Grendel wrote on Feb 20
th, 2017 at 1:56pm:
tickleandrose wrote on Feb 20
th, 2017 at 1:52pm:
Merlin wrote on Feb 19
th, 2017 at 4:05pm:
Good One Pauline.
One Nation is the only way to vote for conservatives in Australia 2017.
Only very stupid naïve people vote for the liberal party thinking they are voting for a non leftist party.
Apart from their immigration, and rhetoric against Islam, there is nothing about ON is actually a conservative party. Have look at their website, and their principles. Its about larger government, larger taxes, and protectionism.
You be better off voting for Cori, who - although I do not believe in his extreme right wing views, is at least more consistent.
You shouldn't confuse Conservatism and Progressivism with RW and LW ideologies...
As far as Australia is concerned, conservatism in Australia are traditionally associated with right wing ideologies.
Only to the politically ignorant. both major parties have both conservatives and progressives... or did until the recent Labor purge.
It may be different in other countries. And within conservatisms in Australia, there are two types. One is Cory Bernardi's brand: small government, free enterprise, preservation of traditional values. Two is National party: protectionism, free enterprise as long as it does not hurt the farmers, and preservation of traditional values central to rural Australia. ON is conservative in regards to immigration, and religion.
ON is socially Conservative. It is traditional Labor.
However, when it comes to policies, it is rather leftist, e.g. increase of pension amount, tariffs etc.
yes, and we all know the MSM call them extreme RW.
And when it comes to issues like marriage equality, its official stance is neutral,
awaiting opinion from the Australian people - which itself is a rather progressive view.
It expects a plebiscite will not be carried and SSM will be rejected.