is turned into the  white mans fault....

why because the Aborigine Industry  live in the past and refuse to move forward.. refuse to meet the govt halfway.

did the smh bring this up during the rudd/gillard years??????.....

what about all those Labor State govts??????.. what are they doing...

lets hear one of them tell the Aboriginals to move forward they  will never move forward carrying that rock of self pity on their backs.. Angry Angry
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Australian Politics

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Re: Australia is meaner, dumber and more racist
Reply #6 - Feb 16th, 2017 at 3:06pm
... wrote on Feb 16th, 2017 at 3:01pm:
With 25 years of group polarization, accelerated by the internet and advances in propaganda technology, this observation is not exactly surprising.

Hatred for our fellow countrymen is at an all time high - this is progress. 

WHERE.. you must have knowledge of where exactly this HATRED is so prevalent...

just a hint will do..
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Re: Australia is meaner, dumber and more racist
Reply #7 - Feb 16th, 2017 at 3:07pm
cods wrote on Feb 16th, 2017 at 3:06pm:
... wrote on Feb 16th, 2017 at 3:01pm:
With 25 years of group polarization, accelerated by the internet and advances in propaganda technology, this observation is not exactly surprising.

Hatred for our fellow countrymen is at an all time high - this is progress. 

WHERE.. you must have knowledge of where exactly this HATRED is so prevalent...

just a hint will do..

Erm...havent ou noticed that "righties" and "lefties" are not exactly civil towards one another?

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In the fullness of time...
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Mr Hammer
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Re: Australia is meaner, dumber and more racist
Reply #8 - Feb 16th, 2017 at 3:18pm
I was watching the Aboriginal Broadcasting Commission the other day and two knob ends were discussing the Oscars. One knob end said to the other knob end, "It seems it's going to be a much less white Oscars this year". The other knob end said, "That's got to be a good thing".  I take that to mean that white Americans who make up three quarters of the population should be forced to watch African-Americans (like Denzel Washington playing a cowboy in a western-WTF?). The same sort of anti-white sentiment is occurring all throughout western, Christian countries. As being born white is THE sin of the 21st century, all races, religions and cultures of the world should be celebrated for their exotic, old world appeal and while anything even remotely 'white' should be demonised. This is the sort of racism to which you refer, isn't it Mothballs?
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Re: Australia is meaner, dumber and more racist
Reply #9 - Feb 16th, 2017 at 3:20pm
Mr Hammer wrote on Feb 16th, 2017 at 3:18pm:
I was watching the Aboriginal Broadcasting Commission the other day and two knob ends were discussing the Oscars. One knob end said to the other knob end, "It seems it's going to be a much less white Oscars this year". The other knob end said, "That's got to be a good thing".  I take that to mean that white Americans who make up three quarters of the population should be forced to watch African-Americans (like Denzel Washington playing a cowboy in a western-WTF?). The same sort of anti-white sentiment is occurring all throughout western, Christian countries. As being born white is THE sin of the 21st century, all races, religions and cultures of the world should be celebrated for their exotic, old world appeal and while anything even remotely 'white' should be demonised. This is the sort of racism to which you refer, isn't it Mothballs?

There is a reason why people in positions of power aren't given advantages, Hammer.

See if you can work out why?
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Mr Hammer
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Australian Politics

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Re: Australia is meaner, dumber and more racist
Reply #10 - Feb 16th, 2017 at 3:25pm
So Anglo-saxons should turn their backs on their heritage because it offends minorities. Got it.
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Re: Australia is meaner, dumber and more racist
Reply #11 - Feb 16th, 2017 at 3:26pm
Mr Hammer wrote on Feb 16th, 2017 at 3:25pm:
So Anglo-saxons should turn their backs on their heritage because it offends minorities. Got it.

No, not because it offends minorities - because it offends lefties, who have adopted minorities as weapons with which to attack righties.

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In the fullness of time...
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Australian Politics

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Re: Australia is meaner, dumber and more racist
Reply #12 - Feb 16th, 2017 at 3:27pm
... wrote on Feb 16th, 2017 at 3:01pm:
Hatred for our fellow countrymen is at an all time high - this is progress. 

Good work, Honky. This has been your objective all along, no?
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Re: Australia is meaner, dumber and more racist
Reply #13 - Feb 16th, 2017 at 3:32pm
Mattyfisk wrote on Feb 16th, 2017 at 3:27pm:
... wrote on Feb 16th, 2017 at 3:01pm:
Hatred for our fellow countrymen is at an all time high - this is progress. 

Good work, Honky. This has been your objective all along, no?

Not me mate. 

All I want is to be left alone, im not looking to implement year zero.
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In the fullness of time...
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Mr Hammer
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Australian Politics

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Re: Australia is meaner, dumber and more racist
Reply #14 - Feb 16th, 2017 at 3:35pm
I would have walked out on the 'sorry speech' as well. For every fire and brimstone missionary who wanted to scrub the sin out of a native was many more well-meaning Australians who acted out of genuine compassion for the sorry existences of many Aboriginal children. Apparently their kindness required an apology to be made by super-annuated public servants while they soak up the tax-payer's dime. What a farkin' joke!
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